Chapter 1586 Headquarters Support Needed!

Now Tang Zhong, who has become a giant dragon clone, can only devour him now!

His pupils burst out with golden light, like beams of light, he took a bite and bit the thing that looked like a female ghost!
The female ghost howled in pain, and a powerful wave shook out from her body!
All of a sudden, Tang Zhong of Hualong was shocked back!

Tang Zhong was pushed by the shock and let out a wild roar. The bone wings behind him stirred up, and his whole body flew into the air!

The female ghost stared at Tang Zhong, and roared: "You... who are you? It is impossible for ordinary people to be so powerful!"

I saw Tang Zhong stretched out his dragon claws and grabbed it in the air: "Food..."

In an instant, Tang Zhong rushed out and devoured the female ghost in one gulp!
The female ghost has seen Tang Zhong's power just now, and she is constantly retreating!

"Go away, you lowly life form!"


Hearing this address, Tang Zhong yelled directly. The blood in his body became furious when he heard what the other party said.

Thick blood vessels were exposed on Tang Zhong's skin, which meant that the blood was about to swell.

The sound of Long Xiao came out.

The blood of the dragon should not be underestimated!
Under Tang Zhong's roar, the female ghost's sharp voice was nothing at all. It was obvious that the female ghost's head was completely suppressed by the whistling sound. May rebel!
When the universe created life, it also set a level for each life.

The aura of a superior being can suppress an inferior being!

But now the female ghost, feeling the suppression of the breath of life, retreated again and again, she is a manufactured life body, can fly in the air, and started to run away, for fear of being caught by Tang Zhong!
And Tang Zhong followed directly behind.

The female ghost can fly, and so can Tang Zhong.

Ahead is a series of passages, which go deep into the ground continuously. The female ghost is running in front, while Tang Zhong is chasing behind.

He used the strength in his body to chase the flying female ghost, and the front was zigzag.

Tang Zhong suddenly exerted force, his body was ejected like a missile, and he grabbed the female ghost.

As long as it is a living being, it has a body, and if it is caught, it cannot fly.

The female ghost started to howl!

Tang Zhong tore off the female ghost's body with one claw, and golden blood burst out from the body.

Tang Zhong opened his mouth directly and absorbed everything.

When that kind of power entered his body, his blood boiled even more, feeling comfortable, he laughed wildly, his pupils glowed with golden light!

The female ghost screamed miserably in fright. It was an oppressive force that almost suffocated her.

This female ghost creature was created, and has been devouring life for a living, so as to strengthen herself, but she has never encountered such a strong person today!
All living beings have fear, and now the female ghost is in fear!

The creature behind him is a king under heaven and earth!
It is impossible for Tang Zhong to let the female ghost escape. He charged up, and this time, he tore the female ghost's body apart. The dragon claws were violent and domineering, ignoring everything!
Half of the female ghost's body was torn apart, and the golden light shone in her body!

Tang Zhong inhaled all the golden light into his body, and saw the blood vessels in his body shining with light!

Continue to hunt.

Underground, two people are fighting separately, but at this moment, on the ground!

The Marauder ships have arrived.

Spaceships from that Marauder makeshift base are everywhere, filled with rescuers.

They all came from the temporary base. This is a high-risk area. A predator soldier entered. It is impossible for them to give up any soldier. Even if this soldier is facing death, he must not give up!

All are gathered at the entrance of this dangerous area!
In front of them is a passage.

Even if the soldiers of these looters arrived here, they didn't dare to advance rashly, and they never went in!

Moreover, many new recruits from the Marauders surrounded the surrounding area and entered the trial of the ruins, but what they never expected was that such a situation would happen!

"what happened?"

"Did someone break into the danger zone?"

"I didn't expect this person to be so courageous!"

"Isn't that looking for death?" From the crowd, someone slowly came out, it was Tianyu Dao Ling Yu, and behind him were several people from Tianyu Dao!
The people next to him all knew Ling Yu, and knew that Tian Yudao and his group were not good people, so they retreated one after another instead of fighting with them!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, this is not the place to come!" At this time, the looters shouted.

These recruits left here slowly!

At this moment, in the tunnel of the base captain, someone next to him asked, "Captain, can you get in?"

"Come in!" the captain said.

Several people from the Predator Rescue Base are all ready to go in now!
But bang!
The whole ground calmed down.

From the passage, fluctuations surged out, and a few people were shaken out as soon as they entered.

Moreover, the powerful vibration made the ground feel like an earthquake. When it was emitted, the ground cracked, and golden light gushed out from the ground!
Those raider recruits who had just left couldn't stand still, and they all fell to the ground.

It took a long time before the fluctuations stopped, and the surroundings seemed to be in the end of the world!
A large group of people began to panic, obviously not expecting such a situation.

Those new predators have never seen such a situation. Even the people who used to call the wind and rain in this abandoned base are starting to regress now. They can't bear the fluctuation just now.

And those members of the Predator Rescue Team panicked when they saw this. They have been here for so long, but they have never encountered such a situation!

They also faltered, not daring to move forward any further.

If you are not careful, you will die!

The person next to him asked the captain: "Should we go in?"

"Wait!" The captain also panicked, and after a short pause: "Notify the headquarters immediately and ask them to send someone over to see what happened here, tell them that this place is unusual, and ask them to send someone over immediately! "

The man nodded, and then started to make a cosmic phone call: "Call the headquarters, call the headquarters, a mysterious force was found in the abandoned base, and reinforcements from the headquarters are needed!"

"Roger that!"

The number he dialed was Marauder Emergency!
After the call was over, they returned to the captain. A large group of people were looking at the entrance, but they dared not go in!

And at this time, in the underground palace, the battle was still going on.

The female ghost was running ahead, while Tang Zhong was chasing after him. Now he is getting more and more violent, because the underground palace is twists and turns. Wherever he goes, everything is destroyed. It can be described as devastated.


(End of this chapter)

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