Chapter 1594 The fate of three kinds of people!

If I want to leave now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance. I saw several spaceships slowly descending from the sky at this moment.

The people of Tianyu Dao were terrified just now, if Tang Zhong dared to kill their brother Ling Yu, he would definitely dare to attack them too!

Seeing the spaceship in the sky at this moment, knowing that those people were members of the guards, he quickly shouted.

"Hurry up...Guards, someone here is killing fellow predators!"

At this moment, the spaceship landed, and several people in silver armor came down, among them was Tu Qiang whom Tang Zhong had seen before.

I heard there was a fight here, so come and have a look!
As soon as a few people got off the spaceship, they saw corpses and blood on the ground from a distance, and their faces immediately became ugly.

Never thought that such a scene would appear!
When everyone in Lei Huodao saw someone coming, their faces changed instantly. Now Senior Brother Tang can't escape completely!
Who dares to do this?
Tu Qiang roared directly.

As the guard, he is in charge of preventing fights in this area, but now that someone is dead, he is in great trouble!
People from Tianyu Dao immediately stepped forward and said: "Mr. Tu Qiang, it was Tang Zhong from Leihuo Dao who committed the murder. He killed our Tianyu Dao's Ling Yu and Wang Zheng!"

Hearing this, Tu Qiang stared at Tang Zhong and sized him up carefully. He felt a hostility from the other party, but this man's cultivation was not high, how could he kill Wang Zheng and Ling Yu?

According to what he knew, Lei Huodao had never had such strength!

Now it's one side's words, he needs to hear the other side's words clearly!

Immediately, Tu Qiang walked to Lei Huodao's side, and said, "Just now, are those Tianyudao's words true?"

Su Jiu and others wanted to defend Tang Zhong, saying that Tang Zhong did not kill intentionally, but self-defense.

Who knows, Tang Zhong said: "What they said is true, Wang Zheng and Ling Yu were indeed killed by me alone!"

The faces of Su Jiu and the others changed instantly.

If you don't admit it now, you may still have a chance to survive, but if you say that now, isn't that the same as seeking death?

Tu Qiang also didn't expect Tang Zhong to speak like this, he knew that everyone in Leihuo Dao was human, it was absolutely impossible to kill people at will, and it must be people from Tianyu Dao who came to make trouble, that's why what happened later happened.

Fighting among the marauders is not allowed, or it will be punished by death!

And now that Tang Zhong has killed someone, according to the rules, he must be sentenced to death!
"Since you admit to murdering now, let's arrest you now!" Tu Qiang said.

People from Tianyu Dao slightly cheered for Tu Qiang: "Commander Tu Qiang, catch him quickly!"

"Yes, we absolutely can't let him go so easily. We absolutely can't bear this tone!"


The people of Tianyu Dao now wish Tang Zhong could die!

When Tang Zhong saw Tu Qiang, he was not nervous, but asked: "I admit that I killed Wang Zheng and Ling Yu, and I also violated the rules, but now, I have a doubt, I hope Army Commander Tu Qiang can help me solve it." Doubts, if the doubts are solved, I can do whatever Commander Tu Qiang wants!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback, wondering what Tang Zhong meant by these words?
Was it really being disposed of at will?
Tu Qiang was stunned and looked at Tang Zhong. From the pupils of the other party, he saw full confidence, as if he would not die even if he killed someone himself!
This made Tu Qiang very curious, what exactly was the doubt that the other party was talking about!
"go ahead!"

Tang Zhong said: "I know that among the predators, the predators attack each other, which is a capital offense, but I really want to know, in the history of the predators, are those who killed people among the predators still alive?"

As soon as this question is said.

Tu Qiang was slightly surprised!

He didn't expect Tang Zhong to ask such a question.

In the history of predators, there are people who have killed people and are still alive, of course there are!
When the people of Tianyu Dao heard Tang Zhong's question, they yelled and cursed directly: "Tang Zhong, you still want to live, and I can answer your question. Among the predators, if you kill someone, no matter who it is, everyone will die!"

Tang Zhong ignored them, but looked at Tu Qiang. He wanted to get an answer from the other party now.

Tu Qiang has been in this predator for many years, but he hasn't seen such a character for many years!

However, in this history, there were indeed people who killed people, and they didn't die!
But when I think of those people, each of them seems to be a figure who reaches the sky.

"Yes!" Tu Qiang said.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned, and they all looked at Tu Qiang. They didn't expect that there were people who were killed among the predators and were still alive. If it weren't for the words coming from Tu Qiang, they would Can't believe this is real!

Tang Zhong looked at Tu Qiang and said, "I really want to know what the fate of these people is!"

Tu Qiang thought for a while: "The fate of these people, and I only know the fate of three people, the first person killed someone, but he was killed, because after he killed someone, he directly chose to commit suicide!"

"And the second person, after killing someone, chose to communicate with the predators and agreed to be loyal to the predators. That person is still alive. As for where, I don't know, but he is definitely among the predators!"

After saying this, everyone was stunned. Someone really killed someone and was still alive!

This is the fate of the first two people!
The fate of the third person?
Everyone was looking at Tu Qiang.

Tang Zhong did the same, saying: "Now, I want to know more about the fate of this third person!"

"The third person, he also killed someone, but he is still alive... However, because he is too talented, he is only punished, and now he is a high-level figure in the predator... He is in a high position!"

Tu Qiang said slowly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded. The third person was actually a high-level figure in the Predator, and he even killed someone!

This is really scary.

It turns out that you can live if you kill someone!

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at Tu Qiang and said, "Thank you, Commander Tu Qiang, for solving my doubts in my heart!"

"Okay, now that you have cleared up the doubts in your heart, what you said just now and follow us obediently, can you carry it out now?" Tu Qiang said.

"Then I won't follow you obediently!" Tang Zhong said.

"Tang Zhong, you killed someone among the looters. This is a capital crime for you. You'd better be obedient, otherwise, the military court will execute you on the spot again!" Tu Qiang said.

"Three fates, now I choose the third one..." Tang Zhong said.

The third destiny is to become a figure at the top of the Predator...

From a person who is bound by the rules to a person who issues the rules, then, if he kills, he kills, who can stop him?
not a single person!

"Tang Zhong, you are too arrogant, I think, when I was talking about the third destiny, I also said that the talent is too high, that person, the talent is very high, and you are not enough!" Tu Qiang said .

(End of this chapter)

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