Chapter 1611 Taming the flame bird!
It seems that no matter when, you need to use your strength to prove yourself, just like now!

Tang Zhong held a magic sword.

Flying into the air, the flame birds gathered nearby rushed over.

Tang Zhong jumped up suddenly, and slashed out with a sword, which contained the law of thunder and lightning.

In an instant, with a click, the flame bird's wings were chopped off, and the flame bird lost its balance and fell to the ground from a high altitude.

At the same time, the flame bird who was always beside him also came over.

Tang Zhong immediately withdrew his sword, stabbed directly at the opponent's mouth, and pierced through it suddenly!

Shook the sword fiercely again!

Facing the flame bird that sneaked up from behind, he slashed out with a sword!

With a click, the flame bird was killed in half!
As for the attacks of other flame birds, they were all blocked by Tang Zhong.

Seeing this, the flame bird king started to roar: "You killed my people, damn it!"

"If you stop now, I guarantee you won't kill another one!" Tang Zhong said.

"Fart, none of you outsiders are trustworthy!" The Flame Bird King shouted: "Subjects, kill these people!"

Immediately, several flame birds went towards Tang Zhong again!

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, it seemed that he had to use some ultimate moves, otherwise these beasts would not know cruelty!
Immediately grasped the magic sword.

The breath of thunder and lightning condensed in an instant, that is the law of thunder and lightning.

He swung the sword in his hand like a thunderbolt, and a hurricane appeared, as if there was no wind.

Then he suddenly moved forward, beheading the past.

That speed is as fast as lightning!

This time, without waiting for those flamingo birds to make a move, he did it first. He walked through the group of flamingo birds as if he was stepping on a thunderbolt, killing them wherever he went.

Swish swish!
As long as you pass by the flame bird, the flame bird will no longer move.

Finally, Tang Zhong stopped.

I only saw the breath on my body.

The flame bird king hadn't reacted yet, but at this moment, he saw his flame bird subjects stop suddenly, and roared there: "My subjects, what are you waiting for, give me a shot!" , kill this man!"

But before it finished speaking, it saw that at this moment, their bodies all exploded, and thunder overflowed from their bodies.

The Flame King didn't expect it at all, and was shocked at this time.

"What... what's going on?" The flame bird king panicked.

He has seen these outsiders. If their entire race chases them together, those people can't do anything to him. Moreover, their entire race has never failed to ambush people together, but today, they have completely failed.

"I said, you are not my opponent!" Tang Zhong said.

The Flaming Bird King looked at Tang Zhong and said, " killed my people, and I will kill you!"

"Don't force me to kill you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"You dare to kill me?" the Flame Bird King said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong grinned.

Then he got up suddenly and flew into the air, his body seemed to disappear in an instant.

The Flame Bird King was shocked when he saw Tang Zhong disappear out of thin air.

"What's the matter? What about people?"

"Here it is!"

At this time, a voice came from high above.

The Flame Bird King was taken aback, and when he looked up, he saw Tang Zhong falling from the sky.

"how is this possible?"

It was so far away just now, how come it came to it so quickly.

The flame bird king was still ready to resist, but in an instant, Tang Zhong had already jumped onto the flame bird king.

The flame bird king roared: "What are you going to do? How dare you humiliate me!"

Now being ridden by Tang Zhong, the Flame Bird King immediately became angry and roared wildly there.

"Humiliate this king, if I don't kill you, I'm not humiliating you, understand?" Tang Zhong said.

He rode on the flame bird king, and did not directly kill him, but prepared to subdue the bird king.

Because in this place, he doesn't know anything at all, if there is a tour guide, it will definitely be very comfortable!
He grabbed the flame bird king's feathers!

"Stop it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Outsiders, get out, you are humiliating this king, and this king will never forgive you!" the flame bird king roared.

"Do I need your forgiveness? I said you will drop me immediately!" Tang Zhong said.

He reached out to pluck the flame bird king's feathers.

Although the feathers are still burning with flames, Tang Zhong is proficient in the law of flames, so he is not afraid of flames at all!
He grabbed the flame bird king's feathers with one stroke.

The painful Flame Bird King roared.

", I'm going to kill you!"

The fire crow bird king began to fly.

And the speed was very fast. In the air, like a flame, he rushed forward, and at the same time turned his body, trying to throw Tang Zhong down.

"Get off, get off this king's noble body, or this king will kill you!"

As soon as the flame bird king finished speaking, Tang Zhong continued to pluck his hair.

The flame bird king roared in pain, and then continued to fly. At this time, he didn't know what to do?

"Stop!" Tang Zhong said.

The flame bird king just doesn't stop!

Tang Zhong continued to pluck, anyway, he felt very comfortable, he had never plucked animals before, this is really comfortable!
Soon, the flame bird king was almost bald.

And it was flying continuously. At this time, the body was so exhausted that it wished to stop, and panted loudly and said: "You dare to slander this king, this king will never forgive you!"

But as soon as the voice fell, it was roaring!
Tang Zhong found that plucking the hair didn't seem to be of any use, so he took out the magic sword immediately.

When the flame bird king saw Tang Zhong take out the magic sword, the whole bird was dumbfounded: "What are you doing?"

It is really being tortured thoroughly now, and now it can't wait to get rid of this person. The bird king doesn't understand, why did it ambush such a person?
And the bird king is also afraid of death, it doesn't want to die yet!

So this time I was very scared.

Tang Zhong said: "Of course I'm going to kill you, who told you not to stop talking to me now?"

"How dare you... I think it's the flame bird king, the supreme king!" said the flame bird king.

"Oh, then you continue to be supreme!" Tang Zhong held the magic sword and pretended to stab it down!

"Don't, don't, don't..." The Flame Bird King hesitated, it was already hopeless after being treated just now, and he didn't doubt this outsider at all.

"Oh, what about you now?" Tang Zhong knew it was a threat.

"I'm landing now, I'm going down now, don't kill me!" said the Flame Bird King.

I saw the flame bird king flashing his wings, and finally landed.

Tang Zhong knew that he had tamed the flame bird king.

(End of this chapter)

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