Chapter 1587 Silver Predator!

The female ghost ran ahead, while Tang Zhong chased after her.

Bang bang bang bang, the body kept hitting the surroundings, the walls were cracked, and the mud splashed!

And now, the female ghost's body is only normal, and it usually looks like a female ghost, while the other half is braving golden light and has no human appearance at all, screaming there.

Finally, she couldn't run anymore.

In an instant, Tang Zhong rushed over.

He pushed the female ghost to the ground.

The dragon claw clasped the opponent's throat!
The female ghost was terrified: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, king!"

She belongs to living beings and knows the majesty among living beings!

From Tang Zhong's body, she felt the majesty of the king, the aura of the strong in this universe.

She couldn't stand it at all!
But Tang Zhong didn't intend to let it go at all, and directly swallowed it down.

Of course, this is not Tang Zhong's own thoughts, but this sentence, the body moves by itself.

The female ghost was torn apart, golden light was surging all over her body, and Tang Zhong swallowed it all into her body!

"Swallow!" Tang Zhong roared.

After inhaling it into the body, golden light shone all over the body!

In the universe, between living beings and living beings, it is devoured.

Because all power comes from the blood, as long as one swallows the opponent's blood, it is possible to possess the opponent's power.

But now this female ghost's body is flowing with real power!
It must be what was left in the other person's body when the scientist created this female ghost before. It is the power that can condense life, which shows how powerful it is!
Absorb them all.

Tang Zhong opened the dragon's mouth and devoured it crazily!

And the power enters his body, he is constantly evolving!
He felt the power of his blood being stimulated. He had heard Shidao Yanlong Bing say before that he had never stimulated one-thousandth of the blood essence of this giant dragon clone, let alone fully releasing the opponent's power!
But now, he felt that his blood was boiling.

That's the blood reinvigorated!
Soon the female ghost was absorbed and nothing was seen.

And Tang Zhong evolved directly, and now he has the appearance of a giant dragon, the dragon scales on his body are more obvious, and his body is still growing, completely releasing the power of the dragon in his body.

He roared.

The dragon claws are even bigger than before!
On the bone wings on the back, meat began to grow!
He is transforming now, the blood essence of the dragon is stimulated, so his body is changing. This can be said to be a good fortune of Tang Zhong. This good fortune came too suddenly.

He used to be more than three meters tall, but now his body has grown five meters taller!
All golden!

Like a legendary dragon.

There are wings on the back!

But when it evolved, it was the flesh and blood being pulled, and the whole person was in pain to death!
In this underground palace, rolling around!

bang bang bang bang!

The wall was cracked by Tang Zhong, this place is like the scene of a car accident!
Moreover, behind him, a golden light appeared, and the golden light was directly on the ground, bursting everywhere!

At the same time, Tang Zhongyang screamed like a monster!
At this moment, on land, the crowd was still there, and they did not go far, because they had already entered a short period of calm.

The people from the rescue team saw that there was no movement inside, so they were ready to go in!

But before it got close, suddenly, the movement on the ground was reflected again. At this moment, everyone panicked.

Boom boom boom!
The ground exploded, cracking one crack after another, not only that, they also heard the sound of roaring.

That sound was Tang Zhong's dragon whistling sound, but everyone didn't know that at this time, they covered their ears. For some reason, when they heard this whistling sound, the blood in their bodies seemed to burst out of their bodies .

They didn't know that it was the suppression of living beings!

And now the ground is being torn apart again and again!
Everyone is panicking!
"Call headquarters..."

"The headquarters has already supported the past!"

There was a voice from the headquarters.

Soon, in the distance, several spaceships approached.

That's reinforcements!

From the spaceship, several people in silver armor appeared.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention. No one thought that the reinforcements this time were actually silver predators.

As soon as a silver predator appeared, he began to move the crowd.

None of the predator's soldiers can be injured!

A total of four silver predators came, and the four started to rescue separately!
The silver predators have started to get more resources in the predator base, so they have a lot of means, and there are not many people here, most of the people left are rescue team members!
Wait until everyone is safe.

The four silver looters stood together, looking at the place of the explosion, frowning slightly.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, it should be a trap left by the scientist!"

"Let's go in and have a look first. We can only know what it is after looking at it!"

"I didn't expect that beast to leave such a dangerous place. Fortunately, there were no casualties this time, otherwise it would be a big loss. Let's go in and have a look as soon as possible!"

The four nodded, and they were ready to go in and have a look.

They start to prepare.

Click click!

The silver armor is worn on the body, and at the same time, there is a helmet on the head!

After all the orientations are done, it is ready to enter the underground palace!
A few silver looters walked in, but when they saw the picture inside, everyone's faces turned ugly.

There are so many mutant corpses, but they all seem to have been killed!

They already knew that there were new predators entering here, so these mutants must have been killed by the other party. This person is so strong, and with this level of strength, he is probably the best among the newcomers!

And the further you go, the more shocked you are, the underground palace is really too big.

Only then did they realize that they were really lax. If there were many looters entering such a terrifying place, the entire army might be wiped out. Fortunately, they discovered it early this time.

But the further they walked, the more shocked they were. When they saw the base inside, they all panicked. This is probably the old lair of that scientist. This place must be notified to their superiors!
There are so many mutants outside, there must be powerful creatures inside, and they saw the tentacles!
And seeing the traces of the battle, could it be that the new predator has already started fighting.

But there is no body here, and it is very likely that the person is not dead.

They moved on, looking for signs.

But, nothing.

Back and forth in the underground palace!
When they reached the undamaged area of ​​the battle area, they saw a large pile of golden liquid poured on the ground, and there was nothing left!
At this moment, the four of them were shocked. Obviously, the newcomer seemed to be alive...

(End of this chapter)

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