Chapter 1639 Challenge the Hall of Fame!
In the Demon Extinguishing Castle, the owner of Gula Castle knew that this time the Earth Demon catastrophe had been completely resolved, so he began to hold a banquet!
It's that typical European banquet!

The Master of Gula Castle raised his glass high: "This time, I really thank you all. If it weren't for everyone, the disaster that I have endured in the Demon Slayer Castle this time is truly indescribable!"

"It's not a pity, Lord Gula Castle, these are what we should do!" At this time, Qin Yu from the University of Universe and Starry Sky said.

But Ye Xinxin was absent-minded all the time, she didn't know what to do, she was still thinking about how to solve Wang Chong's matter!

Seeing that Ye Xinxin was busy, the master of Gula Castle said, "Miss Ye? Do you have something on your mind?"

"No!" Ye Xinxin said immediately.

"That's good, I'm going to treat you well tonight!" Gula said.

Crazy all night, the exterminators of the castle began to dance, like the exclusive martial arts in this area.

After playing all night, the Gula Fortress told everyone before leaving that he would definitely send praise to the other party's organization!

Then Qin Yu exchanged a few words with Tang Zhong before boarding the spaceship and leaving.

And Tang Zhong and the others quickly boarded the spaceship.

There were originally eight people here, but now there are only four.

The other four are dead!

Along the way, Ye Xinxin did not speak.

It wasn't until before disembarking from the spaceship that Ye Xingxin approached Tang Zhong and said, "When you go back later, no matter what happens, you don't care about it, you understand?"

Tang Zhong, who knew Ye Xinxin's character, still shut up, and if he continued to argue with the other party, Ye Xinxin would still win, so Tang Zhong nodded his head.

"Also, someone is looking for you, and you say you don't know the whereabouts of Wang Chong and the others!"


Tang Zhong was a little surprised, is all this really so fatal?
He doesn't think so!
Back in the mission hall, Ye Xinxin went to hand in the mission.

Tang Zhong followed behind.

The woman who issued the mission looked at the four of them: "Eight people went, and now four are casualties?"

"Yes!" Ye Xinxin said.

"This time the casualties were serious, please tell me the names of the other four people who died!" the publisher said humanely.

"Wang Chong... Xinghuo..." Ye Xinxin said four names in a row!
"Okay, it has been fully recorded, and we will notify the family members when the time comes!" said the publisher.

Then Ye Xinxin led the others out of the mission hall, and until he left, he was still telling him not to mention Wang Chong no matter what.

Tang Zhong didn't take it seriously, he returned to his dormitory, and the artificial intelligence had already remembered Tang Zhong.

"The master is back, I haven't seen the master these days!"

"Going out on a mission!" Tang Zhong said.

Saying that, the artificial intelligence stretched out a bare hand and undressed Tang Zhong!

Soon, he was only wearing shorts, and his body was muscular. On his back, the dragon tattoo was still obvious.

He jumped into the bathtub, ready to take a bath!

This time, I'm really tired, so let's relax my body first!

After a while, he fell asleep.

After he woke up, no one knew how long it had passed, and the artificial intelligence had already cleaned Tang Zhong's clothes.

And it had already been placed next to the bathtub. After he quickly put it on, he was ready to go out!

Straight to the Hall of Fame!
He wants to challenge to improve his ranking!

He has to become stronger. Ye Xinxin said before that this is the only shortcut to improve his armor level.

I have been to the Hall of Fame once before, so I am familiar with the road, and the square full of sculptures exudes golden light.

Tang Zhong will soon be the host of the Hall of Fame!

That's in a control room next to the square!

Inside, there are many simulation cabins, and it seems that they are challenging people in the hall of fame in the cabins!
After Tang Zhong walked in, he found that the control room was deserted, only the staff!
And the staff are all robots, seeing Tang Zhong coming, respectfully said: "Which person do you want to challenge?"

The advantage of a robot over a human is that a robot will not question a person's strength. If it is a human now, it will definitely feel that Tang Zhong is weak, and let Tang Zhong leave here.

"I challenge the Silver Armor..." Tang Zhong said.

He will challenge the last person in the Silver Armor first, to see how strong the opponent is?

"Please enter the simulation cabin!" said the robot.

Tang Zhong walked into a cabin, and had to say, it was very comfortable, and it was too spacious here.

The simulation cabin was not big, and it was surrounded by wires. Soon, a helmet fell on Tang Zhong's head, and soon he entered a simulated state.

He seemed to be standing in the middle of the vast starry sky!

He glanced at his whole body, and found that his attire was ready. It was a bronze armor. He heard from Ye Xinxin that it was all data. It seemed that the data on his body had turned into this bronze armor!

I don't know who the opponent is?

And at this moment, I saw countless data condensed in front of me, and finally turned into a person wearing silver armor. This person has a big beard, and the data simulation is so lifelike!

At this moment, the bearded man in silver armor first bowed to Tang Zhong, and then stood up!

It's just data!
"Let's begin!" Tang Zhong said.

After seeing this, the bearded man immediately started to attack Tang Zhong with a fist.

On the fist, there was a ferocious thunder and lightning, making a crackling sound.

This is the field of thunder and lightning!

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

He wanted to summon the magic sword at this time, but found that there was none!

Only then did he realize that this place is just a bunch of data, and only things within the data can be summoned!
It took a little time to summon the magic sword, and then Tang Zhong squeezed his fist quickly. At this time, the flame field erupted, and the fist seemed to be burning with flames.

Then he punched forward and blasted out!

Collided with that bearded man in silver armor!
Immediately, Tang Zhong himself flew upside down, and finally landed on the ground, extremely embarrassed!
This man is too strong!
Tang Zhong really didn't expect it.

Haven't reacted yet.

The bearded man came over again, his fists continued to hit, and he could see that his fists were covered with a layer of Thunder Tiger!
Ferocious suppression came, that kind of powerful force!

This person's understanding of the field of lightning is probably at the third level!

The domain is divided into nine levels.

Now Tang Zhong has only comprehended the second level!

He stood up suddenly and punched out!
This time, he summoned the Thunder Domain, with flames in one hand and lightning in the other.

The whole thing slammed together, and at that moment, a violent vibration sounded.


This time, Tang Zhong was knocked down, and he was in a mess, with pain in his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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