Chapter 1593 Piercing!

Zeng Lingyu was defeated by an anonymous person. At the beginning, he spent a lot of effort to investigate this matter, but in the end, there was no news at all.

Never thought that this anonymous person is actually Tang Zhong.

Since it was Tang Zhong, it was easy.

"Let's settle the old and new enemies together!"

Ling Yu said, and then prepared to make a move.

But Tang Zhong came with a strong attack, and the power of the magic sword crushed him!

In an instant, Ling Yu could hardly hold the knife in his hand steadily, and after taking a few steps back, his expression was extremely ugly!

"Then let's count together!" Tang Zhong said coldly: "You were the one who attacked just now, now it's my turn!"

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, and then moved straight away, his body was as nimble as a fox!

Kill it directly!

Others could only see the sword light in Tang Zhong's hand, they couldn't see Tang Zhong's figure!

Ling Yu's eyes widened, only feeling a flash of sharpness in front of his eyes, before he had time to resist, he quickly blocked the knife in his hand in front of him.

In an instant, I felt a powerful impact, directed at him.

Tang Zhong slashed over with a sword, the sword energy rolled and hit Ling Yu's blade!

Ling Yu flew upside down.

Boom boom boom.

After rolling on the ground several times, he stopped, his whole body was in a mess, full of dust!
When he stopped, his hair was all messed up, and the star knife in his hand broke with a click!
The light of the stars disappeared in an instant.

"This... how could this happen?" Ling Yu felt his head roaring, but after he realized it, he looked at his hands in disbelief.

His knife was forged by a very famous craftsman, but now it was cut off, he couldn't believe it!
When the people around saw this scene, they were completely dumbfounded. They never thought that such a situation would happen!
Ling Yu's knife was cut off by someone!

The people in Tianyu Dao all had ugly faces and dared not speak.

On the contrary, the people of Lei Huo Dao are very high-spirited, they Lei Huo Dao, when have they been so cheerful?

It has never happened, others have always bullied them, but today, their Senior Brother Tang made their Lei Huodao show off!
At this time, Tang Zhong was still clutching his face, and slowly approached Ling Yu!

Seeing Tang Zhong's movements, Ling Yu stood up without his weapon, and attacked with his fists.

The practice of Tianyu Dao is to attract cosmic energy and change various attribute elements!
On his fist, lightning soon appeared, and he punched.

Suppress Tang Zhong.

But this fist is obviously much weaker than using a weapon!

Seeing this, Tang Zhong raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and slashed him with a sword!

Breaking through Ling Yu's fist directly, cutting off Ling Yu's arm with a click!

I only heard Ling Yu scream, and saw my arm and body split!

"No..." Ling Yu roared.

Pain doesn't matter. Before he became a predator, he also suffered such injuries. After all, it was a battle, and these were all normal.

Just pick up the arm and turn around to fix it!

Ling Yu saw his arm flying out, and was just about to go there!

I saw Tang Zhong pierced that arm with a sword, but did not directly destroy it, but stuck it on the tip of the sword, and looked carefully!

Seeing this, Ling Yu yelled, "Tang Zhong, what are you going to do? Give me back my arm, what do you want to do?"

Tang Zhong looked that arm up and down, and then laughed: "This trash, of course I want to destroy him!"

On the tip of the sword, the powerful force surged out directly!

With a click, Ling Yu's arm exploded completely, turning into nothingness!
Seeing that his arm was destroyed, Ling Yu's face became even more ugly: "Tang Zhong, I will kill you!"

But in an instant, before Ling Yu could make a move, Tang Zhong took a quicker step forward, stabbing with the magic sword!
Right between Ling Yu's eyebrows!
Ling Yu didn't think about it at all, he only felt a chill in front of his eyebrows, and after he reacted, he saw the tip of the sword in front of him.

At this moment, Ling Yu felt the breath of death.

"Tang...Tang Zhong, what are you doing?"

"What do you think?" Tang Zhong sneered.

How could Ling Yu not know what Tang Zhong wanted to do, this was to kill him, he really didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so strong, with sweat running down his forehead!

"Let me tell you Tang Zhong, if you dare to kill me, the predators will never forgive you. Don't forget that killing is not allowed among predators!" Ling Yu said with a trembling voice.

Now he really hoped that Tang Zhong wouldn't kill him, he didn't want to die yet.

Tang Zhong stared at Ling Yu and said, "You are afraid of death!"

Ling Yu was told what he was thinking in one sentence, and felt as if he had been seen through, so he forcibly calmed down and said: "I am not afraid of death, I am a disciple of Tianyu Dao, and I have received the support of several seniors of Tianyu Dao. Admittedly, if you kill me, you will be retaliated by Tianyu Dao... What kind of thing is your Lei Huo Dao? There is no comparison with my Tianyu Dao. You are the death penalty, and if you kill me, the entire Leihuo Dao will be buried with you, so you better think clearly!"

After Ling Yu finished speaking, everyone in Lei Huodao said that they really wanted Ling Yu to die, but it was true. Brother Tang had already killed one person. If he killed another person, then Lei Huodao might be destroyed.

However, if you don't kill Ling Yu, it's hard to solve the hatred in your heart!
Seeing Tang Zhong's hesitation, Ling Yu said, "I tell you, you'd better be sensible!"

But in the next second, Tang Zhong made a move directly, and the tip of the sword directly pierced Ling Yu's head.

That Ling Yu was originally smiling, because he felt that Tang Zhong would never dare to make a move, but who knew, Tang Zhong really did it now!
The tip of the sword pierced directly between the eyebrows, pierced through the middle of the head, and exposed from the back.

"You..." Ling Yu raised his head and looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief!
Tang Zhong looked at Ling Yu and said, "Well, I don't like to be acquainted at all. My favorite is blood!"

"You... are dead!" Ling Yu said.

Tang Zhong suddenly withdrew the sword in his hand.

Hearing a click, Ling Yu's head disappeared immediately, and the rest of his body fell to the ground!


Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Especially the people of Tianyu Dao, who can't say a word at this moment.

Tang Zhong actually killed the two of them, Tianyudao!
"Tang Zhong, you are dead!" Tian Yu said to the people who had been following Ling Yu, "You just wait for the guards to capture you!"

And the people of Lei Huodao also came to Tang Zhong's side one after another: "Senior Brother Tang, you go, you go!"

They knew that Tang Zhong did it because of them. They didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so powerful. Now troubles came. Only by escaping from here can they save their lives, otherwise they will die!

Tang Zhong waved his hand, but at this moment, he saw several spaceships approaching in the sky, and it looked like they belonged to the Predator Guard.

If I want to leave now, I'm afraid I have no chance.

(End of this chapter)

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