Chapter 1584 Huge tentacles!

At this moment, countless mutated people approached Tang Zhong, sticky juice came out of their mouths, and many small holes appeared on the skin, and green juice was bubbling inside, which should be the body fluids of mutated people. On the ground, with strong corrosiveness, several holes were dissolved on the ground!
Now dozens of mutants are charging towards Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong could only keep retreating now!

Once the juice from those mutants dripped on Tang Zhong's body, it would corrode his body!

Slashing down with a sword, the mutant's arm was cut off directly, and as expected, juice came out, and the juice fell on the mutant's body, and directly melted the opponent's body, which shows how powerful it is!

Tang Zhong tried his best not to have direct contact with these mutants, and then slaughtered them, but he also found a problem, that is, there are no other people's footprints underground, because the underground is full of viscous blood, if someone walks by Sometimes, the footprints underground will be very obvious, but now there are no footprints, which means that no one has been here at all!
This is the lair of that scientist, maybe there is some treasure there!

Tang Zhong decided to go on an adventure to see what's down there!
And when he didn't know.

At this moment, in the temporary camp of this abandoned base!

It is an emergency place built by the looters in this abandoned base, as long as it is set up to solve emergency situations!

For example, once someone is injured by those mecha beasts, they must be sent here for treatment as soon as possible!

And there is a central control computer here.

This computer can control the entire abandoned base!

Their looters built this abandoned base as an assessment site, but it doesn't mean that this place is without potential danger. They have never been to some places, and they don't know what's inside.

They turned the signs of the areas they couldn't go into red.

There is a large computer in front of them. There are many areas of different colors on the computer. There are three colors in the computer. Green represents the safe area. The mecha beasts below it can be dealt with completely, and the people who can enter it can be dealt with completely. The yellow area is a dangerous area, ordinary people can't survive, only outstanding people can do it.

As for the red area is also a high-risk area.

Ordinary people must not go in, otherwise they will die.

At this moment, next to this computer, several people are standing against the computer area together.

Suddenly, a red area on the computer flickered, indicating that someone had broken in.

Suddenly, everyone became tense.

"How did this happen? Who broke into the dangerous area."

A burly man squinted his eyes, leaning against the computer in front of him, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Go and stop him," the man said.

"Yes, Commander, really, we all built danger signs there, how could anyone still enter?"

The man said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and save people. Those who can enter here are all potential figures among our predators. It would be too bad to die!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The few people behind quickly left the temporary camp, boarded the spaceship, and left here!

And at this moment, in an abandoned base.

Tang Zhong is still moving forward, and there are more and more mutants around. Although it is not difficult, so many mutants have attracted Tang Zhong's attention. This place has never been mined, and there are so many mutants. There is something wrong!

And he found that the further he went, the stronger the strength of those mutants!
There are still flying mecha beasts everywhere. What's even more frightening is that it was an abandoned castle before, but now it has entered a huge underground palace!

There are still various medicine bottles left in the underground palace, all of which are bottled and placed on the podium.

He approached a medicine bottle and looked at the juice inside.

It's green, and the juice in it is still stirring, as if it might burst out at any time!
This juice is very similar to the juice in the bodies of those mutants. It seems that when you studied these mutants before, you poured this juice into their bodies!

This is probably a research base!

Then Tang Zhong should be more careful!
At this time, Tang Zhong found that there were fewer mutants around, and he found that the surrounding walls were not too damaged. Obviously, there had been no battles here before.

Obviously no one has been here before!
He just came in and encountered this situation!
Looking down, I saw a lot of black viscous liquid shining with light, and there were a lot of red light in the liquid, which looked very strange!
"What is this?" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

Obviously these black viscous liquids flowed out from inside!

But the front was pitch black, and I didn't know what was there!
He still walked in, and just as his body was submerged in the darkness, a black shadow swept out from the middle!
Tang Zhong quickly raised his magic sword to resist, he couldn't see clearly what this black shadow was!
All I knew was that the black shadow was so powerful that it squeezed him out abruptly!
At this time, taking advantage of the faint light on the magic sword, Tang Zhong could clearly see the real appearance of this black shadow!

It was a tentacle, similar to an octopus hand, very thick!
It was this tentacle that blasted him out just now.

The predators are all in this place, but this tentacle is still alive, which means that the predators have not come in!

At this time, the tentacles began to approach Tang Zhong, and there were many eyes on them, blinking and blinking, the eyeballs were constantly moving and wriggling.

It fell in the air and slapped Tang Zhong down.

Tang Zhong quickly raised his magic sword to resist.


The tentacles fell down, blasting down from the top of Tang Zhong's head.

Tang Zhong blocked the falling attack with his sword, and with his feet on the ground, he stepped on the ground to create cracks and cracks, as if the ground was about to collapse!
The closest to the tentacle, Tang Zhong saw many golden blood vessels in the tentacle, as if the continuous power of the tentacle was transmitted from the golden blood vessels!

And those golden blood vessels seem to be filled with magma...

But the tentacle missed a blow and came down again.

It's like falling from a mountain!
This power is too strong, Tang Zhong can't let it go on, if it goes on like this, his arm will be crippled!

Immediately grasping the magic sword tightly, with surging strength, the sword cut out!

And the tentacle just fell down.

With a click, the tentacles were cut by the magic sword, leaving tiny scars on them!

The golden blood vessels inside seemed to have been cut open, and a golden-yellow magma-like thing popped out.

(End of this chapter)

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