Chapter 1636 Dragon blood vs black liquid!
Let's talk about breaking out of the encirclement now!

Tang Zhong carried Ye Xinxin on his shoulders.

Ye Xinxin still wanted to resist at this time, but her body was so painful that she couldn't stand it, and finally passed out directly.

Tang Zhong ignored her and left here first.

However, Ye Xinxin's words are indeed so uncomfortable!

But it still wouldn't hurt him!

He killed all the way and went out from here.

There is yellow sand everywhere!

Now he has to hand over this leaf heart to other Fengxuan Pavilion talents, and then hunt down Old Demon by himself.

After all, the devil eggs have been destroyed now, those old demons should be slaughtered soon.

If there is no accident, it should be that the old demon received the demonic interference from the demon egg, and this happened!

He slaughtered all the way!

With Ye Xinxin, he didn't have any medicine to heal him now, but when he looked back, he found that the wound on Ye Xinxin's chest was constantly being torn open, and now the black blood was rolling inside.

And you can see the blood vessels in Ye Xinxin's body, densely covered with black blood, obviously the blood in the body is dyed red by the black juice.

If it continues like this, Ye Xinxin won't be able to hold on for long.

After he hunted down all the old demons here, he put Ye Xinxin on the ground.

I saw that the other party was panting violently at this moment, as if he was about to die.

Tang Zhong glanced at the other party, he couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately helped Ye Xinxin.

"Live for me!" Tang Zhong said.

But Ye Xinxin's chest wound was black this time, and now he is vomiting black blood.

And the whole body is twitching.

No, it must be caused by the black juice, that's why Ye Xinxin has become like this now!

If you want to save Ye Xinxin now, you must force out all the black juice in the opponent's body.

This is not a simple matter, medicine must be used, but where does Tang Zhong go to find medicine for the other party now!
He could only find someone else, but if he found someone else, Ye Xinxin would have died long ago.

Tang Zhong suddenly remembered the black juice and the dragon blood in his body!

The two restrain each other, and I don't know if the dragon's blood can neutralize the black juice!
do not care.

Tang Zhong grabbed the magic sword directly, and with a click, golden blood flowed from the center of his palm.

He didn't care about these, but dripped directly on Ye Xinxin's chest!
As soon as the golden blood dripped in, a miracle happened, and the black juice was dispelled immediately.

And the golden blood directly melted into Ye Xinxin's wound.

More miracles happened, the wound healed automatically, and the black blood in the blood vessels of the body was continuously dispelled until finally, completely dispelled.

Ye Xinxin suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Then I saw Ye Xinxin's face slowly recovering.

But Ye Xinxin hasn't woken up yet.

The black blood entered his body, and Ye Xinxin must have been contaminated with demonic energy.

Now that the dragon's blood goes in again, although it prevents the release of the magic energy, it cannot be recovered immediately.

But now his life is saved, he carried Ye Xinxin up again!
He must now find someone to entrust Ye Xinxin to the past!

Close your eyes and sense your surroundings!
The range he can perceive is larger than before.

He heard the sound of fighting, and in the east, he flew away, carrying Ye Xinxin behind his back.

In the East, there are indeed people fighting.

Tang Zhong took a closer look, but he didn't expect that it was the people from Fengxuan Pavilion who were besieged by the old demons, and they didn't know what to do!

This is not right!

Tang Zhong passed by again!

With a sweep of the sword, several crazy Old Demons were slaughtered directly.

The sword cut off from the head, and the old demon's head and body were separated!

The people in Fengxuan Pavilion were taken aback for a moment, but they were all dumbfounded when they saw Tang Zhong. Why is it Tang Zhong?What kind of strong do they think it is?

But soon, they saw Ye Xinxin behind Tang Zhong, and immediately panicked: "Sister Ye, what's wrong?"

After they separated from Ye Xinxin, they kept looking for Ye Xinxin, but they couldn't find it. Now they saw Ye Xinxin panicked.

"Help me take care of her, and then don't do anything!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he put Ye Xinxin down.

With the help of Ye Xinxin, several people quickly took care of them.

He was about to continue talking with Tang Zhong, but found that the other party had disappeared.

At this time, Tang Zhong had already left, and started hunting Old Demon.

Although there are other gains, the task still has to be completed.

Although the weakened Old Demons were numerous, they were not Tang Zhong's opponents at all. They were slaughtered with just a few strikes!

Others are not Tang Zhong's opponents.

And just after Tang Zhong killed an unknown number of Earth Demons.

He unexpectedly met a familiar person.

Wang Chong them!

They were fighting with the old demons, and after the three of them teamed up to kill one of the old demons, they happened to meet Tang Zhong face to face!
Seeing that it was them, Tang Zhong didn't want to compete with them, so he turned around and left!
But Wang Chong and the others saw Tang Zhongzhong leaving, and immediately stopped in front of him. Wang Chong smiled and said, "What's wrong? Tang Zhong, why are you running?"

When Tang Zhong saw Wang Chong, he knew what the other party was thinking, and he had no time to pay attention to him.

"Go away!"

Wang Chong was taken aback, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so bold, and immediately said: "What did you say? Tell you bluntly, I'm here to trouble you now, and I'll give you a way to survive now, and stay away from Ye Xinxin in the future. Spare your life, you know?"

"Crazy!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

"What did you say?" Wang Chong's anger was suddenly ignited.

He had been looking for Tang Zhong, but he hadn't seen Tang Zhong for such a long time. He thought that this kid would follow Ye Xinxin, but he didn't expect to meet him here, so he went up to warn him, but the other party It was unbearable for him to say such a thing.

"You're looking for death, aren't you?" Wang Chong said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, the people next to him stood up, ready to arrest Tang Zhong: "If you dare to speak against brother, you are looking for death!"

"Go away!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Several people saw that this kid really didn't cry when he saw the coffin.

"Kill him!" Wang Chong said coldly.

On Wang Chong's side, there were three people in total. At this time, they directly attacked and attacked with great strength.

Tang Zhong's eyes were cold, and he stomped out with a sword.

Before the man could react, his body was directly divided into two, and cut off in the middle.

Before the other two made a move, their faces were splattered with blood, and they stood there in a daze.

People just die like this?

And at this time, Tang Zhong was lazy again!

Click click!

The bodies of the other two were cut off too lazy!

This is the judgment of hell!
Wang Chong was originally smiling, but at this moment, his expression froze.

Just now, what happened?Didn't he see clearly?

(End of this chapter)

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