Chapter 1634 Magic Egg!

Tang Zhong frowned!

Seeing this, Ye Xinxin and the others immediately ordered: "Quick back, we are no match for this Yasha!"

Everyone started to retreat violently!

The people from the University of Universe and Starry Sky were the first to fight with these yakshas. They were all about to die, but now they were rescued, and they all got up and ran away!
Seeing that everyone was about to flee, Yasha became even more furious!
Flash the wings behind you!

A gust of wind blew up, and I saw the wind and sand being rolled up directly, and more tornadoes appeared.

"Separate, run separately!" Ye Xinxin shouted loudly.

The crowd dispersed immediately.

Tang Zhong was not worried about the others, he was worried about Ye Xinxin now, so when they dispersed, he followed Ye Xinxin.

"What are you doing? Don't follow me!" Ye Xinxin saw Tang Zhong and shouted.

Tang Zhong knew what Ye Xinxin was thinking, so he naturally followed Ye Xinxin.

Now that Ye Xinxin is running alone, he is probably planning to lure this Yasha away. This silly woman is really going to kill Tang Zhong with anger.

His brother Ye Lang is so smart, how come he is so stupid to this woman, in the universe, who would die for whom, as long as everyone is Bao Zhu's own life, that's enough!
"I will follow you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Don't follow me!" Ye Xinxin shouted.

But at this time, Yasha came over with wings flapping!

The long fork in his hand swept over.

Facing Ye Xinxin's body!

If this is caught, I am afraid that I will die here directly!
Seeing this, Tang Zhong was anxious, and suddenly rushed forward, directly throwing Ye Xinxin down.

In an instant, the fork in Yasha's book happened to pass by Tang Zhong's back, and just a little bit more, it stabbed Tang Zhong.

Ye Xinxin was dumbfounded. The reason why she lured Yasha away was because she was the captain who came to complete the task this time, and I had to protect the lives of the team members.

But just now, she really felt death!
"Are you okay!" Ye Xinxin shouted.

She was worried about Tang Zhong.

Wang Xiaofei didn't have time to say anything to this woman, so he covered Ye Xinxin's mouth: "Shut up!"

Without saying a word, he ran forward with Ye Xinxin on his shoulders.

Ye Xinxin never thought that the other party would actually carry her: "You put me down, you can't run away, you are not his opponent!"

Tang Zhong doesn't have time to pay attention to this leaf's mind now, let's talk about living first!
He ran wildly step by step, and the Yaksha behind him attacked repeatedly.

But every time it was reset to death by Tang.

Ye Xinxin was still talking at first, but he slowly realized that Yasha couldn't catch up with him!

How is this guy so fast!

Tang Zhong ran wildly all the way.

Later, Yasha was thrown away abruptly!
I don't know where I am now, but there are many buildings in front of me, like the Egyptian buildings in the dark, but they have long been abandoned.

This is the Demon Slayer Castle, so there are many castles!
Arriving next to a pillar, Tang Zhong also let Ye Xinxin down.

Ye Xinxin was dumbfounded, and looked at Tang Zhong in shock: "How is your speed so fast?"

It was impossible for Tang Zhong to tell the other party that this was his strength, but he said: "I was afraid of death a long time ago, so I learned some ways to escape. The only way is to run fast, and it will come in handy today!"

"That's it!" Ye Xinxin laughed.

But the smile disappeared soon: "I don't know how the others are doing now?"

"Cosmic phone!" Tang Zhong said.

"The cosmic phone is useless here!" Ye Xinxin said.

Tang Zhong took out his phone and found that there was no signal on the phone.

Such a scam!

"Let's go first!" Tang Zhong said.

Because he saw that there seemed to be an ancient temple in front of him!
This ancient temple seems to have an entrance.

"Where are you going?" Ye Xinxin asked.

"There..." Tang Zhong pointed to the front.

Then Tang Zhong stepped forward quickly!

Ye Xinxin didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately followed behind.

Ahead is a building similar to a Greek temple!

In front, there is actually an underground passage!

"Go down and have a look!" Ye Xinxin stepped forward immediately after seeing it.

"Don't go there!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Because he smelled a bad smell again.

It's the stench of demonic energy!
And it seemed that it was those yakshas, ​​he was completely speechless, he thought he had escaped from the yakshas' pursuit, but now he seemed to have arrived at his lair, there was really nothing more embarrassing than this.

"Why?" Ye Xinxin turned around and asked.

"Don't ask so many questions, just follow me!" Tang Zhong said.

"Didn't you say I will protect you?" Ye Xinxin said.

"But now, I will protect you!" Tang Zhong said. .

I don't know why Ye Xingxin didn't say a word in the end. She didn't know what to say when Tang Zhong said that.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong was in front.

Ye Xinxin followed behind.

Perhaps, this is where we can find out the secret of the flood of earth demons!
Below is the channel.

But before Tang Zhong could enter, he asked about a smell that made him sick. This smell was very familiar. On the Tianyuan Continent, the smell of the national teacher!

Could it be that there are creatures similar to that national teacher here?

"For a while, be careful!" Tang Zhong continued.

Be very careful.

Ye Xinxin was a little frightened by Tang's reorganization, and finally nodded: "Yes!"

Below is a huge palace!

There is still water in it, but it is just black water, and it still emits a fishy smell!

And at this time.

In the center of the palace, there is a beating thing, similar to a heart, but very big, it looks like an egg!

This... what is this?
Ye Xinxin was so dumbfounded that he couldn't believe what he saw!
"That thing, he's moving!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he smelled the breath, yes, the disgusting smell is released from the egg, this thing is the same creature as the national teacher!

It's just that the national teacher has completely transformed, and the whole egg is just an egg.

If there is no accident, it must be after the egg came here that the number of Old Demons in this area was flooded.

As for those nightshades too!

It seems... when the demons descend, these demons are invading here bit by bit!

Just don't know when they will make a massive invasion!

"I know it's moving, so let's destroy it now!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah?" Ye Xinxin didn't know anything at all.

Tang Zhong walked forward, and when he reached the side of the egg, he stimulated the dragon's blood in his body, and his pupils turned red.

The egg was beating even more violently, obviously it was afraid!
This thing is alive, after a long time, it will hatch monsters!
Tang Zhong would never allow such a thing to happen, so he took out the magic sword and stabbed it out.

With a puff, it stabbed the egg.

Immediately, a roaring sound came out from the egg.

That is the roar of the devil!
It also seems to be resisting Tang Zhong.


Tang Zhong was indifferent to each other, and the force of the sword stabbing was even stronger.

The whole egg was pierced at once, and immediately, from inside, the juice, and the newly condensed demon body exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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