Chapter 1637 Five years!

What happened just now, Wang Chong didn't see clearly at all, his people died there.

What did Tang Zhong do?
At this time, Tang Zhong held the magic sword, and without saying a word to Wang Chong, he directly stomped out with the sword.

That Wang Chong was not simple, he felt the murderous aura, and quickly resisted, his domain erupted directly, and a gust of cold wind appeared under his feet.

"Wind Domain!"

In these fields, the speed of your feet will change very fast, like riding against the wind!
Tang Zhong missed Wang Chong with his sword, and with a bang, the sword fell to the ground.

With a bang, the ground cracked open!
Wang Chong glanced at the ground, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, this power... Then he looked at Tang Zhong, he found that this person was not as simple as he seemed, that power was ridiculously strong.

"'ve been pretending to be weak!"

With an indifferent face, Tang Zhong attacked and killed him directly: "I never pretended, but you have always regarded me as a weak person!"

His cold voice came out.

Killing with one sword, crazy sword energy, mixed with aura, rolled towards him like wind and clouds.

That speed is simply outrageous!

Wang Chong hurriedly dodged, but this time, his Wind Domain speed was much slower, and he couldn't dodge Tang Zhong's attack at all.

His arm, which was cut by the sword, flew straight up, and from the wound, blood spurted out!
Wang Chong roared in pain. His pupils were scarlet and bloodshot, and he stared at Tang Zhong. He wanted to kill Tang Zhong just now, but now he found himself facing Tang Zhong, as if he didn't have the strength to fight back. This guy, after all Who is it?

He turned around and was about to run away. If there were other people, Tang Zhong would never dare to make a move.

But there are people here and there, there is nothing, he originally thought to kill Tang Zhong secretly in this place where there is no one, but now, this place is used by Tang Zhong instead.

"No!" Wang Chong shouted.

His domain master's ninth-level strength is completely useless now.

He wants to run.

But he hadn't run very far when suddenly, a sword blade emerged from his chest.

It directly penetrated his body and pierced through the heart.

That is the magic sword!

Then, a big blood hole appeared in Wang Chong's chest, and he fell to the ground directly. There was no life in his pupils, and he died directly!
He walked over, but didn't leave immediately, but attracted Old Demon to Wang Chong's body.

His purpose of doing this was to disguise the corpse, and after everything last night, he left.

I believe Old Demon will come over soon.

Sure enough, a few Old Demons in the distance found their corpses, went over to them, bit them, and swallowed them.

Tang Zhong took back the magic sword and continued hunting down the old demons.

This task still needs to be completed. As for Wang Chong and others, just treat it as being killed by Old Demon!
These Old Demons were slowly weakening. Tang Zhong began to look for beheading, and he was simply no match. With a single sweep of his sword, several Old Demons died.

I don't even know that after I killed thousands of heads!

Just after killing the old demon, he saw someone hunting and killing the old demon in front of him.

Unexpectedly, it was Qin Yu from the University of Universe and Starry Sky. After killing an old demon, he saw Tang Zhong and gave Tang Zhong a call to take care of him: "Hello, we meet again!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

Knowing that the other party is Wei Wei's younger brother, so he is very familiar with him.

"Do you have a strange thing?" Qin Yu said.

"What strange thing?" Tang Zhong asked.

"These old demons were very cruel just now, but for some reason, they seem to have been weakened one by one!" Qin Yu said.

Tang Zhong naturally knew why, but he pretended not to know anything: "I find it strange too!"

At this time, Qin Yu sized Tang Zhong up and was very curious: "I think your strength is the fourth level of the domain master. It is very difficult for me to kill several earth demons by myself, and I am also injured. Instead, I see you Nothing at all!"

"That's what we taught among the predators!" Tang Zhong said.

Qin Yu laughed loudly: "Then I still want to go to the Predator to have a look!"

"If you don't mind, you can go after this mission!" Tang Zhong said.

"Probably not, I have a senior sister whose wedding is coming soon, I have to prepare some congratulatory gifts for her, hey!" Qin Yu actually sighed when he said this!


For some reason, Tang Zhong suddenly remembered Wei Wei, could it be Wei Wei, probably not!

But his heart started to panic, and he asked, "You... why are you sighing?"

"Ah?" Qin Yu said: "To be honest, my senior sister wanted to marry someone I didn't like, but she refused. It's strange to say, you know? The person my senior sister likes is the same as you The name is Tang Zhong!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong felt as if he had been struck by lightning, obviously he was referring to Wei Wei!

Wei Wei gets married?

how come?
So fast!
Tang Zhong's forehead was sweating, and he began to panic. He forced himself to calm down, and said with a dry smile: "In your world, how long is it until you get married?"

Qin Yu didn't know why Tang Zhong asked this, but he thought it must be that the other party was curious, and said, "There are still five years..."

five years?

Tang Zhong fell into an unprecedented panic.

Even if he is very indifferent, he can't be indifferent now.

Because the person he is going to face is Jiang Weiwei, the woman he loves the most in his life. Will he be forced to marry someone else?

"Hey, I think my senior sister loves the wrong person. That Tang Zhong, how could she be so cowardly? Seeing that the woman I love wants to marry, but she hasn't shown up yet, I'm not worth it for my senior sister!" Qin Yu muttered.

He didn't know at all that the Tang Zhong his senior sister spoke of was the person in front of him.

Tang Zhong was even more flustered. How could he not want to appear? He wanted to appear on the day when the universe was destroyed all the time to fight against King Mie. However, his strength is not enough now. If he goes there, he will seek death.

He said that he wanted to wear a golden armor and marry Jiang Weiwei instead of what he looks like now!

Immediately, Tang Zhong's fists were clenched together, but Qin Yu didn't see his abnormality.

"Oh, why did I tell you so much, I lost my composure, I'm sorry!" Qin Yu apologized to Tang Zhong.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

He was very grateful to Qin Yu, if it wasn't for the news about Wei Wei brought by Qin Yu today, he would have nowhere to hear about it.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong said suddenly.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment: "Thank you? Thank you for what!"

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

He said no more.

"Okay, the old demons have almost been hunted down, let's go find the team!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's right, let's go together!" Qin Yu nodded.

A group of people walked together and walked forward!

There were not many Old Demons along the way, so they ran rampant!
Tang Zhong found several people in Fengxuan Pavilion, and found that Ye Xinxin had woken up. The black air on her face had been completely expelled now. It seemed that the dragon blood had saved her life and expelled all the black air. up.

When Ye Xinxin saw Tang Zhong appeared, he quickly got up from the ground and said anxiously: "You...are you okay!"

When she just woke up, she found that she was here, but Tang Zhong was gone, so she thought something had happened!

(End of this chapter)

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