Chapter 1630 Periphery!

The spaceship door was slowly opened.

Tang Zhong and others walked down, and then looked at the surrounding landscape.

It's all desert landforms!

This is the Demon Extermination Castle.

It should be the wind and sand domain!

Below the spaceship, there are already people waiting for them. They are the local residents of this demon extermination castle. Originally, they lived here and could fight the old demons, but for some reason, the old demons flooded, so They had just invited the Marauders.

Ye Xinxin communicated with those people in the past.

Tang Zhong looked around carefully, this place is similar to the Gobi Desert on Earth, but even the sky is dark, this place is not a good place, and Tang Zhong also smelled a stench in the air, obviously The breath of death!
It seems that there are quite a few Old Demons!

Ye Xinxin revealed his identity to those people, and those people arranged for Tang Zhong and the others to go to the castle!
The old castle is a typical western old castle!

After a group of people entered, they entered a huge restaurant!

Same as in the west, the huge long dining table, besides the people from the old castle, there are also some young people.

Tang Zhong took a look at those people, and from the other's clothes, he could tell that these people should be from the Universe Star University!
Soon, Tang Zhong also took his seat!

Because the dining table is very long, and it is divided into two sides for people to sit on.

Their Predator people did one side, while the Cosmic Star University people sat on the other side!
After a while, an old man appeared in the middle of the restaurant. He was the owner of the Demon Slayer Castle. He was wearing a different suit, with a pair of horns on his head and red pupils!

"Welcome everyone to the Demon Slayer Castle, I am the owner of the castle, Gula!"

Ye Xinxin is the recipient of this mission, she said: "Master Gula, we are here this time to kill the old demon, can we start now?"

The other party, the leader of the Universe Starry Sky University is a young man. At this moment, he also said: "Master Gulab, our Universe Starry Sky University is also here at the appointment. I don't know when we can start?"

Gula waved his hand and said, "Everyone, don't be in a hurry. This time, there is no need to be in a hurry. I need to tell you about the things that even the demon slayers in the Demon Slayer Castle can't solve!"

"Master Gula Castle, please speak!" Ye Xinxin said.

"This time, I invite everyone to come because the old demons have flooded recently and completely affected our Demon Slayer Castle. Many people outside our castle were killed by the old demons!" Gula said.

"The number of these old demons is much more than usual. This is abnormal, because there are not many old demons here, and we can deal with them completely. Now that there are so many, I suspect that something is wrong. In the Baitianli (space-time distance unit) of the Demon Extermination Castle, there is a lair of the old demons. The number of the old demons is large, which means that they have reproduced more, but the speed of this reproduction is unprecedented. I think it is the old demons. There is a serious problem with the geology of the area!"

Before Gula could speak, Wang Chong said, "You can rest assured and leave it to us, as long as we act, there will be absolutely no problem!"

"I know, I will send the map there to everyone, but before that, I have to tell everyone, be careful, and don't make any mistakes!" Gula said.

"no problem!"

As soon as Gula waved his hand, someone came out with a map.

One was given to the Predator, and the other was given to the Universe Star University!
And Tang Zhong has been staring at the people of Universe Star University.

Because he saw the leader of the Universe Starry University, he seemed to have seen him before, this person seemed to be Wei Wei’s younger brother, when he was looking for Wei Wei in the universe, at that time he found Wei Wei who became a mandala, At that time, Wei Wei sacrificed herself to save this person and another person.

Anyone who has had contact with Tang Zhongguo, he can clearly remember the other person's appearance, and this person will never admit his mistake.

And that person also felt that Tang Zhong was looking at him, so he asked with a smile: "This friend, do we know each other?"

"I don't know!" Tang Zhong said.

"Oh, come to Qin Yu of Xingkong University, nice to meet you!" the man smiled.

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"Tang Zhong?" The man was slightly taken aback. He seemed to have seen the name Tang Zhong before, but he couldn't remember it.

But when I thought about it, even if I had heard it before, it was impossible to be the same as the person in front of me, and immediately said: "I have heard of your name before, but I just can't remember it, I always heard it mentioned by a senior sister of mine before! "

Tang Zhong smiled and said, "Really?"

He pretended not to know, but everyone knew that Wei Wei must have called his name in the Universe Star University!

How are you doing in the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom now?

Then Qin Yu continued to laugh and said: "Let's talk later, let's kill the old demon together today, when the time comes, we can help each other!"

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, Gu La said: "Everyone is optimistic about the map, you can do it now. As long as you complete the task, I will give your respective organizations good reviews!"

"Thank you, Lord Gula Castle!" Ye Xinxin said.

Then take Tang Zhong and others to prepare to leave this place!

"The spaceship at the gate has been prepared for everyone, you go ahead!" said the ancient castle owner.

Everyone came to the spaceship. The spaceship they prepared was not that high-tech, but an ancient flying boat.

After a few people went up, they were ready to go and send them to the local Demon Exterminator!

"Guys, I'll take you there. There's our Demon Slayer's base camp there. When you get there, just join them!"

"Okay!" Ye Xinxin nodded.

In fact, what he is most worried about now is Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong must not have any accidents!

"For a while, you just follow the three of us!" Ye Xinxin said.

Don nodded his head.

He is in a trance now, he has been in the same trance since he got on the spaceship, he really wants to hear about Wei Wei from Qin Yu, now that Wei Wei is in the Heaven Extinct Universe Kingdom, he doesn't know what's going on!

Ye Xinxin found that Tang Zhong was not in the state, and thought that Tang Zhong was afraid, and immediately said: "You don't have to worry about your safety, with us here, no one can hurt you!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he reacted and said, "Yeah!"


Tang Zhong thought to himself that as long as he hangs around among the predators for a long time, he will definitely go to Tianmiie Universe Kingdom, and he will bring Weiwei back, no matter what!
And as the flying boat drove, the surrounding scene changed, and finally arrived at the sky above a camp.

Finally, the flying boat stopped, and the people on the flying boat fell one after another.

This is a desert, and in the middle of the desert, the red scorpions that were originally on the ground have burrowed into the ground one after another!

The periphery of Demon Slayer Castle has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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