Chapter 1626 Wujin Wan!
Tang Zhong remembered all these enmities!
Then Tang Zhong was about to leave this chaotic universe, as for the chaos in Tianyuan Kingdom, just pretend that nothing happened!

Back to the starting point.

From a distance, above the sky, there is a gate of light.

After Tang Zhong approached, he saw a light shining down from the light gate, which enveloped Tang Zhong all at once, and his whole body became weightless, being sucked into the light gate.

Tang Zhong felt extremely empty in his body, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw among the predators!
After traveling through the universe, his body was very weak. That was because the energy of the universe could not be absorbed by him while traveling through the universe. Now, after absorbing the energy of the universe, his strength began to gradually recover.

Standing up, Tang Zhong was preparing to leave this place!

The woman who questioned that Tang Zhong would have an accident after entering, was stunned when she saw Tang Zhong returned safely, because the woman almost forgot about Tang Zhong, if Tang Zhong hadn't said that she was not afraid of death, I am afraid that now Women have forgotten!

Tang Zhong deliberately walked to the other side, said with a smile: "Look, I'm back!"

"Are you okay?" the woman asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said.

The woman exclaimed: "I thought you were dead, after all, it's been a long time!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly said, "I...I didn't mean that!"

Tang Zhong smiled, and didn't pursue any more with the other party, turned around and left here. Although the strength gains in the chaotic universe this time were not too much, there were many unexpected gains!

And kill them with poison!
That's great.

As soon as Tang Zhong walked out of this place, he saw someone waiting at the door. It was a woman in green clothes. It was Xiaolu from before. She was waiting for Tang Zhong now.

Because during this period of time, the people in Fengxuan Pavilion were still observing Tang Zhong, and Ye Xinxin and Sister Ye said to take good care of this Tang Zhong. If something happened to Tang Zhong, he would also be unlucky. Later, Xiaolu I also saw that the poison took people to the chaotic universe, it must be to kill Tang Zhong

Although the time and space nodes of the chaotic universe are different, there is a high probability of leading to other possibilities, and the chance of two people meeting is also very small, but this does not mean that there is no chance. Xiaolu is very worried about Tang Zhong and wants to enter the chaos Look for Tang Zhong in the universe.

But the space-time node may not necessarily send her to that universe. After thinking about it, Xiaolu gave up and waited here during the day. It has been five or six days, and no one has come out. To Poison Killer.

But no poison came out, and Xiaolu didn't dare to jump to conclusions, so now she can only wait here.

At this moment, Tang Zhong walked out slowly, just in time to meet Xiao Lu: "You?"

When Xiaolu saw Tang Zhongzhi: "You...are you still alive?"

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment. Does this mean that he must die?

It was only then that Xiaolu realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing, and quickly said: "I didn't mean that, I meant that it's good for you to live, I thought you would be killed by poison?"

"Poison? I don't know!" Tang Zhong said. Poison is dead. He was killed in Tianyuan Continent. No one among the predators knows about it. He acts like he doesn't know anything!

"Didn't you meet? It's great. I thought he met you and fought with you. It's really scary!" Xiaolu said with a sigh of relief.

Tang Zhong laughed, why did the little girl in front of him feel so funny, but she could feel that the girl was really worried about him.

"Aren't I okay?" Tang Zhong said.

"That's good, you're fine, I have to tell Sister Ye to go!" Xiaolu said, then turned and left.

Tang Zhong knew that he was talking to Ye Xinxin, but he didn't say anything!

He was about to go back to his own dormitory, the poison was dead, and it would usually take half a month for someone to find out, and then he could completely disregard his relationship!
But the Fighter Camp...he remembered it!
When I first arrived at the dormitory, I found out that someone had been there after entering.

Someone put a box at the door!
On the box was written Tang Zhong personally!
Who sent this thing, he asked the intelligence of the house, and the intelligence did not say who it was.

It shouldn't be a bad thing, he just opened the box, and saw two small boxes inside the box, apparently containing some kind of treasure, after he opened it, there were two red medicines in the small box!
There is also a note with an introduction on it!

"Wujinwan, can stimulate one's own strength!"

There are no other things. Who sent this?Tang Zhong immediately thought of the person who gave him the Thunder and Fire Roaming Dragon Style. If there is no accident, it may be the same person, otherwise there would be no one, but who is this person?
Tang Zhong really couldn't figure it out, and what was this person planning to do by giving him these things?

Regardless of these, since it was delivered, it was absolutely right!

He ate it straight away!
At that moment, in the whole body, as if the flame was burning, the Wujin Wan was refined from the blood of the Wujinlongyu, and the blood of the Wujinlongyu was golden yellow and had the attribute of fire.

Originally thought that Wujinwan was not a good thing, but now Tang Zhong felt that this thing was extraordinary, so he immediately entered the door and began to practice.

There is a feeling of breakthrough in one's own strength!
A person's breakthrough in strength requires combat experience and power, and Tang Zhong has so much combat experience, and the number of people who died in his hands is unknown. Eating dozens of Wujin pills may not be as effective as Tang Zhong's one!
The current Tang Zhong is about to make a breakthrough, and his whole body's cultivation level has directly surged to the fourth rank!
When the domain master is at the fourth level!
Today, he has awakened three fields, and he is familiar with the advancement of the three fields.

There is also the Immortal Realm, which is gradually taking shape now.

So far, I haven't encountered any enemies that can make Tang Zhong use the Immortal Domain!
After using Wujin Wan, Tang Zhong has been cultivating here until the next day, after his strength broke through, his whole body felt extremely relaxed!

After getting up, without any tiredness, I went out to the mission hall to complete the mission.

That's it for being a full-fledged Marauder now!

Complete the task, after completing the task, there will be a task point, in the Predator headquarters, in exchange for materials for cultivation!
And just after Tang Zhong arrived at the mission hall, a person who seemed to be waiting for Tang Zhong's arrival glanced at Tang Zhong, looked at the other party's cultivation base, turned around and left here, got on the frisbee, and arrived on an island, like Give people the news!

(End of this chapter)

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