Chapter 1641 You got into trouble!

Tang Zhong directly entered the simulation cabin.

And after that person left, he went to the island before, and also reported to the old man who had tried Tang Zhong in court!
"Lord Situ, that Tang Zhong, he went to challenge the Hall of Fame, I spent several days following up, and I found that that guy has become a silver armor now?"

The person who became Lord Situ was the old man who tried Tang Zhong in court, named Situ Kong, and he was shocked when he heard the words, it was unbelievable!

"Silver Armor, this guy..." Situ Kong couldn't believe it!

"That's right, it's too scary, Master Situ, you said you were a member of Lei Huo Dao before, but now Lei Huo Dao has produced a peerless genius!" the man laughed.

Hearing this, Situ Kong put his hands behind his back and murmured, "This guy...will completely change the pattern of the predators?"


After Tang Zhong walked out of the simulation cabin, he left.

He challenged someone with a higher ranking, but because the bearded man he challenged didn't go to the armor center to register to change the armor, so now Tang Zhong is still wearing the brass armor!

Facing the opponent, he can still fight, it can only be said to win by a narrow margin!
Tang Zhong left the Hall of Fame and went to the armor center. He registered his confidence. The bearded man didn't go, so he just went. After the bearded man passed, he could put on the silver armor directly!

Then, Tang Zhong was ready to go home!
As soon as he arrived at the door, he found several people and stopped him. These people looked very imposing, and they should not be ordinary people!
"You are Tang Zhong?"

"I am, who are you?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Let me ask you, what happened to Wang Chong?" the man asked.

Wang Chong?

Before Tang Zhong rang, Ye Xinxin once said that no matter what happened, don't talk about Wang Chong, just say you don't know, and he said: "I don't know!"

"I don't know? How is it possible? Before you had a mission with eight people, four of you came back, and the other four died. You tell me you don't know, boy, if you lie to me, I will kick your head like a ball!" " said the man fiercely.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his eyes narrowed together: "Then do you think I should know?"

"I just want to hear the truth!" the man said directly.

"Give you three seconds, get out!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

When the few people heard this, they laughed loudly: "Let us go? Give me three seconds, what do you think you are? Boy, believe it or not, I will blow your head off!"

Tang Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to them.

bypass them.

But the man went straight to grab Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong's eyes froze for a moment, the man grabbed it, he turned around suddenly, grabbed the other's hand, and then pulled it suddenly!

With a click, there was a clear bone cracking sound, and at the same time, the man screamed, his arm seemed to be broken, and finally squatted on the ground.

The people next to him never thought that such a scene would appear!
The man whose arm was broken said coldly: "Hurry up, what are you waiting for here? Are you watching me being beaten?"

Only then did the other people come to their senses, and hurriedly started to catch Tang Zhong!

The strength of these people is not very strong, Tang Zhong directly slapped them out.

clap clap clap!
As soon as those people came up, they were slapped several times, and finally they all fell to the ground, extremely embarrassed.

Tang Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to them, and went directly to his room.

"get out!"

Those popular people trembled all over, but the strength shown by the opponent just now is indeed very strong, and they are not opponents.

"Let's go first, let's report to the boss and be careful!"

After Tang Zhong returned home, he continued to take a bath, he was wearing a bathrobe!
But suddenly, the emergency siren sounded at home.

He was taken aback, maybe someone broke into his dormitory, he was wrapped in a bathrobe, and was about to get up to look.

And at this moment, with a creak, the door was opened.

I saw Ye Xinxin rushing out!

Just happened to meet Tang Zhong who was wearing a bathrobe.

When Ye Xinxin saw Tang Zhong, he yelled angrily: "Didn't I say that someone came to you and asked you to tell me that you didn't know?"

But the voice just fell.

Ye Xinxin saw that Tang Zhong was wearing a bathrobe, which was just wrapped under it, and his upper body was exposed. The muscle lines were very obvious. Ye Xinxin swallowed his saliva when he saw it!
"I..." Tang Zhong was just about to explain that he already said he didn't know, but the other party kept chattering!

Ye Xinxin said directly: "You...what's the matter with you? Don't wear clothes at home?"

This made Tang Zhong depressed. Do you need to wear clothes in your own home? You can be naked!
If you think about it carefully, people in the universe may be more conservative in their thinking!
"Put on your clothes, and I'll tell you something!" Ye Xinxin finished speaking and went out directly.

Tang Zhong spread his hands helplessly, got dressed, and walked out!

Ye Xinxin no longer had the panic just now, and said: "I didn't tell you that you didn't know, why did you beat him up?"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he knew what happened in front of the door before, and Ye Xinxin knew about it: "Those people want to hit me, if I don't hit them, then who should I hit?"

"Then do you know that you caused trouble?" Ye Xinxin said: "Those people are Wang Cheng's people, that is, Wang Cheng's uncle... I have completely suppressed this matter before, I said I don't know, then Even if Wang Cheng is upset, there is nothing he can do about it, and since you beat up those people just now, I guess Wang Cheng is looking for trouble for you!"

"Then let him come!" Tang Zhong said, not caring!

"Aren't you, that guy is wearing silver armor. Among the predators, he has more power than you. If he wants to do something to you, you are dead. But our Fengxuan Pavilion only recruits women, so we can't Protect you, listen to me, immediately find a force to join, then Wang Chong will not dare to attack you!" Ye Xinxin was thinking of Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong smiled: "No need!"

"Why don't you use it? Let me tell you, you must listen to me, understand?" Ye Xinxin said.

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said.

He also didn't want to say that he was about to become the man with the silver armor now!
"You... why are you so stubborn?" Ye Xinxin was anxious.

"I..." Tang Zhong didn't know what to say, is he stubborn?Not at all!

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'll go back and ask the pavilion master to see if she wants a man to join. This is your only way. I guess you won't be able to join other forces. After all, Wang Cheng wants to attack you. , no force dares to accept you!" Ye Xinxin said.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Thank you shit, you can stay at home for the next few days!" After speaking, Ye Xinxin left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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