Chapter 1632 Encounter!

That was the corpse of Old Demon!
Zixuan was the first to be surprised, the Old Demon was very fast and very difficult to kill, the man just now pierced the Old Demon with a single sword.

It can only be said that the opponent's sword is faster than Old Demon!
Everyone else was dumbfounded too!
Ye Xinxin was startled and horrified. It must have been this monster that emerged from her feet just now. It was really thanks to the people next to her. I'm afraid she is dead now!
But Wang Chong and the others were shocked. How did that guy do it at such a fast speed?
This is too fast.

"Brother Chong, this kid is a bit weird!"

Wang Chong said: "What's so weird, it's nothing more than a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. Even with the speed of that Old Demon just now, I couldn't even catch it. Just relying on him, can I be faster?"

"Of course not!"

"that is!"

At this time, Tang Zhong threw the old demon directly to the ground. He stabbed the old demon's heart to death with the sword just now, and there is no movement now.

Zixuan came over, checked carefully, and found nothing wrong, so he said: "Be careful, this Old Demon is just a spy, he died, Old Demon will be very cautious!"

"it is good!"

After experiencing the sneak attack just now, no one dared to be negligent now.

"Well, can you let me go?" Ye Xinxin whispered.

Only then did Tang Zhong realize that he was still holding onto Ye Xinxin, so he immediately let go: "Just now that Zixuan said that there is a problem, I'm the closest to you, so I caught you!"

When Ye Xinxin heard this, he felt strange, it was Tang Zhong who did it first, what happened to Zi Xuan, no matter what, Tang Zhong saved her: "Thank you so much just now!"

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Thank you for what I'm doing, if something goes wrong in a while, I still have to rely on you to save me!"

"Okay, don't worry!" Ye Xinxin said with a chest.

"Eh..." Tang Zhong looked at Ye Xinxin's action, and was speechless. He was clearly developed so well, so why did he shoot it!
The appearance of the old demon just now was just a small episode, and all the people are now moving on together.

Their current goal is simple, to kill Old Demons!

Now that the old devil's spies have appeared, then the old devil must be around.

"Everyone stop!" Zixuan raised his hand: "We have already reached the area of ​​the old demon, I can smell their stench, everyone, you must protect yourself, no matter whether you can kill the old demon, as long as It’s fine if you don’t die!”

"it is good!"

"Now we can disperse our actions. With so many people together, the goal is too big. Among the old demons, there are also terrifying existences. When you meet the king of the old demons, you just run away!" Zixuan said.

"it is good!"

"From now on, let's all separate!" Everyone nodded, and then they split up.

The so-called split action actually meant that the Predator and the Universal Star University were completely separated.

However, every team has a Demon Exterminator who is there to guide them!

A man was leading the way for Tang Zhong and the others, and said at this time: "Everyone, follow me!"

No one refused, and they all followed.

And Wang Chong was with his people, staring at Tang Zhong's back, they were trying to find a way to do it, and now the opportunity came.

Only Earth Demon came to assist.

Tang Zhong looked around carefully, and he heard a violent panting.

That's right, there are Old Demons ahead, and there are many of them.

"Wait..." Tang Zhong said suddenly.

The people next to him were taken aback, wondering why Tang Zhong said that?

The person leading the way looked back at Tang Zhong and said, "My friend, what happened?"

"Be careful!" Tang Zhong could not reveal his strength, but reminded.

"Don't worry, I have the Demon Extermination Disk, there are Old Demons there, there will be directions, and when the Old Demons are very close to us, this Demon Extinction Disk will move very quickly!" said the guide.

When Wang Chong heard it, he also said to Tang Zhong: "What do you know? If you don't understand, don't talk? Okay, listen to others!"

Tang Zhong was too lazy to talk to Wang Chong and the others, but followed Ye Xinxin and the others.

Ye Xinxin looked at Tang Zhong: "Is there something wrong?"

"I feel that my breath is not right..." Tang Zhong said.

"Very strong?" Ye Xinxin asked back.

She believed in Tang Zhong.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

The person who led the way smiled: "You are so timid... Let me tell you, there is nothing ahead!"

He deliberately walked forward for dozens of steps before stopping, looked back at Tang Zhong and the others, and said, "Look, there is nothing at all!"

He just finished speaking.

At that moment, he was directly pulled into the ground, followed by screams.

Just now, one could clearly see an old demon appearing underground, biting the leader's footsteps, and then pulling them into the ground.

Ye Xinxin and the others were just about to say it was okay, when they saw this scene, they all became terrified.

"Be alert!" Ye Xinxin shouted.

At that moment, everyone put on armor!
Predator Armor!
But it's all bronze armor!

The same goes for Tang Zhong, he didn't put on his silver armor, but the bronze armor with Tang Zhong's name on it!

"Be careful!" Ye Xinxin urged.

next second.

Boom boom boom.

From the ground, Old Demons surged out. They were gigantic beasts like crocodiles, with spikes like hedgehogs on their backs!

They are now rushing towards Tang Zhong, like zombies besieging the city, and it can be seen that their pupils are deeply red.

What's going on here?


Ye Xinxin fought with the nearest Old Demon.

Everyone else moved too.

Even if Wang Chong had thoughts about Tang Zhong, he could only defeat these monsters first!

Tang Zhong didn't take out the magic sword, but used the flame field to slaughter!
As long as the flames hit the Old Demon, the Old Demon would be burned by the flames and howl, and finally turned into charcoal!
Because Tang Zhong's attainments in the field of flames are very high!


Ye Xinxin held a sword in his hand and kept chopping the Earth Demon in half. The other two girls from Fengxuan Pavilion were equally powerful, not to mention Wang Chong, but one of them was very weak, not that strong. Under the old demon's attack, it seemed a bit strenuous, but none of them would be life-threatening.

The number of these Old Demons is really too much.

Densely packed.

And these old demons are very intelligent, two old demons go to besiege one person together, one is fighting with Ye Xinxin, and the other is lying in ambush, ready to take action at the right time!
When he shot, he was rescued by Tang Zhong.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause a disaster!
But there are really too many of these Old Demons.

This amount... can be described as terrifying.

"Follow me!" Tang Zhong said.

Fighting with these old demons will only exhaust your energy, and it will be of no use at all, so let's go first.

(End of this chapter)

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