Chapter 1604 Water Hibiscus!

"I'm only staying for a while, I won't go out!" Tang Zhong said.

Only then did Ye Xinxin feel relieved, and said to the woman named Xiaolu next to her, "Xiaolu, you can make arrangements for him!"

"Okay!" Xiaolu had no choice but to agree!

Ye Xinxin turned back to Tang Zhong: "Follow her now, and you will find a place to live soon!"

Don nodded his head.

As for Ye Xinxin's kindness, he remembered it and would repay it later.

Following Xiaolu, Tang Zhong didn't speak.

He only stopped when he saw Xiaolu took Tang Zhong to the side of a house.

"You can stay here tonight, but don't forget what Sister Xin Xin said just now, you are going out for a stroll at night, you know!" Xiaolu reminded again: "If the pavilion master finds out, not only you will be overwhelmed." , My soul and I will be finished too!"

"I know!" Tang Zhong replied, but he was very strange, isn't the boss of Fengxuan Pavilion a very scary person?

After Xiaolu finished speaking, she left this place slowly, leaving Tang Zhong alone!

After Tang Zhong opened the door, he settled in. It was a simple room, but it was in a pink style. Is this the room where girls lived?

Tang Zhong lay directly on the bed, ready to rest for a while!

It's so soft, the room these girls sleep in is really comfortable!

For some reason, Tang Zhong fell asleep right afterward!
And on the other side.

Poison returned to the fighter camp with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, and he was no longer as indifferent as before outside: "Damn, those women, I will make them kneel on the ground sooner or later!"

The person next to him said: "Boss, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Since you have broken your face with me, Fighter Camp, then we will see you outside in the future. You don't need to give face to the people of Fengxuan Pavilion, just kill this gang of sluts!" Poison said.

"What about that Tang Zhong?" asked the person next to him.

"That Tang Zhong, if he can be killed, he will be killed, and he must not be left alive!" He gritted his teeth in a poisonous manner, "Anyone who offends Master Qiu Jiji must die!"



When Tang Zhong woke up, his mind was extremely clear, as if he had escaped into the emptiness!
He hasn't had a good rest for a long time, and it's strange to say that this place makes him feel very comfortable!

Glancing out the window, it was evening!

He stood up and went out, ready to find a place to practice.

It definitely won't work in the room, the room is too small, not to mention that it can't be used, and isn't this a dormitory?

It's not good if it alarms other people.

He just walked out the door. As for what Xiaolu said before, he didn't forget, but as long as he cultivates with peace of mind, it's fine, and don't pay attention to others. In this way, it won't affect other people!
After leaving the door, Tang Zhong began to look for a place to practice!
Preferably the secluded ones!
This is the predator's base, the base of Fengxuan Pavilion forces, he didn't go deep into the base, but walked out of the base!
The design of the Predator Base is very user-friendly. It is not that everything is mechanical, but it is built according to other places.

There are mountains, waters, and mountains!
Taking advantage of the darkness, Tang Zhong walked towards a mountain!
This is the closest place to Fengxuan Pavilion. However, there are usually no people in this kind of place, and it is late at night, so it is impossible for anyone to go up the mountain!

Hiding in the dark, he found a rock and sat up cross-legged.

Start practicing.

Now he is at the third level of the domain master, and he has the feeling that he has almost cultivated in the past few days, and he is far from the fourth level, and he may only need to rush.

A golden light soon bloomed all over his body.

In the silent night, Tang Zhong was like a little golden man!
The strength roams through the eight extraordinary meridians, and it is extremely smooth. It is really cultivated to the extreme. Now Tang Zhong, there is nothing in the meridians that can stop him.

Now the only thing that matters is hitting the meridians!
At that moment, the meridians expanded, and the golden light surged, turning into flowing water, leading directly to Tang Chong's spiritual aperture. At that moment, the golden light suddenly appeared!
The strength of Tang Zhong's body soared all of a sudden, it was dark night here, but when the golden light bloomed, the light illuminated this place!
Tang Zhong's hair fluttered, and then he stood up, stepped on the ground, and there was a rumbling sound, and the ground cracked!

Just breaking through, the power in Tang Zhong's body is relatively huge, so this situation occurs.

It took a long time to calm down.

The strength of the fourth-order domain master has stabilized!

Tang Zhong clenched his fists, feeling full of strength all over his body. Sure enough, the domain master hadn't been promoted to a level, and his own promotion was not so powerful!

Just after breaking through, he felt that his body was very weak, and he needed to find a place to rest. Tang Zhong was just about to get up and leave this place, when suddenly, he felt a strange force!

And this power is not far from him!

Immediately turned around, and pursued the past with the strength!
This force is very messy!

Could it be that someone is breaking through?
Strange, how could someone break through in this quiet place at night?
Go quickly, there are small hills in front of you, densely packed, and there is a gurgling sound in your ears!

It sounds like water is boiling?

Tang Zhong looked intently, there was a lot of mist in front of him, as if something had evaporated.

He walked forward quickly, and as soon as he walked over, there was a small lake in front of him. The water in the lake was light green, and there was a layer of mist on it!
The grunting sound just now was released from here!
And that messy force also came from here.

He is going forward!
"Who are you?" Suddenly there was a shout, and it was a woman's voice.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, could it be that there is a woman retreating here, he quickly stabilized his steps: "Girl?"

"Get out of here, if you take one more step forward, I'll kill you!" The woman's voice was extremely vicious!

"Girl, I didn't break in here on purpose, I just felt a chaotic force, so I came here to have a look!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't see anyone in the lake, which was strange.

"Turn around!" the woman continued to shout.

"I... I know!" Tang Zhong turned around quickly.

After all, this is the woman's innocence, but there is no one on the lake!
And just when Tang Zhong turned around, from the lake.

One head stretched out, and a woman was seen, wearing only obscene clothes, rushing out of the water like a lotus emerging from water.

The woman has long hair, which is wet now, and then thrown behind her back!
If this scene is seen by any man, he will be fascinated, because this woman is so beautiful!

As soon as the woman rushed out of the water, her complexion was extremely ugly, flashing red light for a while, and blue light for a while, it was obvious that there was something wrong with her body.

(End of this chapter)

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