Chapter 1567 The spaceship is destroyed!

These people are serious!
I saw sharp spikes protruding from the red spaceship in front of Tang Zhong. They were also red and hot.

The sharp thorn was piercing towards Tang Zhong's abdomen.

Tang Zhong noticed it early, at this time, he dodged immediately, and the spikes just passed by.

Then the spikes go back again,

Tang Zhong exhaled a breath of foul air, he was really lucky.

Yuan Huo and the others were stunned in the spaceship, but they didn't get stabbed. Yuan Huo said: "Continue..."

He is now the captain of the spaceship, and all systems of the spaceship obey his orders!
Tang Zhong was thankful that he had escaped the attack, when suddenly another spike came from the spaceship.

"Come again?" Tang Zhong was slightly angry!

This is clearly treating him as an enemy, okay, that's easy, this time, Tang Zhong directly took out the magic sword and regarded him as an enemy, then he just treats the other party as an enemy.

I saw the spikes just sticking out.

"Break it!" Tang Zhong stood up with a sword.

The spike was cut off directly and fell from the sky!
The spaceship was damaged, and there was an urgent sound.

The spikes on the wall of the spaceship are actually the metal on the spaceship, if one is cut off, the spaceship will be damaged!

Yuan Huo and the others were laughing, and an urgent voice came from their ears: "Report, report, the spaceship is damaged!"

Immediately, Yuan Huo frowned.

The people next to him were about to yell and curse: "This kid... actually hacked our spaceship..."

This is definitely the first time this has happened.

Because in history, all recruits who entered the Predator would be dragged like this, just like walking a dog!
Not a single one has not been walked, it's already a tradition!

Even those who put on golden armor have been walked.

Except for those strong men wearing Tianjin armor who were not walked with their dogs. Of course, those wearing Tianjin armor have never damaged the spaceship!
It can be said that Tang Zhong is definitely No.1 in the history of predators.

The predators on the surrounding spaceships were supposed to be doing missions, but they almost stopped at this time, wanting to watch the farce.

They've all been walked as dogs!

And they were powerless to fight back at that time, but now they saw someone not being walked, and they fought back, as if they had discovered a new world.

"My God...they still fight back..."

"This recruit, thorn head!"

"That's right!"

"I have to pass this matter to the Predator Base!"

Immediately, the video was shot directly and sent to the Predator Virtual Universe.

There is also a virtual universe among the predators, but it is an independent virtual universe, which is specially made by the virtual universe company.

In the predator virtual universe!
The video went viral immediately.

directly caused a sensation.

"My goodness, this kid didn't get a dog walk!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

"It seems that the predator is about to show such a thorn again!"

"Do you think this kid will be famous in the Predator Ranking Tournament when he just came in?"

Many predators are now paying attention.

But at this time, after Tang Zhong chopped off the spike, he didn't stop.

Since the people in this spaceship regard him as an enemy, then he will also treat the other party as an enemy!

So, let's get started!

Tang Zhong took the magic sword and pierced the spaceship with one sword.

The magic sword was already extremely sharp, but this time, it pierced directly.

At this moment, almost everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

This kid actually destroyed the spaceship!
The Predators who watched the live video through the virtual universe were all excited, it was so exciting!
No one has done this before!

In fact, after they were walked by that spaceship, they wanted to destroy that spaceship, but they dared not do it, and now someone has done it!
"Awesome... this kid!"

"It's awesome, I really want to know this kid!"

In the spaceship, Yuan Huo and the people around him were completely dumbfounded.

"Army...Army Commander, this kid, are you trying to destroy the spaceship by doing this?" the person next to him asked.

Yuan Huo didn't expect such a thing to happen!

No one had ever dared to do this, and each time, he was there to meet these new marauders, but each time, everyone was walked, all the way to the base!

But this time, such a freak appeared!

But at this time, he saw Tang Zhong's next move, and was about to continue stabbing the spaceship.

"No, stop him immediately!" Yuan Huo shouted.

If he gets stabbed again, the spaceship will be destroyed. This is a spaceship used to pick up newborns, how can it be destroyed!
But at this time, outside, Tang Zhong had already stabbed out with a sword!
And the predators who watched Tang Zhong's actions through the video, this time all shouted in their hearts to stab!
A click.

The magic sword pierced directly on the spaceship. This time, Tang Zhong didn't remember to pull out the magic sword, but cut the spaceship.

Treat him as an enemy, then come!
Who is afraid of who!
Directly cut a big hole in the spaceship!
In the spaceship, the red light was flashing, and an emergency came suddenly.

Yuan Huo couldn't control it anymore, and now there were ten thousand horses galloping in his heart: "Stop, stop!"

he yelled.

The sound spread outside and reached Tang Chong's ears.

Tang Zhong heard it, but he just didn't stop.

After bullying him is like telling him to stop?There are no doors!

If he didn't destroy this spaceship today, he wouldn't be called Tang Zhong anymore.

The magic sword stabs constantly!

Rumbling, the spaceship began to bump up.

Yuan Huo and the others were in the spaceship, and their ears were full of urgent voices from the system: "The spaceship has been severely damaged and needs urgent repairs!"

"Fix, fix, fix!" Yuan Huo shouted.

"It cannot be repaired, the damage is too serious!" the system said.

Yuan Huo was in a hurry: "Then what should I do?"

"The spaceship is about to crash!" the system said.


Yuan Huo and the people around him panicked. This is a spaceship. That boy actually destroyed a spaceship. They really regret it now. If they were given a chance, they would never embarrass that boy again!
What the hell is going on!
"The spaceship is about to crash!"

And the spacecraft began to fly downward.

In other words, the spaceship is over!

Yuanhuo and the others can no longer control the spaceship, and now they can only run.

But when Tang Zhong stabbed the spaceship, the spaceship had overflowed with energy and was about to fall.

He directly cut off his seat!

Then he went to save the people in the seats behind him, and cut off all of them with one sword.

Those people are saved.

At the same time, Yuan Huo and the others also jumped off the spaceship.

I saw the huge spaceship, flying at a high speed, and landed directly on the ground with a bang.

Boom boom boom.

The intense light exploded all of a sudden, and the light shot straight into the sky!

Everyone was dumbfounded, this... this spaceship was actually destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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