Chapter 1592 I am Anonymous!
After finishing speaking, a knife appeared in Ling Yu's hand.

It was a star knife.

The body of the knife is shining blue like stars. In the martial arts arena before, they didn't hold their own weapons, but in the martial arts arena, the artificial intelligence configured it for everyone!
And now this star knife is obviously a good weapon too!

"Come on, if you say you want to kill me, it depends on whether my knife agrees now!"

Seeing this, Su Jiu and the others immediately took out their weapons: "Ling Yu, you have been taken too far!"

"It's too much, I'm too much? How can I forgive you for killing my brothers!" Ling Yu said.

Then rushed up directly.

When he wields the Star Knife in his hand, it carries a shadow!

Seeing this, Su Jiu and the others knew that Shan Ren was not the opponent's opponent, so they shouted: "Everyone listen to me, stop Ling Yu!"

They chose to go together and took out weapons in their hands.

But Ling Yu ignored them and said: "You Leihuo Dao is always at the end of the crane, what are you fighting with me, even if such a group of people come over, so what? You still lose!"

He swung the Star Saber with a bang!
At that moment, the world turned and the stars moved, obviously seeing the power of the stars.

Powerful power surged over.

Su Jiu and the others didn't react at all.

After being repulsed directly.

But it didn't hurt!

"You Lei Huodao, you are really trash!" Ling Yu said.

Then he was about to move on.

The faces of Su Jiu and the others were extremely ugly. They couldn't stop Ling Yu just now, so Ling Yu now is even more unstoppable!
But now they have to block it!
And they knew that the other party was coming for Senior Brother Tang, so Su Jiu stood up, turned her head to Tang Zhong and said, "Senior Brother Tang, hurry up!"

"Go... wherever you go, you can't go there!" Ling Yu roared.

Directly strike, this knife swings over, that level of power is really domineering and terrifying!
Crazy blow, like a star god descending!
Suppressed crazily, Su Jiu and the others were blown away in an instant!

All the people in Lei Huo Dao are actually no match for one person!
Ling Yu directly laughed: "This is Lei Huo Dao, I think it can be disbanded!"

Then he turned and looked at Tang Zhong: "Now it's your turn!"

The one Ling Yu wanted to kill the most was Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong had disobeyed him several times, and the other party had never suffered from him. He really couldn't bear it.

Jumping up suddenly, with the long knife in hand, he slashed down with one blow.

The power of the stars was completely exploded.

Wherever the blade goes, time and space are distorted.

It seems that Ling Yu really wants to kill Tang Zhong!
Seeing that the long knife was about to cut Tang Zhong's body.

Kacha, a hurricane appeared, and the magic sword had reached Tang Zhong's hands at some point, facing the long knife, it blocked it all at once.

Ding sound.

The rebound force appeared from the magic sword, and Ling Yu was directly sent flying!

fell to the ground.

No one expected this scene to appear!

Su Jiu and the others opened their eyes wide, unable to believe it was true!
They never thought that Senior Brother Tang was so strong!
Ling Yu didn't expect that his face was extremely ugly and he was repelled, which was a shame to him!

After all, everyone in Tianyu Dao is here!

"Thunder Fire Dao... will not disperse!" Tang Chong said coldly, and then used the magic sword in front of Ling Yu: "Today, this sword will destroy your life!"

"It's up to you!" Ling Yu yelled, it was a great shame to be called such a disgrace, he rushed over, his body was as flexible as a civet cat, and he kept swinging his knife.

Every time the knife is cut, it carries a powerful force!
But Tang Zhong was on the spot, motionless, just waving the magic sword on the ground in his hand, blocking the opponent's attack.

No matter how tough Ling Yu's killing move is, it can be easily solved in front of Tang Zhong, and it is useless at all!
The angry Ling Yu roared.

"I am going to kill you!"

"If roaring is useful, why do you need a sword!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Output depends on roar?


Click, he blocked Ling Yu's way.

Ling Yu was repelled again. He always thought that killing Tang Zhong would be absolutely easy. In this scene, he really did not expect that Tang Zhong would be so powerful!
He had always underestimated the other party.

But he can definitely win!
No one around has spoken.

The people of Tianyu Dao secretly insulted Ling Yu in their hearts, why they couldn't kill him, what a waste, they dared not say it.

Lei Huodao, on the other hand, was extremely excited. He thought it would be very simple for Senior Brother Tang to be killed in the face of the opponent, and there might be no room for retaliation, but now, this is not the case. Fighting on par with the opponent was something they never expected, and they silently cheered for Tang Zhong in their hearts!
"You are not my opponent!" Tang Zhong said.

He cut it down with a sword!

Ling Yu was shocked back, his eyes were scarlet: "Fart, I want to kill you, just like killing a dog!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more, and said, "Do you still remember the fighting field?"

"Duwuchang, if you are in Douwuchang, I will let you not know how you died!" Ling Yu said coldly.

"Really? Then do you still remember your recent failure?" Tang Zhong said with a sneer.

Hearing this recent failure, Ling Yu's face was ugly, and he always felt that Tang Zhong said something wrong: "I failed? When did I fail?"

"I think, before, there was an anonymous person who won you!" Tang Zhong said.

When talking about anonymous people, Ling Yu's teeth itch. If it weren't for anonymous people, his reputation in the martial arts arena would not be as bad as it is now. It is because he lost to anonymous people before, which caused his whole body to lose weight. In the martial arts arena, I have no face to see others, and my dignity has fallen!

"If I can meet the anonymous person again, I will tear you apart. You think you can let me relax by saying this, but I tell you, it's impossible!" Ling Yu said.

He thinks that Tang Zhong's words are interfering with him and preventing him from fighting normally!

"Tear him apart? I'm right here, you tear me apart!" Tang Zhong said.

The magic sword slashed heavily, knocking Ling Yu back at once, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Hearing this, Ling Yu thought about it, not knowing what the other party meant by saying this!
"Of course I will tear you apart, and I will tear anonymous people apart, but what does this have to do with you?" Ling Yu said.

"It's very simple, I'm an anonymous just need to tear me apart!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ling Yu's expression turned ugly. He stared at Tang Zhong. He couldn't believe it was true. The anonymous person was actually Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong was an anonymous person. This must be a fake!

Soon, he became furious: "Okay...Okay, it turned out to be you, but I couldn't find it before. Now that I know, I will stamp you now!"

Ling Yu yelled, he wanted to settle the old and new enemies with Tang Zhong!

(End of this chapter)

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