Chapter 1649 Thunder Flame Dragon Mode!
Lei Yanlong mode!
Tang Zhong felt powerful when he heard this name!
In my mind, now the fragments of the picture began to fuse together one by one.

He seemed to see a dragon bathed in thunder and fire in his mind.

Nalong looks lifelike, with the power of destroying the sky!

This is probably Lei Yanlong's mode!
If you fight in this mode, it will definitely be amazing.

In the next second, he woke up from his mind.

Sweat was all over the forehead of the whole person. I have to say that the scene just now was like a dream, but the dream was so real.

Then I sat on the ground with my buttocks, it was very comfortable, that's what it felt like!

At this time, he looked ahead and found that there were many lines!

Show off wealth in the void.

He remembered that there were three things stored in this account.

Now this is something received at the domain master level, there is also the immortal master, and the immortal god king, the immortal king is not too far away, after the domain master, there is the immortal king, and the immortal god king is still far away,
Looks like I'll be here again soon.

He's got his stuff now and is about to turn around and leave.

And when he was about to leave, when he saw the box, he thought there was something else.

He opened it and found a shiny thing.

Dragon scales, absolutely right!

It was left by the dragon, but what is the use of the dragon scale?
Anyway, no matter what, it was left by the dragon, so it must be useful.

After he put it away, he left.

After walking out of this starry sky area.

The President of Peru is already waiting for Tang Zhong outside.

"Sir, did you get what you wanted?"

"Get it!"

"Then I'm closed!" said the Peruvian governor.

Tang Zhong looked back and saw the light gate behind him, which finally turned into a whirlpool and closed in a whirl.

The President of Peru smiled and said, "Get out of here with me!"

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

Following the president of Peru, he went out soon.

It was still the same VIP room as before.

The president of Peru called Tang Zhong: "I don't know what else you need, sir?"

"No more!" Tang Zhong said.

Now that I have taken the things, there is no need to stay here any longer, it is time to leave.

Out of the universe bank.

The president of Peru let out a long sigh of relief. The client finally left, and he was really anxious to death.

I really did not expect to meet such a customer in this branch.

You know, generally such clients, he is not qualified to receive them at all!

The personal consultant next to him was also dumbfounded: "President, is that person very tough?"

"I don't know the person, but the other party's account is very strong. If the other party shows such an account, generally only the president of the universe country is eligible to talk to him, you know?" the president of Peru said.

The private consultant understood now and stopped talking. She had never seen a client with such a high star rating since she had been a private consultant for so long.

How strange!


On the other side, Tang Zhong had already returned to the Douluo.

Beginning to recall the data in his mind, he turned on the cultivation mode of the Douluo.

The engine room has completely disappeared, replaced by a place of cultivation!
This is the practice simulation place of Douluo.

Any place can be simulated.

Tang Zhong likes places with beautiful mountains and clear waters the most.

So he simulated planting in a forest, and next to the forest is a river!

This place is nice.

Tang Zhong started, and directly transformed into a giant dragon clone, and suddenly found that he was even bigger than before. It seems that among the things left by the dragon, there is still a feeling for the giant dragon clone. Thinking of this, he is even more excited.

He wants to use those giant dragon's moves.

The dragon roared.

The dragon spreads its wings.

The dragon shattered.

It's just a simple move.

The giant dragon roared, Tang Zhong opened his mouth and used the dragon roaring move in his heart, at that moment, a stream of air erupted from the dragon's mouth.

That is the roar of the dragon!
That air current, like a drill, spins rapidly, and wherever it goes, it is full of destruction!

Fortunately, it is simulated here.

I saw that when the air flow passed by, it directly rolled up the river water!

This move is really too strong.

This is the engine room of the Douluo, Tang Zhong dare not use it rashly, it would be bad if it hurts the Douluo!
The dragon spreads its wings!

Tang Zhong tried to use it, and saw that when he was in the body of the giant dragon, two light wings appeared, and the light wings seemed to be composed of countless knives!

He waved his wings.

I saw those light wings that resembled knives, swish, swish, all flew out and rushed forward.

Wherever he went, he directly pierced the opponent. When he stabbed a tree, he pierced through the center of the tree. On the other hand, the tree has nothing to do with it. It can only be said that the attack is too fast. Fighting people like this, It is completely possible to kill and be invisible.

And the dragon shattered!

Tang Zhong looked forward to it even more.

When the dragon is shattered, it must be destroyed!

When he used it, he felt that the blood in his heart was about to boil.

As soon as he used it, there was an invisible shadow around his body, like blood.

He waved the dragon claw, and he could see that invisible shadow also moved, and a claw tore through, as if it were countless claws.

He started to move, swinging his claws, stabbing, killing!

Whatever he does, the shadow follows him, and it is extremely real.

Is this the dragon's move?Sure enough, it was strong enough.

The blood in Tang Zhong's heart began to boil when he saw it.

No wonder it is called shattered, with so many attacks, how can it not be shattered!
If this is one blow, it is enough to destroy the entire land, and this is only the first time he started to use this trick!
Finally, only Lei Yanlong mode is left!
What the hell is that!
Tang Zhong directly used this model.

Suddenly, his blood dragon skin began to change.

At that moment, blood gushed out from the surface of the body, and finally covered the whole body. The red blood finally turned blue!

It was as if the flames of hell were burning on his body.

Moreover, Tang Zhong felt that there was a lot of power in his body.

The eyes were red before, but now they are directly blue!
This kind of blue is a strange blue, and the veins in the corners of his eyes are bulging, as if some kind of pupil technique has been opened.

Even more frightening is his body.

The general dragon body is blue, while the other general dragon body is the color of flames, and the whole person looks extremely scary.

It looks like a murderer!
It looks scary.

Tang Zhong looked down at his dragon claws. In this mode, he is very strong.

I don't know what the field of use will be like in this mode, it should be very strong, this time, he has an extra hole card that he can hold!

(End of this chapter)

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