Chapter 1623 When the Devil Comes!

Where did this creature come from?

Tang Zhong felt more and more headache.

If the other party can recognize the Dragon Demon Sword, it must be a character from a long time ago.

When the Dragon Palace was destroyed, Tang Zhong seemed to be born a long time ago!

At this time, bang!
The tentacle of the national teacher collided with the dragon demon sword.

In an instant, Tang Zhong was repelled. The opponent was very powerful, and he couldn't provoke him at all. He had to be careful now!
Immediately, Tang Zhong turned around and fled!
He has an intuition that he is no match for this monster, so it is the best policy to go!
Fighting to the death is the next strategy!
The national teacher followed closely behind, laughing wildly: "Hehe, I thought, you reptiles can't run?"

In other words, Tang Zhong knew about these creatures, and he must have fought against dragons, but this person called them reptiles. Could it be that there is a group of dragons?
Now Tang Zhong was running away, but he found that he seemed to be unable to run away.

The national teacher behind him chased him very fast, and a thicker tentacle fell in the air, forcing Tang Zhong to land on top of his head.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the attacking tentacles. The black shadow had completely covered his body. At this moment, he had nowhere to escape. He quickly blocked his head with his hands to protect his body!

"You still want to resist? Watch me drain you into blood!" Seeing this, the national teacher said with a sneer.

I saw the tentacles crush Tang Zhong all of a sudden.


The national teacher burst into laughter there, but in the next second, his face began to change.

The tentacles that had been watching to fall suddenly stopped there motionless!

Slowly, the tentacles started to move, as if they were lifted up by someone.

The national teacher didn't expect it at all, and crushed the tentacles with all his strength.

But the tentacles were still lifted up, and under the tentacles, Tang Zhong stood up slowly while grabbing the tentacles.

Now he has transformed into dragon blood, his hair has turned red, and there are horns on the top of his head, dragon claws appear, and dragon scales flash on his body!
At the moment when the tentacles hit him just now, he suddenly transformed and blocked the tentacles.

At this moment, Tang Zhong, with the dragon claw grabbing the tentacle, shook it suddenly.

The tentacles stretched out by the national teacher were directly crushed by him!

The pained national teacher roared, retracted the outstretched tentacles, and then the two looked at each other.

The national teacher looked at Tang Zhong, his face changed slightly: "You... how could you? You are not those reptiles, why can you use the blood of those reptiles?"

Reptile blood refers to dragon blood, and now Tang Zhong is obviously just a person, a person can use dragon blood, which is not normal, but Tang Zhong is the descendant of the dragon, he came from the earth, and he is completely can use.

If the dragon's blood is enough, Tang Zhong may be able to transform the dragon.

This monster obviously understands something, if Tang Zhong knows a lot, catch this monster first, and then interrogate him, it would be best to know where this thing came from?

He struck directly, without giving the national teacher a chance to react, he tore it open with one claw.

Above the dragon's claws, there is a burst of flames!
When the national teacher saw Tang Zhong making a move, he quickly resisted. This time, he quickly used his tentacles to resist.

But with a click, when the dragon claw collided with the tentacle, the tentacle broke apart!

Now Tang Zhong is very domineering after his transformation, no matter what is in his hands, it is nothing!

Press the national teacher again.

The national teacher panicked.

Just now when he met Tang Zhong, he ran away because he sensed the reptile's breath. Later, he found that Tang Zhong didn't use the reptile's blood power, but who knows, this person can use it now.

He is definitely not an opponent!
This time, he ran away as a national teacher!
"Want to run, dream!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Then go straight up!

Jumping up suddenly, one claw rips forward again!

The national teacher quickly resisted, and the tentacles on his body wrapped himself up.

But it was useless at all, the moment the dragon claw came over, it was like paper!
It was directly pierced!

The tentacles were cut off, and black juice came out of them. The seemingly powerful defense method was immediately disintegrated.

"No..." The national teacher roared, his whole body was very angry, he still had half of his face just now, but now he has completely transformed.

He turned into a black monster with claws, black lines all over his body, a bent waist, and a long tail behind him!

After Tang Zhong's transformation, seeing this monster, he was very disgusted.

He is going to kill this man!

"You haven't fully learned the ability of reptiles, I'm not afraid of you!" the monster that the national teacher turned into roared.

Then he fought Tang Zhong.

Claws tear.

Tang Zhong fought with him, and Dragon Claw went up against it!
With a bang, the moment the force collided, it immediately began to explode!

Both Tang Zhong and the national teacher were shocked and retreated!
Nothing happened to Tang Zhong, but the national teacher staggered back, panting in place!

"Who are you?" Tang Zhong shouted.

"You don't need to know!" The national teacher said coldly.

"Don't say I killed you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Just by you, it's not enough to kill me!" The national teacher said coldly.

Tang Zhong struck directly, the power on the dragon's claw was stronger, and he also activated the law, with flames in one hand and lightning in the other.

The dragon claws are covered with different attributes, and then chase them directly!
Come with two claws.

The national teacher's face suddenly turned ugly.

He wanted to resist, and raised his claws, but under Tang Zhong's hands, there was no room for retaliation.

With a click, this time the dragon claw came over, and his arm was directly grabbed off.

The pained national teacher screamed and fell to the ground, black pulp gushed out from the broken arm!

Then Tang Zhong walked over!

At this time, the national teacher fell to the ground, twitching all over his body!

The black pulp exploded!

Tang Zhong walked over and landed on the national teacher's body: "Say, who are you?"

The national teacher was stepped on, and the black pulp almost came out from the skin, which shows how powerful Tang Zhong's kick is!
"A group of reptiles..." the national teacher said with a sneer.

Tang Zhong's eyes froze for a moment, the power under his feet was stronger than before, and when he stepped down, the national teacher's chest collapsed directly.

At this moment, a ball-like thing was beating wildly there, obviously it was the monster's heart.

Even the heart is different from other people, these people are really monsters!
"Say, who is it?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"Want to know who I am? You will know soon!" The national teacher knew that he was going to die, but at this moment he was smiling.

"You..." Tang Zhong slammed his fist straight down, facing half of the national teacher's face, the national teacher's face collapsed, and suddenly he laughed: "When the devil comes, everything returns to the clan!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback when he heard this, but now is obviously not the time to think about it, because the corpse he stepped on is about to explode!
(End of this chapter)

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