Chapter 1627 Strangling the Earth Demon!

The island was very quiet, the man stepped forward quickly, and finally stopped next to a thatched hut, opened the door and entered!
Inside, if you look carefully, you will find that it is an old man, and if you look more carefully, you will find that this person is the old man who tried Tang Zhong in court before and insisted on keeping Tang Zhong!
The person who communicated immediately said: "My lord, that man named Tang Zhong is back, he seems to have swallowed Wu Jin Wan, and his strength has improved!"

After the old man heard it, he said calmly: "That's good!"

The person who communicated was not low in strength. At this time, he was very puzzled: "My lord, I have one. I don't know whether to ask or not!"

"Ask!" said the old man.

"Yes, my lord, what's so good about that person named Tang Zhong that he can be favored by your lord, I'm very puzzled!" The person who corresponded asked.

The old man had his eyes tightly closed before, but now he slowly opened them and said, "What do you think?"

"I don't think that person deserves to be valued so much by adults!" said the correspondent.

"Oh, you will definitely think that I am not worthy, but if you see this, I think you will understand!" The old man raised his hand, and in an instant, flames bloomed on the palm of his hand!

If you look carefully, you will find that this is the secret method of Lei Huo Dao!
The person who communicated saw this scene, his pupils widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw: "My lord, are you also a member of Lei Huo Dao?"

"Yes!" said the old man.

The correspondent immediately understood why the old man wanted to help Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong is a member of Lei Huo Dao, and the old man is also a member of Lei Huo Dao. I didn't expect it, but it was still strange, that is, what the adults did was really too much.

Those masters probably don't treat their apprentices as well as adults do to this Tang Zhong. Not to mention the Thunder Fire Wandering Dragon Style before, this time the Wujin Wan is a good thing. After eating it, it can definitely improve your strength!

However, he couldn't guess what the lord was thinking. His previous purpose was obviously to inform the lord after discovering Tang Zhong and checking the strength of the other party. Now that the mission has been completed, there is nothing to do with him!
Soon, the old man was left alone in the hut!
The old man is not practicing with his eyes closed. Others may wonder why he helps Tang Zhong so much, but only he knows, because Tang Zhong has lived out something that he never dared to do!

Thinking of this, the old man slowly stood up. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a pair of shackles on the old man's ankles!
These shackles are not the kind that can be seen, but transparent!
In the past, he also committed the same thing as Tang Zhong, killing the predators among the predators. However, after he was caught, he chose to up and down the predators and work for the predators forever, so he survived. The most regretful thing he did in this life, and Tang Zhong challenged the rules after killing someone, so he wanted to help Tang Zhong.

Not only for Tang Zhong, but also for himself!
Just a redemption!

After Tang Zhong came to the mission hall, he began to accept the mission.

The tempering brought by completing the mission in this mission hall is definitely not as strong as the chaotic universe, but now he can't go to the chaotic universe, he can no longer let others suspect that he killed the poison, he must be leak-proof, and he must beware of the fighter camp people!
There are many people in the mission hall, and you can form a team to complete the mission, because the mission hall will release missions at fixed times every day, who can take it, but you need points when you accept the mission!
If you accept the task and fail to complete it, double points will be deducted!

That's why no one would randomly accept missions, and once a mission is accepted, it must be completed.

Of course, some tasks are very difficult, but some people want to try it, so they will choose to form a team to complete the task. Of course, if the task is accepted by the team, the required points will be shared equally among several people!
At this moment, Tang Zhong saw people shouting everywhere!
"Hunting water and fire monsters, those who want to go come and gather!"

"Save the snow disaster in the Lingbing Domain!"


There are all kinds of tasks!
This mission comes from this universe. If anyone in any universe encounters a disaster, they can ask the predators for help, and then the predators will issue a mission to send troops to solve this matter!
Tang Zhong walked over and started looking for tasks, after all, few people are willing to form a team with him!
He took a closer look at the tasks above. These tasks were all pediatrics. To him, there was no difficulty, so they were directly skipped.

And other tasks are difficult, he must not be able to complete them alone!
It seems that we have to find a way to find a team!

Just when Tang Zhong was thinking.

"Tang Zhong!"

Tang Zhong heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, he saw Ye Xinxin!
The other party was very surprised to see Tang Zhong, and did not expect Tang Zhong to come here: "Why did you come here?"

Ye Xingxin was kind to Tang Zhong, and he remembered it, saying: "I want to complete the task, I need to hone it!"

"That's it, you don't want to hone the tasks or anything else, it's very difficult for you!" Ye Xinxin said.

It's not that she looks down on Tang Zhong, but she really cares about Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong could hear it naturally, and smiled: "It's okay!"

Ye Xinxin was worried about Tang Zhong. She was not worried that Tang Zhong would not be able to complete the mission, but that she was afraid that the Fighter Battalion would attack Tang Zhong.

Because in this place, there are people from the Fighter Battalion.

Now she already knew the problem between Tang Zhong and the Fighter Camp. It was Tang Zhong who offended the boss of the Fighter Camp. If nothing else happened, everyone in the Fighter Camp knew Tang Zhong.

Now that the people from the Fighter Battalion don't stand up, they must be waiting for Tang Zhong to complete the mission, and when they know where Tang Zhong is, they will intercept and kill them. If this continues, they will easily kill Tang Zhong!
Ye Xinxin knows the inside story, but she will not tell Tang Zhong. If you tell Tang Zhong that someone is going to kill you, it will have a great impact on Tang Zhong's mood. Why don't you let Tang Zhong go with her!
Thinking of this, Ye Xinxin has a solution. Anyway, the task she completed this time is also in a team. There are a total of eight people, three of them are from Fengxuan Pavilion, and the other four are people from another force. Eight people are needed, and one is missing now. Just say a few words, and those people will definitely agree to take Tang Zhong along!
"Tang Zhong, why don't you go with me to complete the mission. Our mission this time is to strangle Old Demons in the Demon Slayer Castle. As long as you follow me, nothing will happen. Otherwise, think about it!" Ye Xinxin said.

(End of this chapter)

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