Chapter 1652 So Strong!

"I, Tang Zhong, are back!" Tang Zhong shouted loudly at this time.

Now he has tears in his eyes.

Immediately, in the dungeon, everyone who heard the name cheered.

Tang Zhong is back?It's Tang Zhong!
It's Tang Zhong!

The earthlings who had been treated as slaves cheered now.

Their savior is back, then everything will be fine.

Even in the sky, there was originally light rain, but now a ray of dawn broke through the clouds, and it was still above this land!

Sunny after rain!

Here comes the opportunity for the people of the earth!


The earthlings in the dungeon ran out directly.

They can break through the dungeon, but they have never thought about it before, because even if they break through, it will be useless for a while!
And now, their hope has returned.

More and more people came out of the dungeon, looked at Tang Zhong in the sky, and cheered there!

They waved their hands high.

Tang Zhong watched with tears in his eyes, and saw many familiar people, everyone moved him very much!
He started looking for his parents!

At this time, Xia Yuqing brought Tang Xinglou and the others out of the dungeon.

"Uncle, aunt, Tang Zhong, he's back!" Xia Yuqing said excitedly.

Whenever she sees Tang Zhong, Xia Yuqing's heart is always throbbing!
There is a saying that says, no matter where you are, I am still where I am, and my original intention has not changed!
Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue looked at Tang Zhong high in the sky, they were so excited that they didn't know what to say.

Tang Xinglou's voice trembled: "Xiao Zhong!"

"It's him!" Jiang Shuiyue said next to him.

Tang Zhong saw his parents in the sky, and immediately his body flickered, turning into a beam of light, and suddenly arrived in front of his parents.

Seeing the aging appearance of his parents, Tang Zhong felt as if he had been cut by a knife.

Didn’t it mean that cosmic energy has entered the earth?How could parents grow old so fast?
Something must have happened, those people from the galaxy must have done some inhumane things to their parents!

His fists were clenched tightly together, that was soaring anger!

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!" Tang Zhong walked over quickly.

He used the oldest method of Chinese people, kneeling directly on the ground.

"It's a child who is unfilial!"

"It''s okay, just come back!" Tang Xinglou said with a trembling voice, "Get up quickly!"

People in the galaxy said that Tang Zhong was dead, and he thought he was really dead, but he didn't expect to be alive!

Tang Zhong stood up, saying that men don't shed tears lightly, but at that time and now Tang Zhong didn't speak, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop pouring out.

At this time, Tang Zhong saw Xia Yuqing next to him.

The other party was still smiling: "You are back!"

"En!" Tang Zhong replied.

"You entrusted me to take care of your parents, how about it?" Xia Yuqing said with a smile.

"You... how kind!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's great..." Xia Yuqing said sweetly when she heard this address, "It's better if you're alive!"

Tang Zhong grinned.

And the people around leaned over one after another, all of whom were once strong on the earth.

Ye Qingshan was also there, and when he saw Tang Zhong, he was also excited.

There are also Li Linglong, Qinglong and the others.

Because they are the powerhouses of the earth, they are constantly being targeted!

Do more work, each of them looks like they have wounds on their hands!
Tang Zhong looked a little distressed.

"You're finally back!" Li Linglong looked at Tang Zhong and said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he stepped forward and hugged Li Linglong: "Brothers, thank you!"

"It's nothing to be thankful for, they are all Earthlings!" Li Linglong said.

"I'm back now, teach me everything!" Tang Zhong said.

"What are you going to do?" Li Linglong was slightly taken aback.

"I'm going to the Milky Way!" Tang Zhong said.

"What are you doing? There are many strong people in the Milky Way..." Li Linglong hurriedly stopped him.

It was only later that they realized the power of the Milky Way. It is really too strong. The weakest people are stronger than their earthlings.

"Oh, this time, I'm going to destroy all the Milky Way!" Tang Zhong said.

"You? Are you okay?" Li Linglong asked Tang Chong even more worriedly.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong sneered: "You guys start rebuilding your home now, this time, we will live in the Milky Way!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, how could it be possible to live in the Milky Way?

Ye Qingshan was the first to discover Tang Zhong's question, and stepped forward to ask: "I don't know what the lord's cultivation level is now?"

Ye Qingshan is the magic elder of the shooting galaxy. Later, he came to the earth under Tang Zhong's order, and he has been here all along, resisting the enemy together with the earth people. He felt that Tang Zhong's cultivation base was wrong, very strong, outrageously powerful !
"Lord of the domain!" Tang Zhong only said one sentence.

Immediately, his body stepped into the air and flew out!
He has accumulated a lot of anger in his heart, and he wants to release it all to the Milky Way!

And Ye Qingshan on land is completely stupid, domain master... isn't that the legendary strong man, the domain master?

But just now he saw that the domain master of the Star Wind Region was not as strong as Tang Zhong's aura. He couldn't imagine how powerful this guy is now.

While the others looked at Tang Zhong, they were even more shocked. Tang Zhong, the overlord of the earth, really came back.

"All fellow earthlings, wait for me!"

It was loud and deafening.

All Earthlings hear it now, and it's heart-pounding.

And Tang Zhong returned to the Douluo, and issued an order directly: "Leave the Milky Way!"

This time, he didn't want to give the galaxy any chance!

Kill them all!
The spaceship is traveling at high speed, passing through the atmosphere, leaving the solar system, and flying to the Milky Way!

But at this moment, in the Milky Way, those Guardians of the Galaxy are still discussing who caused the explosions of those space stations before, and they were so powerful.

Although they already knew that the mysterious spaceship was going to the solar system, they did not receive any news from the other side of the solar system. Maybe the mysterious spaceship just passed by and has left now!
Such a strong man, they can't provoke the Galaxy God Guard, the space station is blown up, just repair it!

When the top management makes a decision, it is implemented.

Slowly, the Galaxy God Guard also relaxed his vigilance.

Those guarding the space station are all the internal guards of the Galaxy God Guard!
In a space station, some people are still drinking and playing cards!

"Today is really thrilling. I heard that a spacecraft passed by and blew up several space stations. It's really scary!"

"That's right, it's a good thing we didn't hit our space station, otherwise, we would be miserable!"

"Stop talking, let's play cards!"


After a while, one of them said: "Wait for me, I'll go out and relieve myself!"

He walked out the door, just about to take off his pants to relieve his hand, he accidentally glanced at the sky, suddenly, he was so frightened that he couldn't put on his pants, and shouted there!

"Fly... spaceship!"

In the room, those playing cards laughed: "What spaceship, that spaceship has already left!"

The man who relieved his hands shouted, and ran away without wearing pants!
Only then did the people in the room realize the abnormality, and when they went out to take a look, they were dumbfounded.

At this moment, just in the air, the huge Douluo has arrived, and the jet-black spaceship is shining with light, and it has begun to enter the fighting state.

On the spaceship, Tang Zhong looked at each other indifferently, ready to start killing at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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