Chapter 1624 Horrible premeditation!
At this moment, a lot of red cracks suddenly appeared on the creature that Tang Zhong stepped on, and it was about to explode.

And the creature had a smile on its face.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong stepped back again and again, and when he heard a bang, the monster's body was immediately exploded.

From the monster's body, black juice splashed around.

The living creatures that were alive just now are gone now.

Only the transformed Tang Zhong stood there, and at the same time, the disgusting feeling disappeared.


Tang Chong murmured.

He really couldn't figure out what this creature was!
From the conversation just now, he could feel that these creatures seem to be afraid of dragons, to be precise, they are afraid of those who can stimulate the power of dragon blood!

Just now before he transformed without dragon blood, the monster was not afraid at all, but after he transformed, the monster was immediately terrified beyond description. It can be seen how scrupulous the opponent is with the power of dragon blood!
He didn't understand what happened in it, but he knew that these creatures should not exist here.

They should be expelled, and no universe can tolerate their existence!
And they are trying to enter this universe. The dark spiritual river that Tang Zhong saw before is the evidence. I remember that the moment the armored soldier fell into the dark spiritual river, the whole person was directly blackened and turned into a monster. Obviously It is this national teacher who is going to use this kind of power to blacken all the people here into the same kind.

What is the purpose of these people?

Tang Zhong thought, if he guessed correctly, the purpose of these people is probably to invade this universe!

Where do they come from?
Tang Zhong transformed back from the giant dragon avatar and became a normal person. The death of the national teacher made him feel sick!

But these discoveries are surprising.

At this time, someone approached from a distance, making a big noise!
"The person who fought with the national teacher is here, let's go up and help the national teacher!"

"Yes, kill him, that person must be an outsider!"

When Tang Zhong heard the sound, he immediately hid. It must be someone from Tianyuan Kingdom. Sure enough, hiding in the dark, he saw an acquaintance passing by the roadside, chasing him all the way, shouting to kill Tang Zhong.

This group of people is ignorant, Tang Zhong pulled them back from the brink of death, these people don't know how to repay their kindness!

But these people probably don't know the real face of the national teacher, otherwise they definitely wouldn't be like this!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhong felt relieved, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

This time I have gained a lot, so I don't want to stay with this Tianyuan Continent anymore. The national teacher is hiding very deeply, and he should be very fond of the Tianyuan king. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape, after all, he is the one who dominates a continent, and his strength is definitely not weak!
If you fight with him, you will suffer too much, it is better not to fight with him, so as not to miss your footing!

Immediately turn around and prepare to leave this chaotic universe!
Although he needs experience, he can return to being a predator and go to other chaotic universes again.

He was leaving along the way back.

Now he is outside the city, just now he fought with the national teacher, when he got outside the city, he just turned around and left!
In order not to expose his target, he still robbed a person, wearing local clothes, it was difficult for others to see through his identity, but he saw many Tianyuan soldiers along the way. Zhong lowered his head and didn't look at them, so naturally no one would notice him.

In this way until reaching a place that is difficult for people in Tianyuan Kingdom to search, Tang Zhong changed his clothes and prepared to leave this place!

If there is no accident, where he came from, he should leave from where, and just go back to the previous entrance.

But after walking a few steps, Tang Zhong heard a voice again, it was someone talking, it shouldn't be from the Tianyuan Kingdom, it should be from the predators, but the voice was somewhat familiar, and Tang Zhong immediately hid.

I saw several people coming together, indeed wearing the costumes of predators, and these people are from the Fighter Battalion, and I can hear them discussing now.

"I don't know where Tang Zhong is hiding? When he came to this chaotic universe, it's as if he disappeared. We are already doing a blanket search, but we haven't found anything. It's really strange!"

"That's right, further ahead is the area of ​​Tianyuan Kingdom. We low-strength people are too dangerous in the past, or we won't pass!"

"But how can it be done in the past, depending on what Master Poison means, if you don't find Tang Zhong, you are not going to go back this time. Are you going to stay in this mountain forest? Anyway, I don't want to. I want to find someone and go directly go back!"

"I want, too!"

Hearing this in the dark, Tang Zhong froze deeply. These people came to hunt him down, and the poison also came. Last time among the predators, the poison came to trouble him. He originally wanted to do it. Yes, but he was rescued by the people of Fengxuan Pavilion, so he endured that tone, and now it is a solution.

If Tang Zhong knew that the poison was looking for him, he might have appeared long ago. Anyway, it is a chaotic universe, and killing people is not illegal!

Tang Zhong sneered, he stopped dodging and jumped out.

Several people were looking for Tang Zhong, when someone appeared suddenly, they were taken aback, but when they saw that it was Tang Zhong, they all smiled.

"I'll go, I just said I couldn't find Tang Zhong, but now it pops up, it's really helping us all day long!"

"Haha, let's do it together, as long as we kill him, we can leave this ghost place!"

"Yes, it's really comfortable!"

The three of them took out their weapons and pointed at Tang Zhong. It looked like they were going to kill Tang Zhong!

But Tang Zhong saw the three of them making a move, so he picked up the magic sword and walked towards them!

"Do it!" Among the three, one of them shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, in an instant, he was in front of the three of them, and an instant later, he was behind the three of them, standing still at the same time.

At the same time, the three of them didn't move. It seemed that nothing happened, but suddenly the throat exploded directly, and scarlet blood gushed out from inside.

The heads of the three were separated from their bodies, and then fell to the ground.

Tang Zhong didn't look at the bodies of the three people, but put away the magic sword and left this place. Now he has other things to do, and the people from the Fighter Camp came to kill him. If there are others, then, treat this battle as a hunt!
The night is coming, the hunting begins!
Tang Zhong's body quickly sank into the darkness!
(End of this chapter)

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