Chapter 1643 Violence!

"If you fight, you will fight, what's the matter?" Tang Zhong said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

Ye Xin was in a hurry, why is this guy so big-hearted, you are a brass looter, you have no power, and you are still so arrogant in front of other silver looters, where do you have the guts?
Wang Cheng was taken aback, and then sneered, "How? What do you think? If I don't depose you, how can I explain to others?"


Ye Xinxin thought it was over this time, she just hoped that Tang Zhong would talk less, it was better to shut up and leave everything to her.

But who knows, at this moment Tang Zhong continued: "Why don't I hit a few more people as an explanation for you?"

Ye Xin was speechless, and touched his forehead with his hand, this guy really has a big heart.

The other party is a silver predator!
When Wang Cheng heard Tang Zhong's words, he became furious: "Boy, I remember you. If I don't abolish you today, my name won't be Wang Cheng!"

Then I saw him waving his hand, and a few people walked up, it seemed that they were going to arrest Tang Zhong.

Ye Xinxin stopped the other party and prevented them from coming up to catch Tang Zhong.

But who knew, at this moment, Tang Zhong stepped forward, slapped those people and fell out!
Those people flew upside down and finally fell to the ground.

Ye Xinxin watched those people fly out, now she is completely speechless, this guy was born to cause trouble, this time, no one can save this guy.

Seeing this, Wang Cheng said coldly: "Boy, I think you are really tired of working. You are a bronze looter, and you dare to make such a move. Your list is really big!"

He had to make a move, so he walked forward step by step.

Tang Zhong looked at Wang Chengdao: "If you take your people away now, I can consider letting you go. If you don't leave, then you will die!"

Wang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed grimly: "I want to see how you want me to wait to die!"

After finishing speaking, he directly clenched his fist, and above the fist, thunder burst out!

Wang Chengcheng was the bearded man Tang Zhong challenged in the Hall of Fame, Tang Zhong could be said to be very clear about the opponent's moves.

"Be careful!" Ye Xinxin yelled immediately when he saw the opponent make a move.

But Tang Zhong didn't retreat, but also went up to meet him, and also punched him!
"Boy, you are really courting death!" Wang Cheng said coldly.

At this moment, thunder was burning on Tang Zhong's fist!

The same is the field of thunder!

The two bombarded together!
Ye Xinxin seemed to have seen Tang Zhong's destroyed arm, and she was ready to order a good cell solution, as long as it could save Tang Zhong's life.

But at this moment, a scene beyond everyone's expectations appeared.

Seeing Tang Zhong and Wang Cheng's fists bombard together, both of them were shocked back.

There was no picture of Tang Zhong's arm being broken.

"What's going on?" Ye Xinxin was dumbfounded, seeing this scene in disbelief.

Wang Cheng was also shocked, isn't the other party a brass predator?Why is it so powerful?

Something is wrong!

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at Wang Cheng and said coldly: "Wang Cheng, you are really brave enough to bring so many people to trouble me?"

Not to be outdone, Wang Cheng said directly, "What? I am a silver armor owner, so I have nothing to do with you?"

"Are you still a silver predator?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

As soon as he asked these words, Wang Cheng was slightly surprised, as if he thought of something, his heart skipped a beat.

In fact, Wang Cheng is no longer a silver predator. The reason is that he didn’t know that person actually challenged him in the Hall of Fame. He was originally the last one in the silver armor list. After being defeated by this person, the other party replaced him. And he became the owner of the bronze armor.

Recently, Armor Center has been urging him to go over, but he didn't go over!

But how does the other party know that he is not a silver predator now?

It must be a random guess!
Wang Cheng sneered: "Of course I am a silver predator. If I am not, do you think you are?"

Immediately, Wang Cheng started again.

At this moment, he roared wildly, and the third level of the Thunder Domain erupted directly.

All in thunder armor!
In the middle of the battlefield, a momentum rose up without any wind, and rushed out towards the surroundings!
Tang Zhong saw Wang Cheng's method, and immediately sneered, and the same thunder and fire fists appeared.

Boomed out.

Immediately the two confronted each other.

Instead, he saw Wang Cheng being blown away by Tang Zhong's punch.

In the Hall of Fame.

Tang Zhong had already knocked Wang Cheng away in his prime with this move, let alone the current Wang Cheng!
When the people around saw this, their mouths widened in surprise, especially Ye Xinxin at this time, who was completely dumbfounded!
She never thought that Tang Zhong would be so strong!
At this time, Wang Cheng fell to the ground, his body was bruised and his face was swollen, and he got up from the ground. He couldn't understand why he couldn't even beat a man in bronze armor.

People around him went to help Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng refused to let them help, but stared at Tang Zhong and said, "Boy, come again!"

"Again? You broke into my place, you should die!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's up to you!" Wang Cheng yelled, feeling very uncomfortable after being told this.

He attacked again.

But this time, before flying over, he was kicked off by Tang Zhong, and fell to the ground, spitting blood in an abnormal embarrassment!
"How could this be?" Wang Cheng murmured.

Ye Xinxin is not worried about Tang Zhong at all now, but worried about Wang Cheng: "On your level, if you still fight with others, you should go quickly, otherwise, I will kill you!"

She was mainly afraid that Tang Zhong would accidentally hurt Wang Cheng with one step. At that time, Wang Cheng would bully Tang Zhong with his identity as a silver predator!

"You..." Wang Cheng has received such humiliation before, what is going on with this guy, and why is he so powerful.

Now he can't just leave like this, he has no face, he has to find some face, and immediately said to Tang Zhong: "Boy, you wait, I will report to the predator, you are a bronze armor predator, bullying me Silver Armor Marauders!"

Tang Zhong laughed: "You, a silver armor predator, are being bullied by me, do you have any shame? What qualifications do you have to call yourself a silver armor predator?"

When he finished speaking, Tang Zhong continued to add: "And, do you really think you are still a silver predator?"

Wang Cheng's heart skipped a beat, he is no longer, but in this situation, he must exercise the rights of a silver predator, otherwise, it will be really bad, as long as the brother who won him doesn't show up, he will be fine, immediately Said: "What? I am a silver predator. If it weren't for the fact that I have a problem with my practice recently, which has caused my strength to be unable to fully exert, do you think you will be my opponent?"

(End of this chapter)

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