Chapter 1651 I'm back!

And in the solar system.

There is only one living planet, the earth!
But the current solar system has completely changed, without the original appearance before, but has been mined!

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong knew what happened to the earth.

"Wait, Mom and Dad!" Tang Chong murmured.

Haven't been back for many years, how are they all?
And in the earth, it is already a completely mechanical world, the same city as in the universe!

Suspended cars come and go, and there are towering cities!
After becoming a slave planet of the Milky Way, this place has long been changed.


To be precise, the capital city no longer exists.

After becoming a slave planet, the entire earth is collectively called the land of slaves!

People on earth live a miserable life every day.

There used to be Tang Zhong's sculpture on Earth, and it is still there now, but it has been broken into two sections, and the head and upper body are gone.

Today, the earth is light rain, eloquent!
On Earth, everyone defends themselves!
Those who can move outside are all people from the Milky Way. As for the people on Earth, they have been locked up and live as slaves!
Locked in the factory!
Smelting cosmic spar, as well as creating weapons for the soldiers of the galaxy guards, and some women are insulted by the soldiers of the galaxy guards!

In short, people on Earth are living a terrible life now!
In a smelting factory.

Xia Yuqing has short hair and is taking care of a couple at the moment. They are Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue, Tang Zhong's parents!
Xia Yuqing took the medicine in her hand and fed it to the two of them.

I have been working for a long time, and the food is not good, so I am exhausted, so this situation has appeared!

"Uncle, drink some medicine!" Xia Yuqing murmured.

Tang Xinglou's mouth became dry and cracked, and he could only drink a little, but more medicine still flowed down from his mouth!
I was pumped out of my whole body a long time ago, and now I still have sequelae!
Xia Yuqing looked distressed.

After feeding the medicine, Xia Yuqing let Tang Shu sleep for a while, then sat in the prison by herself, looking outside.

The longing in my heart is beyond words.

"Tang you really dead?"

When the Milky Way was conquering the solar system, it showed the scene of Tang Zhong's death to all the people on earth.

Originally, people on Earth still had the heart to resist, but when they saw the scene of Tang Zhong's death, everyone didn't know what to do?

Because Tang Zhong is the pillar of the earth, his death means the end of the earth.

Since then, the earth has been enslaved, and everyone knows that they have changed nothing but.

It has been many years until today.

Xia Yuqing's appearance hasn't changed much. The cosmic energy has entered the earth and changed everyone's physique. Xia Yuqing has also become a warrior now, but warriors are not enough!
On the entire earth, all the people on earth, who are the same as Xia Yuqing now, are locked up, working during the day and resting at night!

Suddenly, a deafening sound rang out.

From the sky, it came out.

At the same time, it represents a touch of light.

Those earthlings in the dungeon stuck their heads out one after another, wanting to see what happened!
And those who enslaved the earth also looked at the sky one after another, but they were unprepared. This is the arrival of the spaceship. Generally, only the Milky Way sent them raw ore and some raw materials!
But it was only delivered once, how could it be so fast the second time?
Everyone didn't take it seriously!

People in the Milky Way, they belong to noble people, so now they all live in the high-rise buildings of the Milky Way on the earth!

Those leaders were all asleep, and as for handing over supplies, they were left to other people to do.


In the air, huge shells fell.

It hit the high-rise buildings, and those high-rise buildings collapsed directly.

Those in the sleeping Milky Way know that this is an enemy attack.

Sound the alarm immediately.

Everyone panicked.

I really didn't expect this to happen!

But the building collapsed. Except for some people who were prepared, most people are dead now, and they collapsed directly!
And those who were alive were all terrified.

Who is the enemy attacking?
They are really not prepared at all now!
"Resist, resist now!"


But it didn't work at all.

Da da da!
All the sound of laser cannons.

Wherever he goes, nothing grows.

The huge tall building collapsed rumbling!
Those people in the Milky Way survived by luck, but they were all crushed to death by tall buildings, and turned into blood in the end. Most of those below the planetary level died like this.

And star-level people, under such strong pressure, would not die, but they were directly swept by the laser, cutting off their entire bodies.

People in the Milky Way panicked. They wondered that to come to this solar system, they had to pass through several space stations in the Milky Way, but there was no response from the Milky Way at all?
What they don't know is that the space station has long been destroyed.


The sea of ​​fire is burning!

There's blood all over the ground!

Now they are all called ruins, and the air attacks have not stopped. Those who survived by chance are all dead!
And this scene was all seen by the earthlings locked in the dungeon.

They haven't seen such a picture for a long time.

Who is it?
Xia Yuqing raised her head in the dungeon, and for some reason, a longing appeared in her heart!
Could it be him?

The artillery fire continued for half an hour before it stopped.

The camp of the Milky Way has been completely turned into ruins, and it can be described as ashes.

And there are not many people in the Milky Way who survived. They didn't dare to move at all, so they knelt on the ground, motionless, with only horror in their hearts!

At this time, from the sky, a spaceship covering the sky slowly descended.

Get in the air!

When all the people on earth saw this spaceship, they set off waves of memory. It has been a long time since they have seen such a spaceship.

But this spaceship, they may never forget it!

"It's the Douluo..."

"Is that Tang Zhong's spaceship?"


All the earthlings originally seemed to have no life on their faces, but now they are completely covered with hope!

Tang Zhong, that is already a distant name, they haven't heard it for a long time!
Is it really him?

Xia Yuqing and the others' hearts were beating. Anyone who knew Tang Zhong couldn't calm down right now!

At this moment, a beam of light shone under the Douluo, and then a figure appeared from within the beam, and shouted: "All fellow earthlings, you have suffered, I, Tang Zhong, am back!"

(End of this chapter)

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