Chapter 1585 Transformation!

When Tang Zhong cut the tentacles apart, a golden-yellow magma-like thing emerged from the inside and fell to the ground!

Did not corrode the ground.

Instead, I saw that something similar to magma seemed to be volatilizing, making a hissing sound!
And from it, Tang Zhong felt the strength.

At the same time, after the golden viscous liquid really came out of the tentacles, the tentacles immediately went limp, completely turning into a layer of skin!

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, it seems that the golden viscous juice gave strength to the tentacle, that's why such a thing happened, and now that the power has been evacuated, the tentacle has directly become what it is now!

The tentacles shriveled completely and fell to the ground!

Tang Zhong didn't look at him, and continued to move forward. Being able to provide such a powerful force to the tentacles shows the origin of the golden juice.

And the looters didn't come to this place, maybe there is some treasure down there!

This time, Tang Zhong became careful, he held the magic sword in front, with the faint light, he could see the road ahead!
At this time, he saw that on the wall, there were many things like tentacles, densely packed, like the roots of trees!
However, there is a faint light released from each root.

And they are all slowly wriggling, these small tentacles are not like the big one just now, they actively attack Tang Zhong, but they have intelligence, Tang Zhong will naturally not let them go!

Sweep away directly with the magic sword.

Click click!

Those tentacles were all cut off by Tang Zhong, and then shriveled instantly!

After Tang Zhong finished killing, he continued to move forward.

There is a passage ahead, and the viscous liquid underground has increased.

But now he found that this place was clearly just a treasure, because he felt a force.

At the same time, his body also changed.

The dragon avatar has been looming all the time, wanting to transform!

The giant dragon clone will only appear when it absorbs power.

Obviously there is a very powerful energy source ahead!

After a few steps, we arrived in a larger space!

Immediately, Tang Zhong was shocked.

That's a tall space.

The most conspicuous thing is a huge energy golden ball, that golden ball is as dazzling as the sun!
It can be seen that in the golden sphere, there is the viscous juice similar to magma seen in the tentacles just now!
In other words, the power is transmitted from this golden ball!

And now he felt that his blood was surging, and his hand had become a dragon's hand!

Tang Zhong was just about to walk over to see what that golden ball was!
At this moment, a fireball burst out from above the ball.

At an extremely fast speed, it rushed towards Tang Zhong!
As soon as Tang Zhong passed by, he felt the danger when he was approaching, so he quickly avoided it!

The fireball bombarded the wall all of a sudden, and the ground shook.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong broke out in a cold sweat. He should have thought this would be the case just now, the power to make those tentacles have spiritual intelligence, how could it be possible that he has no spiritual intelligence!
"The intruder... die!"

It's like a devil's voice!

More and more flames emerged from the golden ball.

Boom boom boom.

Densely packed!

When Tang Zhong heard the voice, his body trembled.

Dodging fireballs is all that matters now.

The body is like a phantom, dodging around, and the speed is extremely fast!

Blink everywhere!

And the fireball hit the ground, directly melting the ground into several large pits.

At the same time, a female ghost in the shape of a human appeared from the golden sphere, and her whole body was also golden yellow. It looked like that, it was really frightening!
And he kept screaming: "Die, die!"

Tang Zhong was stunned, this kind of power actually melted into life!
In the universe, energy turns into life!
The more cosmic energy absorbed, the stronger the ability to become life.

And now this golden ball claims to be life, which is really terrifying!

But this life is definitely not born out of thin air. If the guess is correct, this thing is probably left by the scientists!
The looters never came to this place, so they didn't destroy it!
Now Tang Zhong knew why this scientist was caught.

Because creating such a life is really terrifying!

This kind of life is artificial life, forcibly using power to stimulate it.

Artificial life will never be smoother than the creation of the universe!
Of course there are more failures!
However, for Tang Zhong, this is a huge tonic. You must know that the other party was inspired by energy, so now he is full of strength!
This thing has to be killed!
The golden female ghost started to roar wildly, her whistling sound was very high-pitched, and when she shouted, the surrounding flames were boiling all the time, turning into countless fire rains, pouring them down directly!
Tang Zhong used the magic sword to resist continuously!
But the fire rain is really dense!

The raindrops fell on Tang Zhong's body, a burning sensation made him grit his teeth, and the meridians all over his body trembled!
This feeling can be said to be heart-piercing pain!

This created life is really powerful to the extreme!
You know, the current Tang Zhong has merged with the law of fire, but he still can't bear it...

And at this time, the female ghost roared again!

Tang Zhong knew that if he continued, he might die here, which Tang Zhong absolutely didn't want to see.

But since I met this kind of life here, and now the giant dragon avatar likes it very much, then let's start!

Tang Zhong directly released the giant dragon clone!

I saw Tang Zhong began to change.

His body directly rose to more than three meters, and all the muscles in his body swelled up. At the same time, his dragon claws appeared.

The pupils of the whole person are blood red, and this is already the appearance of a giant dragon clone.

After the dragon avatar was fully released, it had a strong desire for that kind of power, and then it slammed on the ground, and its body rushed out, facing the air!

At that moment, the dragon claws tore through.

Although the female ghost looked strong, she was still a living body. She was torn apart by the dragon's claws and roared.

But feeling that his danger was being molested, he immediately became furious.

It roared even more.

Flames flew all over the place.

And Tang Zhong directly started again.

The giant dragon avatar is bloody, killing, devouring, and killing everything together. When he stepped on the ground, the ground shook.

Soar up!

The giant dragon's avatar swallowed directly, as long as it swallowed the female ghost's body in one bite, the teeth in the mouth were sharp, and it directly sucked in the power.

He wants to devour all of these and strengthen himself.

(End of this chapter)

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