Chapter 1565 Novice camp assessment!

"The spaceship came to a complete stop, rumbling, and the hatch opened.

The captain of the spaceship said at the door: "Welcome everyone to the Predator Base!"

All the people started to walk down the trend, they have been waiting for a long time, and now it is finally here, can't wait to land!
Tang Zhong stood at the door, looked ahead, and suddenly froze.

This is actually a continent!
Above the starry sky ahead, there is an endless continent floating as far as the eye can see!

On that continent, there are all kinds of stars, which are huge, even bigger than the Star Wind Field!
Is this really a Marauder base?

This is obviously a living universe!

Not only him, but everyone else is also stupid now. They never thought that the predator base would be so big.

There are small stars floating next to the continent, but those stars seem very close, but I don't know why they always feel very far away!

This should be the kind that can only be seen, but it is very far away.

It has to be said that this predator base is really huge.

I don't know that this place is bigger than the one in Universe Star University!

"Okay, don't be stupid here, come with me, I will take you to report, understand?" Ye Lang said leading the way.

The others ignored it and followed Ye Lang forward.

Tang Zhong and Ye Lang stood side by side.

Ye Lang soon lost his indifference when facing other people, but smiled and said, "How is it?"

"This place is so huge, it's the biggest I've ever seen!" Tang Zhong said.

"Haha, my predator's base, how can it be small!" Ye Lang said.

"Then this place is bigger than the Universal Star University?" Tang Zhong asked.

"How can the Universe Star University compare with our predator base? How far are they?" Ye Lang said: "And what you see now is just the tip of the iceberg, understand? If you see a bigger Raider base, I think you will be scared!"

"Ah? Isn't this the biggest?" Tang Zhong was shocked.

"How could it be the biggest? Let me tell you, do you think it's far from the Great Wilderness this time?" Ye Lang asked with a smile.

"Far away!" Tang Zhong said, after all, he has been flying for 30 years, how can he not be far away?

"Then you have to remember, it takes 100 years to fly all over the Predator's headquarters!" Ye Lang laughed.

Tang Zhong has been stupid for 100 years, how far would that be?

He thought about it carefully, the Star Wind Territory was really far behind.

Because it was only a few months before he went from the Milky Way to the Star Wind Territory, which was really terrible.

No wonder he felt that the surrounding stars seemed to be sesame seeds. It turned out that the distance was really too far away.

"Okay, don't be shocked, I'll take you to the reception for newcomers first!" Ye Lang said.

After they continued to move forward, they found that there were many speeding spaceships flying around in the sky.

These are some extremely fast spaceships.

"These are predators who are going out, when the time comes, after you graduate from the novice camp, you can be like them!" Ye Lang said.

Tang Zhong and the others couldn't help but marvel, the financial resources of this predator are really extraordinary, no wonder it is called together with the virtual universe company, it is really powerful.

Ye Lang led them forward, and in front, another small spaceship was waiting for them.

It seemed to be waiting for them, a middle-aged man was waiting there.

When Ye Lang saw the middle-aged man, he walked over and exchanged fists with him.

"Ye Lang, you're finally back!" the middle-aged man said.

"Well, these people are the elites I selected from the wilderness, and now they are all brought out!" Ye Lang said.

"Well, leave them to me now, and I'll take them to the novice camp!" said the middle-aged man.

Ye Lang nodded, then turned around and said to the 200 people: "From now on, I will transfer you. Standing in front of you is a silver predator named Yuanhuo. You can call him Yuanjun Commander!" Ye Lang said.

When Tang Zhong and the others heard this, they shouted at the middle-aged Yuan Huo together: "Commander Yuan!"

"Okay!" Na Yuanhuo shouted: "From now on, you are my people, I'm here to pick you up, leave now!"

As Yuan Huo said, he walked directly into the spaceship.

The others immediately followed.

Ye Lang sent Tang Zhong and the others away. From now on, Tang Zhong will not be under his control: "Don't forget, you used to be my Ye Lang's people!"

"Won't forget it!"

From the Great Wilderness, everyone relied on Ye Lang to come out. Although they also felt that Ye Lang's assessment was abnormal, after participating in the assessment, they learned a lot, so they are very important to Ye Lang. respect.

Tang Zhong nodded towards Ye Lang.

Then board the spaceship.

After everyone boarded the spaceship, Na Yuanhuo started the spaceship directly.

The flying speed of this spaceship is very fast.

Everyone is in the spaceship.

Yuan Huo stood in the center.

His eyes scanned the surroundings.

Tang Zhong just glanced at the other party, and he knew that this person was definitely not a good person!
The place they go is the place where a novice raider should go, and they don't know what it's like?
"Rookies, are you afraid?" Yuan Huo said suddenly.

The people around were taken aback, what were they afraid of?Didn't they go to the novice camp in a spaceship?What is there to be afraid of?
"We are not afraid!" someone said.

"Oh, let me ask you again, are you really not afraid?" Yuan Huo said with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, we all came out of the wilderness, what do we have to be afraid of?" someone said.

"Yes, we will never be afraid, Commander, just speak up if you have anything to say, and when you arrive at the novice camp, you will be assessed as you want!"

Yuan Huo laughed when he heard this.

Tang Zhong was sitting at the back. At this time, he always felt that something was wrong.

This person will not say such things for no reason, he can only say that there is a trap, but where is the trap?Now in the spaceship, what problems can there be?Now just wait quietly! "

But suddenly, Tang Zhong felt something was wrong.

Na Yuanhuo suddenly stepped back from their seats and arrived at a safe place.

Tang Zhong knew that there must be a trap, and he began to be cautious.

At this time, the others didn't notice it at all.

Seeing Yuan Huo laughed, he glanced at all the people and said: "Since everyone is not afraid, then I can do it. First of all, welcome everyone to our Predator Novice Camp, and of course if you want to enter our Predator Novice Camp You have to go through some assessments, and now you are about to accept the first assessment... so now, you can start!"

The people around were stunned, what assessment?Check now?What kind of assessment can there be in the spaceship?

And at this moment, the spaceship began to change.

Under the seat they made, it suddenly deformed, and the previous defensive measures disappeared at once, as if it was directly suspended.

That is to say, the seat they were sitting under directly led to the outside, and at the same time, a hood appeared in front of Yuanhuo, isolating him from the outside world!
Everyone panicked at this moment. They were sitting on the chairs, their hands and feet were controlled. At this moment, they couldn't move at all. They were about to fall!

The people around are all stupid, they can't even try to struggle, they can't move, is this the so-called assessment?This is killing people, in an instant, they fell out of the spaceship!

(End of this chapter)

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