Chapter 1617 Hands on!

"Then you sit down, I'll fly now!" said the Flame Bird King.

Tang Zhong sat down and looked ahead. He didn't find anything in front of him, only the endless mountains!

"The Linghe River is in the mountains ahead?" Tang Zhong asked.

"How is it possible? You will know soon!" said the Flame Bird King.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, could there be another way to say it?

"Look ahead, Master!" said the Flame Bird King.

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong stared at the front, but there was nothing in front of him.

But soon he discovered the problem, his pupils widened because he saw a wave ahead, obviously there was an energy layer!

"Master, you have discovered the problem!" said the flame bird.

"I found out, what is this thing going to be used for?" Tang Zhong asked.

"That's a barrier that seals off the world we see!" said the Flame Bird King.

Tang Zhong understood why other looters didn't find this place, because this place is an enchantment, it's hidden, and it's still in such a mountain.

As for the predators who entered here, their purpose is very clear, which is to fight, kill, injure and plunder, so they usually go to places where there are people. As for this kind of place, they will never come!

No wonder this Linghe can always be here!

Now Tang Zhong can't feel the very powerful aura!

"Master will be outside the barrier in a while, I will stop, you go in alone, if I go in, the target is too obvious!" Flame Bird King said.

Tang nodded his head, almost behind the barrier.

Tang Zhong suddenly jumped off the flame bird king.

The flame bird said kingly: "Master, where should I go now?"

"Just go, the farther away the better!" Tang Zhong said.

The flame bird king thought that Tang Zhong would let him wait here, but now the other party actually let him go. To be honest, the flame bird king didn't realize it for a while. This predator is really different from other people. Predators, with such a strong strength, usually just throw it away after using it, but now this person doesn't have it!

Tang Zhong didn't know what the flame bird king was thinking at this time, he jumped up in the air, very fast, from above the trees, towards the barrier.

Sure enough, when he was very close to the barrier, he felt a powerful aura blowing towards his face.

That's it!

He stretched his hand in, and suddenly felt that the enchantment was pierced, as if he had put his hand into the water!
Then, his body was also passed in!

The outside was full of vitality, but just after entering the enchantment, Tang Zhong's heart suddenly tightened.

Because it can be seen that the inside is completely dark at this time, and it is extremely dark, which obviously forms a sharp contrast with the outside!
In the distance, there are hideous trees everywhere!

Like a ghost!
Occasionally there is a roar, and the bone dragon flies in the air!
Tang Zhong took a look and was extremely shocked. What kind of place is this?

This is simply the land of demons!

But that raging aura is real!

This is enough!

Just now I heard the Flame Bird King say that this place is controlled by the Tianyuan Kingdom, that is to say, the Linghe River is controlled by the Tianyuan Kingdom, but how did such a Linghe River be created?


Tang Zhong thought to himself, quickly hid behind a big rock, and then looked ahead.

From the front, several people came out. These people were all wearing armor and running out.

"The national teacher said that there are fluctuations in the enchantment nearby. Let's go over and see if someone broke in?"


A group of people passed by where Tang Zhong was hiding.

When Tang Zhong heard this, it turned out that as long as he entered through the barrier, he could be found, regardless of these people, he walked directly to the depths.

Let's find Linghe first!
I don't know why, when I felt this aura for the first time, it was very comfortable, but gradually, Tang Zhong became more and more disgusted. The aura gave him a disgusting feeling, and it repelled the blood in his body!

How is this going?

There is dragon blood in his body, dragon blood repels things, it must be that kind of evil thing!
Now Tang Zhong didn't want to absorb this spiritual energy, but wanted to see what this spiritual river was?
He quickly walked forward!

There was a black mist ahead.

Tang Zhong walked forward, accidentally, as if he had guessed something, he looked down, and it turned out to be a skull!

He kicked the skull with his foot. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a bang bang bang bang sound, as if bones were colliding. He turned his head and frowned suddenly.

I saw a deep pit next to it, and in the deep pit, there were all densely packed skeletons, probably tens of thousands of skeletons, and each skeleton was different, some were tall, some were humanoid, obviously Some monsters died inside, and some cosmic people also died! many people died?

Tang Zhong has already become suspicious of this Linghe!

Don't stay here for long!

Hurry up!

At this time, the sound of gurgling water came out.

Tang Zhong also felt that the spiritual energy was released from the front, that is to say, he was already very close to the spiritual river.

Looking forward from the black mist, Tang Zhong's expression changed at that moment, and he saw a river in front of him. The water in the river was not ordinary water, but bright red blood!
The aura is released from within.

Sure enough, this Spirit River was watered with blood. What is the purpose of creating this Spirit River after killing so many lives?

But the ordinary blood river is not enough to make Tang Zhong disgusted. It can only be said that this thing makes Dragon Blood resist!

He walked to the side of the Linghe River, looked at the river water, it was red, and it was still boiling hot and bubbling!
The spirit inside is compelling!

If you drink it, it will be enough to improve your strength!
He glanced around, the tall trees obviously took up the light of the Linghe River.

The power that this Linghe can bring to people is indeed very strong, but this is really too evil!
Tang Zhong continued to go forward to find out, but who knows, he just stood up.

He heard someone calling him, "Who's there?"

Tang Zhong heard the voice, looked back, and saw several people in armor running towards him in the distance.

That is a person from Tianyuan Kingdom.

Tang Zhong turned around and was about to leave. The aura here made him hate it, and he didn't need it anymore, so leave here.

The armored soldiers behind him were holding long guns one by one, chasing and killing them!
Tang Zhong is not familiar with this place, but those people are very familiar with this place, and soon caught up with Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked, he had to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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