Chapter 1633 Yaksha!

"Follow me!" Tang Zhong took the lead and ran away, no matter what, leave here first!

Ye Xinxin also knew that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, so he followed Tang Zhong and left!

The others are not stupid, let the group run first before talking!

Keep going forward!
Just arrived at a safe place!

Tang Zhong stopped and gasped for breath. It has to be said that it is really difficult to walk in this windy and sandy area.

If I haven't stayed here for a long time, I'm afraid I can't get used to it!

"The goal of us being together is really too big, I think we should spread out!" Ye Xinxin said.

"Then let's form a group!" Wang Chong said.

"I agree!" Ye Xinxin said!

When Tang Zhong heard what Wang Chong said, he knew what the other party was thinking. Most likely he wanted to be with him!

"Then how about this, let's make a group of men, and let's make a group of women!" Wang Chong said.

He now has to find a way to make Tang Zhong independent. If Tang Zhong is always by Ye Xinxin's side, then they really have no way to get rid of Tang Zhong!

The relationship between this guy and Ye Xingxin seems to be good, and he has to get rid of it. There is no need for the dead to keep in mind!
How could Tang Zhong not know what Wang Chong was thinking? This guy is very courageous!
"No!" Ye Xinxin said immediately: "Since Tang Zhong came with us, then he should go with us, you four, and we only have three, according to the number, you should also go with us! "

Wang Chong's face changed slightly: "This is not good, it is most suitable to go with us, you three women, how decent are you with a man!"

"Why not?" Ye Xinxin said.

Facing Ye Xinxin, Wang Chong had nothing to say, and said, "Alright then!"

Ye Xinxin didn't answer, and took Tang Zhong's hand: "Let's go, come with us!"

And Wang Chong and others watched Ye Xinxin leave, trembling with anger.

Others stepped forward and said, "Brother Chong, what should we do? If this guy doesn't leave Ye Xinxin, we really have no way to do it!"

"Then do you want to continue killing this guy?"

"Of course!" Wang Chong said.

"I don't know what kind of charm this guy has, but he is actually attracted by Ye Xinxin. Seeing that my elder brother is so handsome and powerful, I can't make Ye Xinxin smile!" You said.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Chong gave the other party a hard look.

That person knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly shut up.

"Let's go, hunt the old demon!"

Tang Zhong followed Ye Xinxin.

Now that Ye Xinxin is still staring at Tang Zhong, he must be careful: "I think that Wang Chong seems to be unkind to you. Did you have any conflicts with him before?"

"No!" Tang Zhong shook his head.

"Then why is he so strange? Forget it, don't pay attention to him, just follow me, no one dares to touch you!" Ye Xinxin said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

"Let's go!" Ye Xinxin came to the end!

A group of people started hunting Old Demon.

These old demons are like crazy, they will come up and bite people when they see them.

Several people fought hard, but luckily they could fight!
Pfft, Tang Zhong pierced Earth Demon's head with a sword, and the juice came out from inside.

The more he killed more Old Demons, the more strange Tang Zhong felt, several of these Old Demons all looked the same, as if they were cloned!
Humans have a human form, and demons have a demon-like appearance. It is impossible for humans to be exactly the same, so how can demons be possible?

Perhaps the fact that so many demons are exactly the same is the problem this time!
Ye Xinxin asked Tang Zhong if he was okay every time he killed a few Old Demons. Tang Zhong wanted to say that he was no longer a child, and there was nothing he could do. He was sure that he could do anything, but in the end he could only laugh and say: "OK!"

A girl like Ye Xinxin really cares about people!
A few people moved forward, and the sound of fighting came from the front!

And Tang Zhong also smelled a devilish energy!
It's stronger than Old Demon's aura!
"There is a fight ahead, let's go and have a look!" Ye Xinxin said.

A few people did not refuse, approached closer, looked ahead from a distance, the wind and sand turned into a tornado, reaching the sky and falling into the earth!

Among them, there was a group of people fighting Old Demon. Those clothes looked like people from Starry Sky University, and there seemed to be other people fighting them besides Old Demon. It was a humanoid monster!

The opponent's whole body has that kind of skin that seems to be lost. It is strange that there is no mouth, but a tail and wings, and a fork in his hand!

Earlier in the Demon Extinguishing Castle, the Gula Castle Master said that there are only Old Demons here. Where did this Yaksha come from?

No matter what, hurry up and save people, this Yasha is too powerful.

Moreover, those people from the university in the universe starry sky are also asking for help at this moment: "Help us!"

Ye Xinxin is the most kind-hearted: "Go, do it!"

A few people quickly passed by and joined the battle!

That Yaksha was ferocious, but at this moment, when he saw other people approaching, the frequency of his wings vibrating behind him was extremely high, that was hostility.

"Help us!" Several people from Starry Sky University were obviously unable to hold on under the siege of Old Demon.

Ye Xinxin went over and swept across with a sword.

Killed the old demon, and rescued a few people!
"Are you okay?"

The few people from Starry Sky University came to their senses at this moment, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, you have to be careful of that Yasha!"

Tang Zhong looked at Yasha, and had to say that the devilish energy that bloomed from this Yasha was much stronger than that of the previous Earth Demon.

At this time, the Yasha started to move, holding a long fork, and stabbing towards him.

One of the people in Fengxuan Pavilion went to resist, and she held a dagger in her hand.

Slash together with that Yaksha.

In an instant, the woman was pushed back by the shock, and her arm was directly deformed!
"Xiaoyue..." The other women panicked.

Then looking at Xiaoyue's injuries, everyone's faces were extremely ugly, so it can be seen how powerful this Yasha is!
Ye Xinxin's face became ugly, she took out her sword, and prepared to fight that Yasha.

Humanity from Xingkong University said: "Be careful, this Yasha is very powerful... and also very powerful, ordinary people are definitely not opponents!"

Ye Xinxin nodded in understanding, stepped forward, and slashed out with a sword!
Tang Zhong saw it, and he observed the strength between Yasha and Ye Xinxin.

Obviously Ye Xinxin lost too badly.

In an instant, a sword collided with the fork in Yasha's hand.

With a bang, Ye Xinxin was shaken back, her body was suspended in the air, and her whole arm was numb there, as if it was about to break, but now she has to fall somewhere!
Tang Zhong had already come out of Ye Xinxin's situation, jumped up suddenly, and when Ye Xinxin retreated and flew out, he grabbed Ye Xinxin and slowly put him down from the high altitude.

"It's okay!"

"no no!"

"We are not the opponents of this Yasha!"

"I know!"

But at this time, when Yasha saw someone grabbing Ye Xinxin, he became a little furious, and the wings behind him trembled even faster, that's because he was angry!

(End of this chapter)

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