Chapter 1620 I'm Hungry!
Tang Zhong looked at the Flame Bird King and said, "Are you okay!"

The Flame Bird King slowly got up from the ground. Tang Zhong pulled out all the hairs before, but now there are not many of them. In addition, he was suppressed by Juwangwang just now, and someone stabbed him a few times. Now his body is bleeding. With green blood on his face, he barely stood up and said, "It's okay!"

Then it looked at Tang Zhong, with a look of surprise in both eyes: "You...why did you save me?"

Tang Zhong looked at the flame bird king and said, "You called me master, why can't I save you?"

Tang Zhong was originally the kind of person who could tell the difference between the serious and the serious. If he called out to be the master, then he would have to protect the other party!
The flame bird king was dumbfounded. He never thought that an outsider would save him.

In its view, outsiders are basically demons, who only know how to slaughter, especially monsters like them!

This person is different from those people out there!
As for what is different, the Flame Bird King really doesn't know!
"Lie down, I'll help you heal!" Tang Zhong said.

He still has some cell fluid on him!

The flame bird king lay down, Tang Zhong approached, and sprinkled the cell fluid on the bird king's wound.

I saw the wound bleeding with green blood, began to scab, and then slowly fell off. Although it did not fully recover, at least about 70.00% of the wound was healed.

Tang Chong sprinkled the flame bird king's wounds all over again!
After a while, all the wounds stopped bleeding!

The Flame Bird King got up from the ground. It was very strange when it found that the wound was healed. Then it looked at the cell fluid in Tang Zhong's hand. That kind of thing must be the legendary panacea!
"No problem?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's all right!" said the Flame Bird King.

"The current one is absolutely obedient to Tang Zhong.

No matter what Tang Zhong asks him to do, he is willing!

"I need to go to Tianyuan Kingdom now, can you take me there?" Tang Zhong said.

He is going to find the national teacher to find out what the black spirit river is?
"Go to Tianyuan Kingdom?" The Flame Bird King was obviously unwilling: "There were many strong people in the Yuan Kingdom that day, and anyone can enter at will. Although you are powerful, Master, I am afraid that you will lose to those people, and you will end up in the end." A dead end!"

The Flame Bird King is definitely not alarmist, he has seen outsiders caught there and killed!

"I know, but I have to go!" Tang Zhong said.

If he didn't know about Linghe, he would never go there, and left here directly after killing some people outside, but now that he already knew, he wouldn't miss it!

The Flaming Bird King is a monster, but once the monster has a heart, it will never resist, and immediately said: "Okay, I will take you to the imperial city of Tianyuan Kingdom, come up, master!"

Tang Zhong sat on the flame bird king in one step.

The flame bird king flapped his wings and walked forward, heading forward!

Purpose, the capital of Tianyuan Kingdom!

They just left!

The poison brought people over, and seeing the scene of his own death, his face was extremely ugly.

Someone went over to examine the corpse and said, "Master Poison, these dead people belong to us!"

"I see!" Poison said, "Can you find out who killed it?"

Another person saw the fur of monsters on the ground: "It seems that they fought with a flame bird, but they died because of sharp weapons. I suspect that they met people from Tianyuan Kingdom!"

"I see!" Poison said coldly.

The person next to him whispered: "My lord, should we continue to hunt down that Tang Zhong?"

"Of course we have to go on!" Poison said.

"According to the mark on the map, we are not far ahead and we will soon reach the capital of Tianyuan Kingdom. If we go there, we will be in great danger!" said the person next to him.

"So many of us have died. If you don't kill Tang Zhong, what will you make others think of me? How will the boss think of me? Do you think I'm a waste?" Poison roared angrily.

The people around all shut up.

"The boss is Qiu Jiji's disciple. He is determined to avenge his master. If we can help him do it, then we will be the biggest contributors. In the fighter camp, our status will rise. This is our chance. The so-called wealth This is an opportunity, I don't want to miss it!" Poison said.

The people around were moved by what they said.

"Besides, we chased and killed all the way, but we didn't see that Tang Zhong. If there is no accident, then Tang Zhong must have passed towards the Tianyuan Kingdom. How is Tang Zhong's strength? It's not like you don't know, and he can easily solve it. , even if he meets someone from Tianyuan Kingdom and is killed by him, if we can take his body back, the boss will definitely reward us, and then, it will be time to fly to the sky!" Poison said.

This time, no one refused to move forward.

A group of people are moving very fast!

At the same time, far away in the capital of Tianyuan Kingdom, in a gloomy palace.

There was a puff of smoke inside, which was brought by the incense lit by the tripod!

And in the center, an old man sat cross-legged. The old man's hair was scattered, and a black mist filled his body!
Suddenly, he opened his pupils, and like a devil, the entire pupils turned black!
The human face and a demon are constantly changing!

Until the end, it became a human face!
The devil's face disappeared without a trace!
Then, he sat cross-legged, stood up, and murmured: "This body... is not bad, but it's just a little bit worse. I didn't expect that I would wake up in this place... It's too bad!"

Someone came in from outside the door, and the old man immediately became normal again.

"National Teacher, there is news from the outside that there is a big problem with the Ling River made by the National Teacher..." It was an armored soldier who spoke, and this armored soldier was just like an ordinary person, and he didn't look like a zombie!
The old man is the national teacher, his face suddenly turned ugly: "What did you say?"

Just now he was very calm, but when he heard that there was something wrong with Linghe, he immediately became furious.

The armored soldier was terrified of the national teacher. At this time, he whispered: "I don't know, this kind of news came from the land of Linghe. As for what happened? I don't know either!"

The national teacher's face was ugly, he clenched his fists tightly, and the blue muscles and bones on his arms exploded: "Did you say who broke into the Linghe River?"

"No, only this news!" said the armored soldier.

"Trash!" The national teacher roared, and the next second, he stretched out his hand, which stretched infinitely.

With a swish, the armored soldier on the ground was caught and dragged in front of him abruptly!

The opponent was caught by the throat and couldn't move, but he was still struggling there: "National teacher, national teacher, I really don't know what happened!"

"I know you don't know, but I'm hungry!" the national teacher said coldly.

I saw his mouth open infinitely, like a devil's mouth, swallowing the person in his hand at once, and then came out the sound of bones being chewed!

The man felt his eyes go dark, screamed, and lost his vitality!

(End of this chapter)

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