Chapter 1629 Death to Heaven!

Tang Zhong laughed out loud, he really didn't expect that Ye Lang is still paying attention to him: "That may disappoint your brother!"

Ye Xinxin laughed: "I don't believe it. My brother is the most accurate person in the world. He said you have no problems, so there is absolutely no problem!"

Tang Zhong smiled, and he turned his head to look at Wang Chong and the others. He was already furious at this moment, wishing he could come up and tear Tang Zhong apart!
Wang Chong was indeed gritting his teeth angrily.

Seeing Wang Chong's appearance, the people next to him all said, "Brother Chong, can you bear it? Anyway, I can't bear it now!"

"Of course I can't bear it!" Wang Chong gritted his teeth.

Now he can't wait to go up and tear Tang Zhong apart!

"Brother Chong, I have a solution!" The person next to him whispered to Wang Chong.

"Is there any way, tell me!" Wang Chong said.

"Wait for a while, I'll deliberately provoke that guy, and then take the opportunity to beat him up. Of course, the strike is not very heavy, at most, it's just to vent my anger on you, Brother Chong!" said the man.

"Okay!" Wang Chong nodded: "Everything will be done according to what you said. You don't need to beat him to death, as long as he understands that some things are not something he can contaminate!"

"Yes!" The side replied, then turned around and stared at Tang Zhong coldly!

Tang Zhong was chatting with Ye Xinxin, and naturally he could feel the hostility of the other party, so he just smiled.

Later, I told Ye Xinxin that I was tired.

Ye Xinxin went to the spaceship lounge to rest, there was still some distance to the Demon Extermination Castle, and the most important thing was to recharge your batteries.

And he, Tang Zhong, was in the cabin, and later directly entered the training room!
Now Wu Jinwan has almost absorbed all of it, and his cultivation has not yet stabilized. The most important thing now is to let his cultivation be stabilized!
The strength of the fifth level has just begun to improve, and it has not been fully understood yet!

Then sit cross-legged and use the strength in your body to maximize it.

This is the training room in the spaceship, anyone in the spaceship can come in at any time.

At this time, the person who was next to Wang Chong slowly pushed the door and walked in, and soon stopped beside Tang Zhong.

He also pretended to practice.

Tang Zhong noticed that what happened before, he was very wary of these people, but he didn't really care, he just cultivated himself.As long as these people don't do anything out of the ordinary, Tang Zhong will not pay attention to them.

The people next to him pretended to be practicing, but they were actually observing Tang Zhong all the time, wanting to see what Tang Zhong was doing, and then took the opportunity to have trouble with him.

Tang Zhong sat for half a day.

After almost standing up slowly, he was about to go to the gravity room to feel the gravity and forcibly exercise his physique.

As soon as he got up, the people next to him also got up. The other party kept staring at Tang Zhong. As long as Tang Zhong moved, he immediately followed. Looking in Tang Zhong's direction, he was going to the gravity room, and he followed behind without saying a word.

Tang Zhong noticed it, but he didn't care about the other party, but went his own way.

The gravity room is also in the training room, and it will arrive soon.

It was a small space, and after entering it, adjust your own gravity.

As soon as Tang Zhong arrived at the door, the person behind him immediately took a step forward. He was here to help Wang Chong teach Tang Zhong a lesson, so he had to cause trouble. Without a word, he got in front of Tang Zhong and blocked the other party's way!
"I booked this gravity room first!" the man said.

Tang Zhong heard this, turned and walked to another gravity room!

Anyway, there were two of them, and he didn't bother to have any conflicts with this person. If this one doesn't work, just go to the other one.

And when that person saw this, his face was directly ugly, never thought that it would be like this, shouldn't Tang Zhong be furious, and then fight him?
At that time, he will be able to fight the opponent in a legitimate manner!

"I also reserved that gravity room!"

Tang Zhong stopped and looked at the other party: "Then I won't go to the gravity room, you can go by yourself!"

He turned and left!
Wang Chong's face suddenly changed, he took a step forward, blocked Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "Tang Zhong, I won't tell you any more, stay away from Ye Xinxin, otherwise you will be in trouble! "

Only then did Tang Zhong stop and look at the other party: "I see, what then?"

"You quit this mission, don't contact Ye Xinxin in the future, we will act as if nothing happened, otherwise we will definitely make you regret it!" Wang Chong's people said.

"Have you finished?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Didn't you understand? Get out!" Wang Chong's man shouted. His name was Lei Yan, and he was also the one who advised Wang Chong.

Originally, he just wanted to teach Tang Zhong a lesson, but now he wants to beat this guy to death!

Tang Zhong's eyes suddenly narrowed, looking at the person in front of him, his face began to turn cold.

"What? Still not convinced, let me tell you... If you don't listen to me, I will beat you to death today!" Lei Yan said coldly.

This time, he had to finish the matter for Wang Chong, so now he had to intimidate him.

Tang Zhong didn't wait for Lei Yan to speak, and kicked him out.

Right in the middle of Lei Yan's body.

Immediately, Lei Yan flew upside down and fell to the ground with a very ugly expression on his face!
"You dare to hit me..."

Now Lei Yan twitched in pain.

And Tang Zhong didn't even look at him, he turned around and left here!

I'm not interested in the gravity room, let's go back to the room and rest!
Soon fell asleep.

At some point, the spaceship vibrated suddenly.

Tang Zhong just woke up.

Immediately got up and walked out of his room, only to realize that Ye Xinxin and the others had already gone out.

When Ye Xinxin saw Tang Zhong, he immediately said, "Why did you sleep for so long?"

Tang Zhong scratched his head: "Tired!"

I haven't had a good rest for a long time, and every time I sleep, it is extremely happy for Tang Zhong!

"Okay!" Ye Xinxin didn't speak again.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong turned around and saw yesterday's Lei Yan was there, without yesterday's twitching appearance, but his face was very ugly, and next to him was also Wang Chong, with an ugly face.

Lei Yan had already told Wang Chong everything yesterday.

Wang Chong was originally unfriendly to Tang Zhong, but now the anger in those eyes is even more obvious!

Tang Zhong glanced at them, then ignored them, he was hanging on his head, afraid of a hair!
It's not like Wang Chong didn't know that Wang Chong had bad intentions for him. It didn't matter. Then he looked back at the place where the spaceship was docked.

This is coming soon, it should be the Demon Slayer Castle.

As the speed of the spaceship weakened, it finally stopped completely on the land, rumbled, stopped, and the door of the spaceship opened slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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