Chapter 1582 Abandoned Base!

Who is the anonymous person?

The fiery woman murmured.

At the same time, Tang Zhong has been practicing all day long, and he is almost done now!
Just go back and rest!

The next day I still went in to the martial arts arena.

But this time, Tang Zhong was not as popular as before.

At this time, few people paid any attention to Tang Zhong.

Although everyone doesn't know that this is Tang Zhong, but they know that the anonymous person is very powerful, Ling Yu is not the opponent of the other party, so there are not many people around Tang Zhong, but this does not mean that no one dares to challenge Tang Zhong now. The top-ranked people in the martial arts field came to challenge Tang Zhong.

But those people, in the hands of Tang Zhong now, can't stay for a few moves!

It was like this for several days!
Slowly, the title of anonymous person became popular!
Almost everyone is talking about this guy!

But this time, not only Ling Yu, but also several people at the top of the leaderboard were defeated by Tang Zhong.

After all, this martial arts arena was only created for new predators, and the number of people is not particularly large!

And they are all newcomers!

After a few days of fighting, Tang Zhong fought several people and won with an overwhelming posture, and his reputation here became more and more popular.

Everyone knows the existence of anonymous people now, and Tang Zhong also feels that it is useless to fight here!
These are all newcomers, not at the same level as him.

Facing these people can kill them with a few sword strikes!

Moreover, he also suppressed his own strength, so that there is no opponent, there is really nothing to continue!
And the name Anonymous has become extremely popular in the arena!

In the Predator Forum, the name Anonymous has been constantly praised.

"That anonymous person, do you know?"

"I know, it's amazing, several people at the top of the standings have been defeated by him!"

"I don't even know who this person is!"

"do not know!"

Some people have investigated who this person is, but there is no result at all. No one knows who Tang Zhong is!

Thunder Fire Island.

Tang Zhong was beside Su Jiu: "Su Jiu, besides the fighting arena, are there other places where I can practice?"

"Yes, it's just that the place of cultivation is far away from here. What's the matter, Senior Brother Tang? Why are you asking this?" Su Jiu asked.

"I want to go to the trial!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, can't it be done in the martial arts arena? There is a place where you can practice, but I'm afraid you can't do it, Brother Tang. That place is an abandoned technology base!" Su Jiu said.

"There's nothing wrong with it, just tell me what this technology base is!" Tang Zhong asked.

Seeing Tang Zhong, Su Jiu asked: "Okay, Senior Brother Tang, let me tell you, do you know why you can't see those people at the front of the arena in the arena?"

When Tang Zhong heard this, his reaction seemed to be true. He had never met anyone in the front ranks in the martial arts arena!

"These people have all gone to this abandoned technology base!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, that's right, that abandoned science and technology base is actually the base of a great cosmic scientist. They specialize in the development of various medicines. After capturing the cosmic people, they inject medicines to make people mutate. At the same time, they also create various medicines. Mechs, and mecha beasts, this great scientist of the universe is getting better and better, threatening the universe. Later, the predators directly shot this great scientist of the universe and locked him in the first prison of the universe. At the same time, the things developed by the great scientists are still there, but because the abilities of those mutants and mecha beasts are weakened, the predators did not destroy them, but made it a trial base, just to let us Newcomer trial!" Su Jiu explained.

After listening to Tang Zhong's words, he probably knew the origin of this technology base!

"The newcomers who are at the top of the fighting field have all gone there to fight, because the technology base has a master control, and the mecha soldiers there can be continuously produced, so there are always there, and that place is a very good training base. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you need to be careful, someone has died in it!" Su Jiu explained.

"How to get there?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Senior Brother Tang, are you really going? I advise you not to go, let's talk about it when you become famous in the martial arts arena!" Su Jiu said.

"It's okay, I have to go!" Tang Zhong said.

After all, he is also a famous person in this fighting arena now!

He's also been on the Predator forums, and he's called Anonymous!
"Okay!" Su Jiu said: "You can see the teleportation circle going there when you go out from Thunder Fire Island!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

Just ready to leave here!

"You have to be careful. By the way, be careful about Ling Yu. That guy sometimes goes to the trial base. He saw you when he came here last time. If you let him know that you are from Lei Huo Dao , I'm afraid you will be in big trouble!" Su Jiu said.

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhong laughed.

If Ling Yu dares to come, then he promises that Ling Yu will never return!

He was about to leave Leihuo Road and go to the technology base to have a look!

Since he came to Leihuo Dao, he has been on this island and has not been to other places.

Go through the winding islands!
Finally on the normal road.

From a distance, I saw a predator soldier guarding a light gate!
The light gate is the teleportation circle, which is driven by the power of the universe, and can stimulate energy that travels through time and space, allowing people to teleport.

There are several people beside the light gate, obviously they are going to go in, these people are simply decorated, obviously they are all newcomers, but their eyes are very calm, it seems that their strength should be good!

It seems that this light gate is the way to the science and technology base!
Immediately, Tang Zhong hurriedly lined up behind.

When those people want to enter the transmission circle, the soldier will check who the other party is before letting them go.

It seems to be checking the opponent's ranking in the arena.

When Tang Zhong saw this, it was no wonder that Su Jiu said before that only those who were at the top of the martial arts field could enter this technology base!

It turned out to be due to inspection!
Finally it was Tang Zhong's turn, he stepped forward quickly.

The soldier raised his hand to block Tang Zhong, and said indifferently: "Stop, check, let me see your score sheet!"

Tang Zhong stood up and raised his wrist.

After the soldier caught it, he started checking the points!
Tang Zhong has been fighting in the martial arts arena as an anonymous person. These days, he has been winning all the time, so he has a lot of points. He has never seen these points from the beginning to the end, so he doesn't know how many there are!

The soldier looked at Tang Zhong's points and was taken aback for a moment: "8650 points, you can enter the abandoned base if you reach 5000 points, you pass the level, go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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