Chapter 1640 Strange people!
Tang Zhong was knocked down, and he was extremely embarrassed!
And the bearded man didn't give him another chance at all, he attacked again, as if using a big move, the thunder on his body turned into a complete Thunder Snake, and raged away, as if he wanted to swallow Tang Zhong completely!
With a bang, Tang Zhong was scattered and turned into data!

Tang Zhong couldn't feel the pain, but the things he saw in front of him seemed to really exist!
He returned to the simulation cabin again.

Immediately, the battle data was analyzed.

When Tang Zhong saw it, he understood why the bearded man in silver armor was so violent. It turned out that their data was at the peak state!
It can be seen that the bearded man in silver armor analyzed by the system has reached the peak, while Tang Zhong's state is not even half, which is really exciting!

This hall of fame trial is simply a holy place for cultivation!

It would be great if you keep challenging here!

At this time, a voice came from my ear: "The challenger failed the challenge, and there are two more chances every day!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, it's really strange that there is still a limit on the number of times to challenge this!

Two more chances!

Come on then!

"Continue to challenge the last place in the Silver Armor!"

Immediately, the simulation began in the simulation cabin!

The bearded man from before reappeared.

As soon as he appeared, he directly used all his strength. It can be seen that his fists are full of thunderbolt lightning, crazy and domineering, as if he wants to suppress everything!
Blast towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong immediately resisted. This time he had prepared a lot, but he was repelled by the opponent's punch.

This time he released both the thunder and the flame domain, and then rushed forward, the first to strike, punching out, suppressing wildly!

You must not be suppressed by the opponent.

The speed of the feet, walking in the style of thunder and fire swimming dragon, the speed is very fast, just like lightning.

Whoosh whoosh.

Hard to see with the naked eye at all!
The flames in the left hand and the thunder in the right are directly condensed together! , turned into a thunder and fire faucet, and suppressed it frantically!

Bang with that beard!
The bearded man's body burst into thunder and lightning, and he made a sound, the field of thunder covered his whole body!

That is a thunder armor!
After the triple domain, you can thunder your armor!

Then at the same time, the bearded man punched out, that moment!

Together with Tang Zhong's attack, bang!
Boom boom boom!
Thunderbolts and thunderbolts emitted intense white light, as if they were about to tear this place apart!
Tang Zhong roared angrily, his current fighting state still couldn't be raised to the peak, but the bearded man is completely at the peak now, his pupils seem to be able to shoot thunder!
Tang Zhong's Thunder Fire Dragon Fist hit the bearded man's lightning armor, and the bearded man's fist landed on Tang Zhong's body at the same time.


Both were knocked back!

The bearded man's armor cracked a little, while Tang Zhong was blasted out with a hole in his chest!
This... how is this possible?
It seems that the strength is still not enough!

Tang Zhong sighed, he still couldn't let himself burst out with great strength at the beginning of the battle!
The second time it failed.

For the third time he continued!
Still failed!
He can make his fighting spirit explode, but it is not as strong as the bearded armor!
Today's three challenges have almost been completed!
Tang Zhong did not leave the Hall of Fame, he simply practiced in the Hall of Fame!

Anyway, no one came here, it was very quiet!

He was thinking about how to make his fighting power explode when he first started fighting!

The next day, Tang Zhong still came here to challenge the bearded armor!

From the beginning, he directly made himself stronger. He felt that if he let himself fight with the bearded man himself, he would never lose to the bearded man!

This time, he had a good start in the fight with the data bearded man, and finally he failed after many tricks!

The three times passed quickly, and on the third time, Tang Zhong almost defeated the bearded man!

It should be soon!

In the battle of the Hall of Fame, he finally discovered the importance of armor.

For example, his bronze armor, when facing the silver armor, has less defensive power than others, and it is too disadvantageous in the battle!
Hurry up and upgrade the armor level!

This time, Tang Zhong was practicing.

But outside the Hall of Fame, another person appeared. That person was surprised to see someone in the Hall of Fame, but he didn't talk to Tang Zhong, and went into the simulation cabin by himself.

If no one comes for a few days, it is still kind to come alone.

Tang Zhong practiced for a while, and left without seeing that person.

On the third day, the bearded silver armor fought Tang Zhong. At the last moment, he was punched and killed by Tang Zhong, turning into data and scattered!

"Congratulations, you have won, please receive the silver armor from the Armor Center!"

Tang Zhong was so excited that he was about to jump up.

He finally has his own silver armor, which is a good thing!
If his deeds are spread, it will definitely cause a sensation, because a recruit actually has a silver armor!
You must know that recruits only have bronze armor!
But Tang Zhong was no ordinary rookie.

I'm not going to challenge anyone today. I just went out and saw the person from yesterday again. This person seemed to be waiting for someone in the Hall of Fame control room. After seeing Tang Zhong coming out, he hurried into the simulation cabin again.

Tang Zhong was a little curious, who is this person?

Is he also here to challenge the armor?

Wait until next time to ask the other party what armor to wear!

Tang Zhong left.

The next day, he came again and found that the person was already there.

He thought to himself that this time he must ask about the other party's background.

He walked to the other side and said, "Excuse me, are you also here to challenge the Hall of Fame?"

When the man heard Tang Zhong's words, he hesitated and said, "Yes!"

It is to?

This made Tang Zhong curious, what are you doing here if you aren't here to challenge the Hall of Fame?
"Are you here to challenge armor?" the man asked Tang Zhong.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"You are a recruit!" the man said.

"Yes, but now there is silver armor!" Tang Zhong said.

The man was shocked: "What?"

But soon, he felt that he had lost his composure, and quickly said, "'s nothing, since you're here to challenge, let's continue!"

After speaking, he left.

That person was here before, but for some reason, after Tang Zhong asked him what to say, he left.

Tang Zhong was a little strange. The purpose of this person coming here was to ask him something. Forget it, let him be ignored.

Keep up the challenge!
The battle here is stronger than any trials outside. If he had known this kind of place earlier, he would not have gone to other places, and immediately approached the simulation cabin.

ps: more updates tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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