Chapter 1583 Mutant Resurrection!
"You have passed the level, let's go!" The soldier let Tang Zhong go.

Get out of the way.

Tang Zhong walked forward and directly entered the teleportation circle. He felt as if he was standing in the starry sky. Just now he saw people coming in like this, and soon disappeared.

That is to use the power of cosmic energy to achieve the effect of teleportation, go to that abandoned base!
Whoosh, Tang Zhong's body turned into a beam of light and disappeared!
After Tang Zhong left, the soldier who checked Tang Zhong just now became confused. He saw that Tang Zhong had a lot of points just now, but he didn't see Tang Zhong's name. It's strange, is it anonymous?
He has to check a lot of people every day, and there are still many people who are going to pass, so he didn't think too much about it.

"Next person!"

I saw someone coming up to let the soldiers check. If the points are enough, let them go directly. If the points are not enough, let them get out of here!

At this moment, Tang Zhong had arrived at the abandoned base.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, he arrived at an abandoned land.

This piece of land is very scorched black, there are many residues on it, it should be all metal, and there is a black fishy smell!

Apparently a lot of people died here, and there was a fierce battle!

It seems that the great cosmic scientist Su Jiu mentioned is very powerful, and he can actually create such a powerful thing, even the predators are no match for him!

Tang Zhong was very satisfied with this place, before he could move forward, he felt a killing intent right behind him.

It seems that something is coming.

If you look carefully at this time, you will find that there is something bulging and moving in the soil behind Tang Zhong, and it is moving towards Tang Zhong's direction. The speed is really not ordinary fast!
Suddenly, with a bang, something popped out of the ground.

That's a mecha snake!

The whole body is made of metal, except for the red pupils, and it swallowed Tang Zhong in one gulp.

Fortunately, Tang Zhong sensed it before, and suddenly pulled out the magic sword, and then stabbed at the mecha snake with a sword.

It stabbed directly from the mouth of the mecha snake!
The powerful sword energy was released, and the Mecha Snake was violently shaken away, and finally turned into metal and scattered around!
Then Tang Zhong retracted his sword, looked at the Mecha Snake that had turned into pieces, and had to say, the man who made the Mecha Snake was very good, this is completely the work of a genius!
Moreover, this snake is very powerful, no wonder people will die here, if this snake attacked, few people would be able to react, and they would be killed directly!

This is indeed a nice place!

Tang Zhong likes it very much!
Now he starts hunting.

There are mechanical castles everywhere, but it is obvious that they have experienced various wars, and now these castles have been completely abandoned!
Did the mecha beast come out?

Tang Zhong even had a feeling that these mecha beasts were more powerful than those in the fighting arena. These mecha beasts knew about sneak attacks, and some of them had the function of invisibility. Imagine, if you can't react, what kind of consequences will it be?

I am afraid there is only death!

Moreover, Tang Zhong also discovered other people, newcomers to the Predator, who were also hunting and killing these mecha beasts, but they were all in groups!
In this place, it is right to gather in groups, because those mecha beasts will appear suddenly, and you have no idea where they will come out. If Tang Zhong's perception is not strong, otherwise he would never be alone. came here!
At this time, Tang Zhong killed a mecha leopard, pierced its head with a sword, and then pulled out the sword.

The mecha leopard fell limply to the ground, and finally exploded!

This is the 325th mech beast that Tang Zhong killed!

These mecha beasts are a little fragile when facing him!

Continue to search, this place will not improve him a lot, but this is the only place he can come now!

Immediately, his body turned into a shadow, heading towards the dark place!

After half a day.

Tang Zhong entered a mechanical castle!
This mechanical castle is more luxurious than what I have seen before. From a distance, there are many signs of damage on the fort. Obviously, this place has been through a big battle, and it was a very intense battle. Generally, this kind of place is basically There are fortresses all over the place.

There must be something very important here, otherwise the looters would not use such a large amount of firepower to occupy this place.

Tang Zhong stepped in. It was very dark inside, basically he couldn't see anything clearly. As soon as he walked in, he saw his feet were sticky!
He looked down, his eyes squinted together, it was all blood, and the coagulated blood had a strong coagulation force!

And it's all human blood. It seems that many people died in this way before, otherwise such a situation would not have happened!

Going all the way, it's basically the same!

From time to time, I can still touch human bones and heads.

As long as this kind of thing is touched, it will be dried directly.

Bones absorb cosmic energy and can exist for a long time. Now this kind of thing disappears so easily. It can only show that these bones have been here for a long time!

It should be the dead senior!
"Sin!" Tang Zhong murmured.

Then go quickly.

Go ahead and have a look!
Still pitch black.

There are still battles around, and dead mutants, these mutants are different from any mutants, some of them have dark skin, strange shapes, three eyes, some have wings, and three heads and six arms!
But these mutants are very strange, they didn't turn into skeletons, but their skins are all intact, but they have no vitality.

Ordinary cosmic beings are not so strange!

Tang Zhong walked very carefully. In this kind of area, you have to slow down!
Otherwise, I am afraid that there is no way to guard against danger!

What Tang Zhong didn't know was that those mutated people fell to the ground, their closed eyes suddenly moved slightly, as if they had absorbed some power, and now they started to live!
Tang Zhong immediately noticed something was wrong!

Those mutants who fell on the ground suddenly stretched out their hands and grabbed Tang Zhong's ankle!
Their nails are like sharp knives, once they catch someone, their legs will be removed!
Tang Zhong stepped on the ground suddenly, and his whole body flew into the air.

Take out the magic sword quickly!
These mutants are really cunning!

He stabbed with a sword!
Stabbed on the mutant.

It made a loud noise, but it still penetrated the mutant's body!

It seems that the body of this kind of mutant is very hard, like steel. Now he has no time to study these mutants, because more and more mutants have come to life underground, and they are coming towards Tang Zhong. Now they are running for their lives. That's what matters.

(End of this chapter)

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