Chapter 1621 Devil!

Tang Zhong sat on the flame bird king.

Now it is very comfortable to fly above the sky.

The scene below was all captured by Tang Zhong. It has to be said that this Tianyuan Kingdom is indeed very big.

Along the way, they encountered many mountaintop sects and classical buildings, but they took a detour.

Tang Zhong's purpose is to meet that national teacher, as for the others, he has no interest at all!

The blood in his body is dragon's blood, he already knows who the dragon is, but the ancestor of the dragon in this universe!

In the battle between Longzu and Cangdi, Longzu was defeated, and Longzu was conspired by Cangdi to lose to the opponent!
On that day, there was a little rumor from the old mouth of Longmoweimo that Longzu and Cangdi were good brothers, and Longzu had no defense against him, so today is what happened!

He inherits the power of Dragon Ancestor and is determined to take revenge, but who is the thing that makes Dragon Ancestor hate him so much?

Tang Zhong must meet that national teacher to find out!
"Master..." the Flaming Bird King said: "The front is the Tianyuan Kingdom, it's not very far away, I can't go forward, there are still strong people in the Tianyuan Kingdom, unless you come with the power of outsiders, otherwise you will be able to move forward." Can't get in!"

"Then just stop!" Tang Zhong said.

The Flame Bird King stopped in a forest.

Tang Zhong jumped down, and then said to the flame bird king: "You go, don't wait for me this time, leave here, be careful of danger!"

"Then master, how do you go back?" Just the flame bird king said.

"I have my own way, well, there is no need to say more, you get out of here quickly!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hmm!" The Flame Bird King didn't say anything more, just flew into the air and left this place directly!

And Tang Zhong looked at the Tianyuan Kingdom in front of him, and quietly approached it!

Sure enough, just looking at the front, the dragon's blood in his body felt very comfortable, which made him very uncomfortable!
In other words, in the capital of Tianyuan, there are things that make Tang Zhong even more disgusting!
He suppressed the aura on his body, and met a few Tianyuan people on the road, they should all be peasants outside the city, he didn't kill those people, but knocked them out, and then put on their clothes, remembering at the same time Live in the other person's appearance, disguise yourself!
The clothes are almost the same as ancient clothes!

Put on your clothes, follow the road, and head forward!

The towering city ahead.

The difference between the Tianyuan Kingdom and the ancient city is not much different, and at the gate of the city, there are two huge unicorn statues!
At the gate, there was a long queue, and armored soldiers checked the people in the queue, and only after the inspection was correct, they were put into the city.

Tianyuan Kingdom also knows that there are outsiders who often come here, people from Qiaozhuang who have entered the city, so they will strictly investigate!

Tang Zhong completely suppressed the aura on his body, ordinary people couldn't see it, they could only see that he was an ordinary person.

He looked at the armored soldiers. These people were not like the people he met in the Ling River before, and they were no longer the faces of zombies. It seemed that the armored soldiers he had seen before were really by the side of the Ling River all the time. Such an accident occurred!

Now it's time for Tang Zhong.

The armored soldier looked him up and down, very curious: "Where are you from? Why have I never seen you before?"

Tianyuan Kingdom knows some outsiders, so every baby born will be registered in Tianyuan Kingdom, and the appearance of the baby will be kept in mind at the same time, and every soldier in armor guarding the city will carefully memorize those appearances!

But the armored soldier has never seen the person in front of him!
Tang Zhong was taken aback, is this cheating?

For him, this is not good news!

He came here only to investigate who the national teacher is, as for other things, he doesn't want to mess with it!
It would be bad if it was exposed!

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but Yuan soldiers were even more curious that day, and other soldiers surrounded him, ready to target Tang Zhong.

"Say, who are you?"

In the end, Tang Zhong didn't speak!

Everyone around is starting to be vigilant!
Tang Zhong is very calm, he will not expose himself until the last shot!
But now it seems that it doesn't work.

His fists were slowly clenched together. If the armored soldiers in front of him didn't make a move, he wouldn't do it, but if he did, he would definitely do it!
Suddenly, in the distance, someone yelled: "That man is a deaf-mute old seven...I know it, and sometimes his mind is not normal...Soldiers, don't bother with him!"

As soon as these words came out, there seemed to be a turning point, and Tang Zhong's clenched fists gradually loosened.

The deaf-mute old seven, no wonder the farmer didn't react at all when he robbed the farmer of his things, so it was like this!
Several armored soldiers were ready to fight. Hearing the man's words, they breathed a sigh of relief, raised their weapons, and waved at Tang Zhong: "Let's go, don't waste any more time here!"

Tang Zhong walked forward and entered the city, it was really thrilling just now.

He was very grateful to the fellow for sending him in, but the fellow should know Lao Qi, and his tone should not be very familiar, so let's leave here first!

Stepping forward quickly, at that moment, the dragon blood in the body boiled directly.

The feeling that made him sick came again!

And also set a direction.

He walked forward quickly!
Getting closer!

Although the capital city of Tianyuan Kingdom is said to be very large, in Tang Zhong's eyes, it is nothing. There are spirit beasts coming and going.

Finally, the nausea that made him feel even stronger.

And in front, there is a mansion!
On the mansion, there is the National Teacher's Mansion, and at the gate, there are many soldiers guarding there!
He looked up and looked ahead, no problem, it's here, the disgusting feeling came from inside!
Just go in and figure it out!
With a creak, the inner door suddenly opened, and then a sedan chair came out.

And that bad habit of you suddenly broke out!

The dragon's blood boiled, and the fighting spirit broke out. Tang Zhong was led to wish he could go up now and slaughter the people in the sedan chair!
But he forcibly held back.

And inside the sedan chair was the national teacher. He heard that something happened to Linghe, so he had to go and have a look.

But suddenly, he felt a trace of fear, and it was that kind of shock.

He shook his head, what's going on?

It was that nasty feeling again!

He remembered that it was a group of reptiles that gave him this feeling last time, but he remembered that all reptiles had been killed many years ago?
And this is Tianyuan Kingdom, how could there be that kind of reptile breath?

And this breath is very close, the national teacher's mind immediately becomes uneasy, and the face changes, a human face for a while, a devil face for a while, what's going on?Forced him to be unable to control himself.

Just as he was about to leave this place, the sedan chair exploded with a bang.

Everyone who carried the sedan chair was killed.

Seeing that the national teacher fell on the ground, he lost his human form, but a demon, and he roared wildly.

Just when the national teacher turned into a demon, the dragon blood in Tang Zhong's body boiled even more, and he instantly understood that the reason why he was so disgusting was because of this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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