Chapter 1644 He challenged you!

"If I hadn't been injured in cultivation, do you think you would be my opponent?" Wang Cheng said coldly.

Tang Zhong laughed: "Yes!"

"Wait, I'll send the Predator Guards now!" Wang Cheng said.

Then he took out the cosmic phone and started calling the cosmic phone.

Marauder Guard, not the same as Marauder Recruits' Guard.

The management of the Marauder Recruit Guard is to prevent recruits from fighting and maintain order!

The predator guard is to maintain the relationship between the two predators, which is equal to the mediator!

After Wang Cheng made the phone call, he said to Tang Zhong: "You wait for me, when someone comes, I want you to feel better!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak.

Beside, Ye Xinxin whispered: "Tang Zhong, let me tell you, you remember what I tell you now, and after the predators come, you can just follow the instructions!"

"After a while, you keep saying that the other party came to bully you, but you didn't do it on purpose, you know?"

"I'm very experienced in this area. Listen to me, they can't do anything about it. You are a bronze predator. Even if you are strong, you don't have as many rights as others!"

Tang Zhong agreed casually.

"Remember it!"

At this time, the people of the Predator Guard came.

He was a muscular man. As soon as he got down, Wang Chengcheng immediately went over and said, "My lord, my name is Wang Cheng, and I am a silver predator. Now I want to complain to one person, and that is him!"

Finally, he pointed at Tang Zhong in the distance!
"Your silver predator number!" The muscular uncle said to Wang Cheng.

"02315612322!" Wang Cheng read his silver predator's number!

After the muscular uncle made an inquiry, he said, "It's the Silver Predator!"

Wang Cheng snickered. It seems that he still belongs to the ranks of silver predators, and he has not been pushed down by the person who defeated him in the Hall of Fame: "My lord, you have to make the decision for me!"

Ye Xinxin next to him felt bad.

At this time, the muscular man approached Tang Zhong and said, "Your number!"

"098565698958!" Tang Zhong reported it directly. This number is available when entering the Predator, just like the ID card on the earth, representing your own identity. Your information in the Predator is stored in it. If others know your number, they can check your identity!

The muscular man began to inquire.

Ye Xinxin poked Tang Zhong, meaning to let Tang Zhong quickly say what she taught just now, but Tang Zhong didn't move at all.

Ye Xinxin became more and more anxious, what happened to this guy?If you don't speak, how can others forgive you?

She was in a hurry, if Tang Zhong didn't speak, then she would speak for Tang Zhong.

She said: "My lord, in fact, this is not the case. It was that guy named Wang Cheng who came to bully Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong fought back in a fit of anger. It was not the offense that Wang Cheng said!"

"grown ups……"

But at this time, the muscular man frowned and glanced at Tang Zhong: "Silver Predator?"

Ye Xinxin heard this, and immediately said: "My lord, what are you talking about?"

She wondered, why did the adults call Tang Zhong the Silver Predator?Strange!

At this moment, Tang nodded his head: "Yes!"

"Are you a Silver Predator? But I think you have been in the Predator for no more than three months!" The muscular man became a little curious about Tang Zhong.

"To be precise, two months!" Tang Zhong said.

"Not bad!" The muscular man praised.

And the conversation between the two fell in the ears of the people around them, they were all stunned, what does this mean?Are you saying that Tang Zhong is a silver predator?

Ye Xinxin was stunned: "My lord? Did you make a mistake?"

The muscular man looked at Ye Xinxin and said, "How can I make a mistake, you can see from my query results!"

In his hand, it was an electronic light screen, which showed Tang Zhong's identity!
Ye Xinxin took a look.

Tang Zhong, the silver predator.

Immediately, she widened her eyes, and couldn't believe what he saw, how could it be a silver predator?

Wang Cheng also heard the wind, and went forward to see what happened, but he didn't expect that this guy was also a silver predator, so all this was a little tricky.

It seems that nothing can be done to this guy today!

I'm getting really mad.

Are you going to be insulted like this?
Now that he can't trouble Tang Zhong, he has nothing to say and can only turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, the muscular man suddenly said.

Are you talking about him?
Wang Cheng stopped and looked back at the muscular man. He was a little strange. If Tang Zhong was also a silver predator, and both of them were silver predators, the doubts between the two could be easily resolved. It goes without saying.

"What's the matter? My lord?" Wang Cheng said.

"You tell me your number!" said the muscular man.

"Ah?" Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment!

The muscular man began to inquire.

Ye Xinxin is now shocked by Tang Zhong's identity as a silver predator. She is really speechless and is about to die of anger. Fortunately, she has been worrying about Tang Zhong for so long. Now it seems that worrying is really in vain. The other party is a silver Predator, what else does she need to worry about?
It's just a waste of time, isn't it!
"You... When did your kid become a silver predator?" Ye Xinxin asked.

"Not long ago!" Tang Zhong said.

"I just said, you were so confident just now, so you have this hole card!" Ye Xinxin said.

Tang Zhong just smiled.

"It's really a waste of my concern. I knew I didn't care about you!" Ye Xinxin gave Tang Zhong a white look.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong smiled.

"Although you are a silver predator now, you have to be careful of Wang Cheng, you know!" Ye Xinxin said.

"No need, he may encounter great trouble!" Tang Zhong said.

"What?" Ye Xinxin was surprised.

At this moment, after the muscular man inquired about Wang Cheng's number, he said, " are the Bronze Predator..."

"What? How could it be?" Wang Chengming knew that he was already, but he pretended not to be!

"Just the day before yesterday, someone challenged you in the Hall of Fame and succeeded!" said the muscular man.

"Impossible!" Wang Cheng said.

"Wait a minute, why do I feel that the person who challenged you is familiar?" The muscular man froze for a moment.

Wang Cheng was also stunned.

At this moment, the muscular man turned his head and glanced at Tang Zhong: "Little brother, can you tell me your name!"

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

The muscular man widened his eyes, and then looked at Wang Chengdao with a smile: "You are indeed not a silver predator now, you are a bronze predator. The day before yesterday, someone challenged you in the Hall of Fame. You want to know who challenged you ?"

"Who?" Wang Cheng was taken aback, feeling something was wrong!

"He!" The muscular man pointed at Tang Zhong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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