Chapter 1603 Envied by all men!

Ye Xinxin said so!
The poisonous face suddenly became ugly.

The person next to him was next to the poison: "Brother, what should we do? If Fengxuan Pavilion intervenes, we really have nothing to do!"

How could Poison not know this: "Ye Xinxin, are you Fengxuan Pavilion really going against our Fighter Camp?"

"Is it right? I don't think it's wrong. We want this man from Fengxuan Pavilion!" Ye Xinxin said.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked. No one thought that Fengxuan Pavilion actually invited men to join. You must know that Fengxuan Pavilion usually only has women, and it is impossible for anyone to join.

It's not that men don't want to enter Fengxuan Pavilion, but because the boss of Fengxuan Pavilion once said that men are not accepted, only women!

This also directly cut off the thoughts of many men.

I originally thought that Fengxuan Pavilion would not allow men to enter, but now it seems that it is not like that, men can still enter!
Ye Xinxin continued: "So, it's none of our business!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know why Ye Xinxin wanted to help him, but it certainly wasn't for nothing. After a while, he might know.

When Poison heard this, those eyelids that had been painted with black paint blinked and blinked, revealing the murderous intent!
"Today, Fengxuan Pavilion has formed a bridge with my fighter camp, you just wait!" Poison said coldly.

"it is good!"

The man next to Poison said, "Boss, are we leaving just like that?"

"Why don't you still fight them?" Poison asked coldly.

When the people around heard this, they immediately shut up. They are definitely not the opponents of the women in Fengxuan Pavilion, so they can only grit their teeth and leave this place!

Seeing the poison leave, Ye Xinxin said to the surroundings: "Okay, there is nothing to see now, let's go!"

Then the people around slowly dispersed!
Then Ye Xinxin walked to Tang Zhong's side slowly.

And Tang Zhong was also looking at the sister Yu in front of him.

Neither of them spoke.

In the end, Ye Xinxin couldn't bear it any longer, and said with a smile, "I never thought you would be so calm and not even ask me why something happened!"

"Because I know you will definitely say it!" Tang Zhong said.

Ye Xinxin was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting such an answer, and immediately laughed loudly: "Okay, I will indeed say it, Tang Zhong, I know your name, I heard it from others!"

"Who?" Tang Zhong knew that this person did not help him for no reason.

But he knew no one among the marauders!
"My brother, Ye Lang!" Ye Xinxin said.

Ye Lang, the person he met in the Great Desolation of the Universe, is a good predator officer!
It turns out that the woman in front of her is the other party's younger sister, so now everything makes sense!

"So it's Commander Ye's younger sister!" Tang Zhong said respectfully.

"No, you are really the Tang Zhong that my brother said, he said that Tang Zhong is a person who travels in the air, and he is not so easy to talk to!" Ye Xinxin said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye said so?" Tang Zhong said.

Thinking about it carefully, I am really ashamed, I am in the middle of the wilderness, this is indeed the case!
"That's just in the wilderness, I'm not like that in other places!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, come with me, don't let other people see the clues, after all, I said that you are from our Fengxuan Pavilion, and men are not allowed in our Fengxuan Pavilion. This time, because of saving you, I really broke the precedent!" Ye Xinxin said.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why don't you thank me? My brother said, let me take care of you. My brother has never begged me for anything in his life. How can I not do this well?" Ye Xinxin said.

Tang Zhong thanked Ye Lang even more, and when he has a chance in the future, he must go back to the Great Wilderness to see him!
Then he followed Ye Xinxin.

Ye Xinxin walked ahead, and Tang Zhong followed behind.

The two looked like they were walking, but they were actually talking there.

"I want to know, what kind of force is this fighter battalion?" Tang Zhong asked.

"A small force, don't worry about it at all, don't be afraid, with our Fengxuan Pavilion here, no one dares to mess with us!" Ye Xinxin said.

"Oh!" Tang Zhong understood.

"By the way, where do you live now?" Ye Xinxin asked.

"There's no room left. The place where I fought just now was the place where I was arranged to live. I guess it's gone now!" Tang Zhong said.

"That won't work, how can I let you have no place to live, forget it, I've been helping you for so long, let's help you again!" Ye Xinxin said.

She greeted a woman next to her: "Xiaolu, is there any place to live in our place?"

Upon hearing this, the woman next to her said: "Sister Ling, why are you asking this, no way, how can he live with us?"

"Hush, I'm just asking!" Ye Xinxin said.

"It's okay to ask, you don't know, the pavilion master dislikes men the most, if she finds out that we brought a man here, she will definitely be angry!" said the woman named Xiaolu.

When Ye Xinxin heard about the pavilion master, he was also persuaded: "Of course not with us, but in that area!"

"This one!" That little green was a little embarrassed: "Yes, yes, but..."

"It's fine, it's only for one night. Tomorrow, I'll go to the formal soldier management center and ask him what's going on!" Ye Xinxin said.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care what Xiaolu said, and left with Tang Zhong directly!

Tang Zhong followed behind.

Along the way, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Among a group of women, there is only one man. This is indeed eye-catching, and it is Fengxuan Pavilion that never recruits men. Many people are wondering what the origin of this man is!
Finally, I arrived next to a building that was all pink.

"This is our Fengxuan Pavilion's dormitory. Don't go inside, just live outside. Remember not to go out at night, understand?" Ye Xinxin couldn't help exhorting.

This is their Fengxuan Pavilion, the dormitory approved by the looters himself.

But they only have women here, and there is no man. She brought this man because he belonged to her brother. If she couldn't even take care of her brother's people, wouldn't it be a joke for her brother, and after so many years, Brother begged her to do something for the first time!

But the pavilion master doesn't like men, and Ye Xinxin would not dare to bring them back when the pavilion master is here, but the pavilion master has recently gone out on a mission, and there is only one night, so it will pass soon!

Tang Zhong glanced at it, and he heard everything that Xiaolu and the others said just now: "Okay, I will only stay for one night, and I won't go out indiscriminately!"

(End of this chapter)

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