Chapter 1610 Prove it with strength!
As soon as Tang Zhong stepped into the space-time node, he felt someone staring at him behind him, but he ignored it, and his body fell directly into it!
Soon, the person's body flickered in the node of time and space, and soon the body disappeared.

And just after Tang Zhong left, at the same time, several people came out from outside.

"That guy entered the chaotic universe, I read it right!" one of them said.

"That's right, it's true!" Another person said.

"This matter must be reported to Poison!"


These two people are from the Fighter Camp, and they are the people who arranged the poison behind Tang Zhong. They follow Tang Zhong, and if there is any problem, they will report it directly!
It is impossible for two people to follow in Fengxuan Pavilion, but they have been following after Tang Zhong left Fengxuan Pavilion. Originally, they planned to follow and observe for a few days, but who knew that this person went directly to the chaotic universe!

They must tell Poison about this!

In the fighter camp.

Poison was wearing a black robe, and after listening to the reports of the two, he couldn't believe it: "What did you say? Tang Zhong went to the chaotic universe?"

"Yes!" said the person who reported.

Poison frowned: "How could this be? What's going on? Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, Lord Poison, we won't lie to you!" the man continued.

Poison didn't speak any more, but began to meditate: "I know!"

Then he narrowed his eyes: "Tang Zhong, oh Tang Zhong, I didn't expect that you came to seek death so soon, so I will send you to the west!"

With that said, the poison is ready to go out!
The person behind asked: "Master Poison, what are we going to do?"

"Chaotic universe!" Poison said.

The people behind were slightly terrified. They were afraid of the name of the chaotic universe, because usually they often heard that the predators died in the chaotic universe!

"Master Poison, this is not good, it's too dangerous there, if we die inside, it's not good!"

Poison sneered and said, "You all know that it is not good to die inside, so if some people die inside, no one else will know about it!"

Some people in his mouth are naturally Tang Zhong!

Seeing the poison talking like this, the people around couldn't say anything more.

Then I saw the poison take people into the chaotic universe!

At the same time, Tang Zhong has reached the time-space node of the chaotic universe!

His whole body seems to be traveling through time and space, and the passing time is everywhere.

Traveling through time and space requires your human speed to exceed the flow rate of time and space in order to successfully shuttle!

I just don’t know where this space-time shuttle will go!
After Tang Zhong reacted.

He just fell into a mountain!

This is a hawk mountain!
Just to be able to see far away!

Tang Zhong stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the picture in front of him. It was a forest. From a distance, it was endless!
This is like a virgin forest!
Is this the so-called chaotic universe?
He heard from that system before that the chaotic universe is the same as his universe, bathed in cosmic energy.

It's just that his universe transforms energy into blood power, while other universes transform sword energy, spiritual energy, and battle energy!

I don't know what kind of universe he came to!
And just as Tang Zhong reacted, a whistling sound came out suddenly.

From the middle of the woods, a bird with burning flames appeared. The bird flapped its wings and flew over at a super speed.

Tang Zhong never expected that at this moment, he actually saw this flame bird flying towards him.

The flame bird chirped!
Only then did Tang Zhong react, and quickly dodge!
Jumped up.

And the moment the flame bird rushed over, the entire Eagle Gou Cliff was directly knocked down.

It fell down with a bang.

There are trees below, and many trees are overwhelmed at once.

Tang Zhong landed on a tree and was shocked. This burning flame bird must be a monster!

But the toughness of this body is really amazing.

At this time, the flame bird turned around and looked at Tang Zhong.

Flames erupted from the beast's pupils, and it screamed again, rushing over.

That speed...

Tang Zhong was really speechless. This is probably the territory of the flame bird. He just broke into the territory of the monster when he came here, and he had to fight hard when he first came!
But the next second, he was stupid!
Because he felt a murderous aura coming from his surroundings.

Looking around, the whole person was stunned there, only to see dozens of flame birds flying out from the surrounding woods.

He not only broke into the flame bird's territory, but also broke into other people's lair.

If you count carefully, there are more than 30 around here!
Flapping their wings together, they came towards Tang Zhong!

And every single one chirps!

Tang Zhong never thought that his luck would be so bad, so bad!
But he knew that the first ones to appear were probably the heads of these flame birds. They opened their mouths, and fireballs spewed out from their mouths, coming to besiege Tang Zhong from all directions.

Tang Zhong was even more speechless.

I can only take out the magic sword and sweep it out.

The crazy sword energy blocked those fireballs.

Make a bang bang bang!

And Tang Zhong was holding a magic sword, ready to fight these flame birds, and he would kill these monsters first.

And at this moment, the leader of the flame bird actually opened his mouth and said: "Those outsiders again?"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he couldn't help being surprised that the monster could speak!
No, in his universe, monsters can't speak!

These things are not Warcraft!
It's them!
Tang Zhong understood, he talked to those flame birds: "Get out of here, you are not my opponent!"

It is very easy for him to kill these flame birds, but it only takes some time. Fighting these people will not make any improvement, so he is too lazy to care about these monsters now, so he is going to let them live!
The huge flame bird looked at Tang Zhong and roared: "Are you outsiders so arrogant? Don't think that we are easy to bully, but we killed many of you!"

"Are you doubting me?" Tang Zhong sneered.

"Wait until I bite off your neck!" The flame bird started directly.

In an instant, the huge bird body passed through directly.

The whole bird's body was burning with flames, and it rushed towards Tang Zhong like lightning.

At the same time, the surrounding flame birds also came over.

That was to besiege Tang Zhong and kill Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong held the magic sword directly, and his body flew into the air. It seems that no matter where he is, he should use his strength to prove himself!
(End of this chapter)

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