Chapter 1619 Destruction of the River!

Where did this Spirit River come from, and why did Dragon Blood resist it so much!

Have to figure it out!

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If there is no accident, these people are not the only ones guarding here. According to the preciousness of this Linghe River, there should be an army. He will kill these people so that no one else can find out. If there are more than a dozen or so few monsters, it will definitely be a hard battle!
Tang Zhong was just about to leave, but he stopped, looked back at the black and hot Ling River, and directly threw a stone not far away into the river.

No matter what the national teacher wants to do, the existence of this Linghe is wrong, destroy it first!
Throwing stones in, the effect of the Spirit River will definitely be invalidated.

But this was not enough, Tang Zhong thought of a good way, then grinned, took off his pants, and started to relieve himself here.

The easiest way to destroy the Linghe River is to piss in it, once soaked, it is absolutely perfect!

Watching the gurgling Linghe begin to turn yellow!

Tang Zhong lifted his pants and prepared to leave here!

But he didn't continue to go in to investigate further, and if he went in again, he must still have the strength of those guards here. As for the national teacher, he must not be here!

Who knows he just left.

Several armored soldiers rushed out, and finally stopped: "There was a fight here just now, everyone pay attention, if there is anything wrong, report it immediately!"

They came here only when they heard the sound of fighting.

But suddenly someone saw the corpse of the dead monster ahead!
"Look, there are dead bodies over there!"

All eyes look together!
For a moment, everyone's faces turned ugly.

The leader still looked like a zombie, and he raised his hand to signal everyone not to panic: "Now everyone finds the intruder for me, he must still be nearby, we must catch him, this matter is the most important thing." It’s best not to let the national teacher know!”

Just after he finished speaking, someone next to him said: "Brother, it's not good, why don't you look in the Ling River?"

The leader was stunned for a moment, then looked around, and suddenly his face became ugly. He saw a stone in the middle of the Ling River, which was all secondary, and he also saw a yellow liquid, which had a foul smell !
A man knows what that is!

"It's over!" The leader said: "Report this matter to the national teacher quickly, and say that the Linghe River is polluted!"

When the national teacher asked them to guard this place, they said that the Ling River must not be polluted, but now it is irreversible!

Everyone started to panic.

At the same time, Tang Zhong had almost walked out of the enchantment!

I have to go to Tianyuan Kingdom to see what the national teacher looks like!
He just went out to look for the Flame Bird King. He didn't know where the Tianyuan Kingdom was, and he still needed the Flame Bird King to bring him, but there was no response for a long time. Could it be that the Flame Bird King has left now?
Now that you're gone, there's no need to stay any longer!

Tang Zhong's body kept jumping up, heading towards the distance!

But suddenly he heard a miserable roar!

Isn't this voice exactly the voice of the Flame Bird King?
Could it be that he was caught?

Tang Zhong didn't think about it, he just followed the sound and approached!
As soon as he approached, he saw in front of him that several people used a large net to control the flame bird king, preventing him from moving.

And the flame bird king was struggling under the net, and was about to break free from the big net and leave here, but he couldn't do it at all, he just roared there.

And if you look closely at the clothes of those people, they are obviously predators!
No wonder Tang Zhong didn't see the Flame Bird King just now, he was caught by someone, his face was ugly, and he walked out directly, his eyes flashed coldly!
With a leap in the air, he was next to the flame bird king.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention!
Those who were catching the Flame Bird King all turned their heads and looked at Tang Zhong. At first they thought they had met a local from the Tianyuan Continent, but when they took a closer look at the clothes on the other party, they were obviously predators. The appearance of the other party, this is clearly Tang Zhong.

That's right, these people who came to chase and kill were the people from the Fighter Camp. Before, under the order of the poison, they searched for Tang Zhong separately, but they didn't find Tang Zhong, but they found the Flaming Bird King here. A few people wanted to leave at first, but they found that the flame bird king was obviously injured, so they chose to do it, but they didn't expect Tang Zhong to appear now!
"Tang's you!"

One of them said grimly.

Tang Zhong stared at those people silently, and said coldly: "Let it go, and get out!"

"Where did you get the guts to talk to us like that, I'll kill you now, and then go to Master Poison to claim credit!"

That person didn't know Tang Zhong's real combat ability at all, he just knew Tang Zhong's previous information that he was a third-level domain master, and they were all eighth-level domain masters, so how could they be afraid of a third-level person? !
Tang Zhong's eyes were silent. Since the flame bird king called him master, then he is the master of the monster beast. Seeing his mount injured, how could he bear it in his heart!
With a swish, the magic sword was held directly in his hand.

"What? Still want to fight with us?" The fighter camp saw that Tang Zhong was about to make a move, and said with a sneer.

"It seems that before I let you see Master Poison, you should have suffered a little injury!"

Several people sneered and approached Tang Zhong.

The flame bird king obviously didn't expect this scene to happen. The predator actually fought for it. To be honest, it just felt that Tang Zhong was using it, and after the use of it was over, it would not care about it anymore , but who knows, this person is actually fighting for him now!
This moved the flame bird king very much!
Heaven and earth are sentient, even monsters are also sentient!

I saw those people walking towards Tang Zhong and directly attacked and killed them.

They are going to chop off Tang Zhong's arm, take his body to see Lord Poison, and then listen to Lord Poison!

Several people attacked together, and various laws burst out.

Tang Zhong also suppressed the past.

But Tang Zhong ignored them at this time!

The law of thunder and lightning condensed on the magic sword, and the magic sword began to tremble. The thunder light on it seemed to be about to explode at any time!
With a whoosh, he slashed straight ahead!

These people are more than the previous demons, they can be said to be tortured and killed.

I saw Jian Guang flying out with a whoosh, towards those people's necks!

The expressions of those people froze immediately, bloodstains appeared on their necks, puff puff puff, blood burst out.

Tong Tong fell to the ground, and immediately after, the head and body were completely separated.

Those who were arrogant just now are all dead now.

Then Tang Zhong didn't look at them, but looked at the flame bird kingly: "Are you okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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