Chapter 1648 Cosmic Bank!

On the Douluo.

Tang Zhong is manipulating the spaceship and flying forward. He is targeting the solar system, and the Douluo can navigate there by itself!

However, later Tang Zhong decided to go to the Star Wind Region!

He has to go to the universe bank once!
Master Long said before that when Tang Zhong becomes the domain master, he can take the gift left by Master Long!

Now he has been the domain owner for a long time, but he has no time to go, now is the best time.

So get your stuff first!

I don't know what Master Long will leave him!
Three or four days of flying, because Tang Zhong adjusted the speed to the extreme, the speed of the Douluo is very fast!

Ten times faster than ordinary spaceships.

And finally arrived in the Star Wind Domain.

Instead of visiting acquaintances, he went directly to the universe bank!
The place is easy to find.

Same as the banks of the earth!
Of course, there are not many people who dare to make trouble in the universe bank!
He walked in!
The building inside is very luxurious!
There is no need to queue at all, and a personal consultant walks out immediately.

"Excuse me, sir, what service do you need?"

The personal consultant is a woman, wearing business attire and wearing glasses!

"I'm here to fetch things!" Tang Zhong still looked a little shy when he came to this kind of place for the first time!

"Okay, please show your account number!" said the personal advisor.

Tang Zhong mentioned an account.

After he learned that Youlong had left three gifts before, he had already memorized the account number by heart.

The first account is used when the domain owner.

The second account is after the Immortal King, which is the Domain Master.

And the third account is in Immortal God King...

Immortal God King...

Tang Zhong has never been in contact with something so far away!

Now take the domain owner first!
The personal consultant immediately inquired.

But in the next second, the face of the personal consultant changed, she looked at Tang Zhong: "Is this account yours?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Wait a minute, I will inform our superiors now!"

The personal consultant left immediately, because the account she inquired was too far away, and the confidentiality level of this account was full stars.

In the universe bank.

Five stars is classified as confidential. Above five stars, there is also a confidentiality level, which is also five stars. If it is really counted, this account is ten stars.

How can this not be surprising?
Tang Zhong is not in a hurry, if Long's account can't cause such an effect, then he really doesn't need to come to get this thing.

He found a place, sat there and drank coffee!
After a while, a fat man came down quickly and followed the personal consultant just now.

"It's him, leader!"

The fat man looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Sir, follow me to the VIP room!"

Tang Zhong put down the coffee in his hand and followed.

The people who came to do business next to him were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. When they come to the bank to do business, the president needs to appear in person.

That fat man is the president of the Starwind Sub-branch of the Universe Bank!

The VIP room is much better than the place just now.

The fat man looked at Tang Zhong and said, "I am the president of the Starwind Sub-branch of the Universe Bank. My name is Peru. Let me make sure you are the owner of that account!"

Tang Zhong reported the account again.

The fat man nodded: "There is nothing wrong with the account, come with me!"

Then he walked in front, Tang Zhong followed behind.

Along the way, Peru explained something to Tang Zhong: "Because the confidentiality level of the account is too high, we also put it in the safest place. Only the account owner can open it. I will let you go there now!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak.

Along the way, I passed electronic doors one after another. After opening, there was an infrared cutting line in front. Once a person is cut by the infrared ray, I am afraid that he will die right there!

Only by turning off this infrared ray can we move on!

After walking over, then continue to open!

They came to a light door.

I saw the president looking forward, shooting a scanning light from the door, scanning the president's pupils, and then opening it!

Then there is another light door, which requires the president to turn around in situ and accept the scan to open it!

The security level of the universe bank is really high.

Finally came to a door of light.

"Behind the light door in front is what is stored in your account, and you have to go there to unlock it yourself!" the President of Peru said.

Tang Zhong walked over.

Just saw the light shoot out of the light, scanning his eyes.

"wrong password!"

Later, the President of Peru shouted at this time: "There are only three chances. If you get the password wrong more than three times, you will be strangled on the spot!"

Tang Zhong was stupid, if he took something and was strangled, it would not be worth the loss.

This thing scans the pupil.

It should not be the one that scanned him, it should be the one that scanned the dragon.

The only way to do it is to become a giant dragon clone, even if you don't change your body, you can just become the pupil of a giant dragon!

His pupils were originally black, but with the appearance of the pupils of the giant dragon clone, they turned golden!

It seems to be flowing with golden light.

He stared at the scanning beam, the golden light scanned once, and then flashed a few times!

Immediately, the light gate was confirmed.

"Scanning succeeded!"

Suddenly, the door of light was slowly opened!
A door similar to the whirlpool!
Then Tang Zhong walked in, behind this, there should be a place to store things.

Suddenly, he felt that he was in a starry sky.

There is a road ahead, and at the end of the road, there is a box!
He walked over slowly, that thing should be what he wanted to take!

When he got to the box, he took a closer look, and found that it was a very old box, and he couldn't open it yet.

After being careful, I finally found a way to open it.

A click.

The box is opened!
I could see light shining from within.

Those rays of light floated into Tang Zhong's head like data one by one.

His pupils were wide open, and he was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do at all.

And in his mind, there are countless data pouring in now, and he can feel what the data is.

That's about how to use the dragon's body.

He finally understood what the domain master level dragon was going to give him as a gift.

It is the control of the dragon's body. This gift is really important to him. Now if he uses the dragon avatar, it can be said that it is easy for him to fight with someone who can barely fight before the battle!
He learned everything, only to realize that he was wasting this body by controlling the dragon clone before, it was a waste of money!

The dragon roared.

The dragon spreads its wings.

The dragon shattered.

These are just simple moves, but they have the power to destroy the world!
Dragons are really strong!
Tang Zhong was shocked when he saw the last content.

"Lei Yanlong mode..."

Become the Fire Thunder Dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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