Chapter 1566 For real!
Now, the seats they are sitting on have been completely suspended, that is to say, they are sitting on the seats now, but they are already outside the spaceship.

"This is the first level of assessment!" Na Yuanhuo laughed loudly when he saw this.

Beside him, another person appeared, who was also smiling at the moment: "It's another group of rookies, I guess they will be scared stupid by this!"

"It will definitely!" Yuan Huo said: "This is a lesson that everyone who enters the predator novice camp must accept!"

At this time, Tang Zhong was also seated.

Now they are tied to the seat and cannot move.

He looked down, it was the ground!

Looking around is a star!

Predator spaceships flew by to and fro, and when they saw Tang Zhong and the others being tied up, they all burst into laughter.

Obviously he knew what was going on in this scene, maybe every predator has to go through it!
Suddenly, the seat started to move.

The seat seems to be retractable.

In an instant, the seat stretched out.

Those recruits are like sitting on a bungee jump.

Think about it, the back of a rapidly flying spaceship.

There are many stretchable ropes tied, and those ropes are used to support the seats, and there are still people on the seats.

It can be seen how beautiful that picture is!

The predator recruits on the seats had no idea what they were going through, it was hell here!
The strong fluctuations stimulated their bodies, as if being blown by a strong wind, many holes were blown out of their faces!
"Now tell us, are you afraid?" On the spaceship, Yuan Huo laughed loudly.

Those predators who just came in were all scared at this time, without any protective measures, being suspended and flying by such a spaceship, that kind of feeling, they really didn't want to try it in their life!

It's really uncomfortable!
"We're scared!"

"We're scared!"

All are shouting voices!
Now they have no way to break free, they can only sit on this seat, being dragged flying all the time!
Tang Zhong had expected such a thing to happen a long time ago, so he was already prepared!

When the previous seat was about to fly, he made a small movement, leaving a rope on the spaceship!
Now his hand is holding the rope, as long as he exerts his strength, he can get close to the spaceship instead of being walked like a dog!

Immediately, he suddenly exerted force, and the force on the rope forcibly pulled him over, and the whole person directly approached the spaceship!
That Yuanhuo Army Commander was laughing!

Seeing this scene suddenly, his brows frowned, and the people next to him were also stunned: "Commander?"

Not only him, but also the predators passing by inside the spaceship were also dumbfounded.

Flying by the spaceship, this is something that every predator needs to bear after coming in.

Of course, everyone will be bullied like this, and there is nothing they can do about it.

But now, someone has not been hanged!
This is probably the first time!

"I'm going, you guys look at those recruits, look at that recruit, he... he didn't fly by hanging!"


"My God, first time!"

Everyone was shocked!
And those looters who were hanging were all looking at Tang Zhong, dumbfounded!
I saw Tang Zhong pulling the rope, leaning against the spaceship with his back, sticking it to it, so that there would be less impact and it would be more comfortable!
Yuan Huo and others didn't expect it.

The person next to him immediately said: "Commander, what should this predator recruit do?"

Seeing Yuan Huo laughed: "Is this a thorn?"

"It should be. It's been many years, and this kind of thing hasn't happened!" The person next to him said.

"Of course I know!" Yuan Huo said.

"Then don't you give this guy a bad blow?" the person next to him said.

What they did was to give these newcomers a bad rap and make them obey obediently, knowing what a predator base is!
"Of course..." Yuan Huo laughed.

"How do you give it?" asked the person next to him.

"What do you think? Since this kid can find out that we are going to do that, it means that the opponent's perception ability is strong, so let's treat him as an enemy, and the enemy is approaching our spaceship, what do you think we should do?" Yuan Huo laughed.

"I see, Commander!" The person next to him ordered, and then made a remote call: "Control department, put the spaceship into defensive mode immediately, an enemy is approaching the spaceship!"


Controls is where you control your spaceship!
It is electronically controlled and belongs to a system.

And the so-called defense system is that the spacecraft automatically enters the defense, locks on the enemy, and kills them!

Tang Zhong was lying on the back of the spaceship right now.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, his perception surpassed ordinary people, and a buzzing sound came from his ears.

This is the sound of entering the alert!
And the only thing that is so close to him and can enter the alert is this big spaceship.

Could it be that the people inside the spaceship put the spaceship into defense mode...,

"Damn!" Tang Zhong couldn't help shouting, are these people planning to play for real?
I didn't want to be in danger at any time when I came to the Predator!
On the spaceship, it began to turn red, as if it had been scorched by flames. It was in defense mode. Now the walls of the spaceship began to enter a high temperature state. The boiling point of the earth is 100 degrees, so when everything reaches 100 degrees, it boils. , and in the universe, the boiling point is different because of the place where it is located, maybe tens of thousands of degrees. , So, the temperature of the outer layer of the spacecraft is now as high as tens of thousands of degrees!
In fact, Tang Zhong knew that after boarding this spaceship, there would definitely be an assessment, but he didn't know that the assessment was so fierce.

Red high temperature spread over.

Tang Zhong was no longer attached to the spaceship.

The rope he was hanging on the spaceship before was melted away.

There is nothing to grab, the current Tang Zhong may only have one way to go, sitting on the seat, being dragged by the spaceship!
This is not Tang Zhong's character!
Tang Zhong said to the spaceship: "You are really here, don't regret it!"

His words reached Yuan Huo and the people around him.

The person next to him laughed loudly: "I know this kid is a thorn, but I didn't expect that he would be so thorn. This is challenging us!"

"Yes, there has never been such a person, I have to have fun with him!" Yuan Huo laughed.

"The high temperature is not enough, come with something else!"

At this time, Tang Zhong was still close to the spaceship, but he didn't stick to it, because the temperature was too high, if he got close, he would definitely burn himself!
But at this moment, he felt something was wrong, what the fuck, these people are serious!

(End of this chapter)

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