Chapter 1616 Spirit River!

The Flaming Bird King knew that those people were all killed by Tang Zhong. This person was really terrifying.

From the beginning, the flame bird king was still planning to escape here, but now he wanted to change his mind.

Tang Zhong naturally discovered the idea of ​​the Flame Bird King, but he didn't expose it, but said: "Take me out of here!"

The Flame Bird King quickly lay down on the ground like a grandson: "Okay...Okay!"

Now I really dare not say a word!
Tang Zhong rode on the flame bird king.

I saw that the flame bird king asked Tang Zhong if he had any other questions, and then he flapped his wings, and the whole bird flew up.

The flame bird king was not flying very steadily before, but now, the flame bird king can be said to be stable, and he dare not fly back, but has been flying steadily.

Now it is afraid of offending the person above with one step of caution. This person kills without blinking an eye. It has to be careful. If it is stewed into bird meat by the other party, it will really be over!

At the same time, Tang Zhong and the others walked not far away.

A few people came to the place where Senior Brother Yun and Peng Ye died before. If you look at the attire, you will find that these people are from the Predator, and they are also from the Fighter Camp.

After seeing the corpses all over the ground, everyone began to feel disgusted and covered their mouths. This scene is really bloody!
This group of people is the one who came to kill Tang Zhong, and the poison was among them. They were wearing a black robe with dark lines on their faces. Seeing this scene, their eyes narrowed together!
At this time, one person recognized who it was from the half of the severed head!
"Master Poison... this person is Peng Ye... a member of our Fighter Battalion!"

Peng Ye was cut in half by Tang Zhong's sword before!

Poison's eyes narrowed immediately, the people in their fighter battalion died, who did it?

Someone also discovered Senior Brother Yun and the others.

"It's people from Tianyuan Continent, and they are also dead. Could it be that Peng Ye fought with them?"

"should be!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed: "Master Poison, who do you think these dead people are?"

"Who?" Poison looked at the speaker.

"It's Yun Qing, a member of Xuntianzong!"

The things in the Tianyuan Continent have been thoroughly understood by the predators, that is to say, what is in the Tianyuan Continent, all the predators know, this Yun Qing is a young child in the Tianyuan Continent!
"No, if it's Yun Qing, then Peng Ye won't be able to beat him at all!" Someone said doubtfully.

"There should be a third party, and that person should also be a predator. After Peng Ye and the others were killed by Yun Qing, the predator appeared and killed Yun Qing and the others. Who is this predator? I see him The method is really amazing, the wounds on Yunqing's body are very neat, that is to say, Yunqing was beheaded with one move, when did such a strong person appear in our predators?"

"No, look quickly, the wound on Peng Ye's body is exactly the same as the wound on Yun Qing's body. I suspect that this predator killed Yun Qing and Peng Ye together!"

As soon as this word comes out!
The poisonous brow frowned, and he shouted softly: "Who is so bold, dare to kill people from our fighter battalion, chase me, not only to chase Tang Zhong, but also to chase this!"


But someone thought of something and said, "My lord, do you think that Tang Zhong killed Peng Ye and the others?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone remained silent and looked at the poison one after another.

Poison sneered directly and said, "If you talk like that, you think too much of Tang Zhong. What is he? If Fengxuan Pavilion hadn't intervened before, that person named Tang Zhong would have been killed by us long ago." How could it be possible to live until now?"


"Continue to hunt down, now we are separated, once Tang Zhong is found, immediately worry about everyone!"


The crowd dispersed in twos!

And at this time, Tang Zhong rode the flame bird king and started to fly around. The current flame bird king is very well-behaved, seeing Tang Zhong is like a pet seeing its master!
"Master, where are we going now?"

They had been flying above the book forest for a long time, and encountered many monsters along the way, but those monsters seemed to be very afraid of the flame bird king, and retreated one after another instead of fighting with him.

This also saved Tang Zhong a lot of trouble!

Hearing the flame bird king's words, Tang Zhong said coldly: "Keep flying!"

The Flame Bird King could only swallow the words of a pause in his stomach!
"What is this place?" Tang Zhong asked.

"This is the territory of Xuntianzong..." Flame Bird King said after taking a look.

Xuntianzong, that senior brother Yun was in Xuntianzong before!

"Is there any treasure nearby?" Tang Zhong asked.

He needs to strengthen his own strength now, so he has to choose a suitable area, and there must be spiritual herbs, or spiritual springs in that area!

"Yes... yes, but they are all occupied by people, and there are people from the Tianyuan Kingdom, which are very difficult for us to get. Master, I know you are strong, but the people guarding the Tianyuan Kingdom are also very powerful. We had better not fight with them." We met, I listened to my subordinates, many monsters were killed when they approached there!" said the Flaming Bird King.

Tang Zhong heard this: "Just tell me, is the stuff over there good?"

"Okay!" Flame Bird King said directly.

"Then go!" Tang Zhong couldn't believe it: "Speed ​​up!"

However, he was a little surprised. If there is such a place, the other predators must have arrived long ago, leaving him alone.

The flame bird king stopped, on top of a mountain.

Tang Zhong stood on the mountain and looked into the distance!

"This is Jilei Mountain!" Flame Bird King said: "What you said is inside, master, my subordinates once entered there, and then came back by luck. Guess what my subordinates saw?"

"What?" Tang Zhong asked.

"A black river, the river is full of aura... You don't know how rich that thing is, my little brother just took a sip of water, and now he has become my right-hand man!" said the Flame Bird King.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong frowned, took a sip of water, and improved his strength. The black river water is absolutely extraordinary!

But that's strange, didn't the other predators find this place?

Probably not, if there was, then Linghe probably would have ceased to exist long ago.

"Let's go, Linghe is just ahead, master, I won't be able to take you flying when the time comes, you have to rely on yourself, after all, my goal is too big!" Said the flame bird king.

"I know, just send me there!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then sit down!" The flame bird king spread his wings and flew forward, rushing forward!

(End of this chapter)

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