Chapter 1656 Change of dynasty!

Jinyun Palace directly turned into a sea of ​​flames!
The Kroll family that once dominated the Milky Way is now completely wiped out.

At this moment, Tang Zhong returned to the temple. Those ministers are still kneeling on the ground. When Tang Zhong left, they were kneeling here.

And now that Tang Zhong is back, they are still there!

"I want to become the Lord of the Galaxy!" Tang Zhong said.

When those ministers heard Tang Zhong's words, their faces were very ugly. They really didn't expect that the other party would become the lord of the galaxy, but they also knew that as long as Tang Zhong wanted to be the lord, then their lives would not be in danger!
"Yes, of course!" Several ministers said.

"Let's do it!" Tang Zhong said.

When the ministers heard this, they got up immediately, as if they were about to receive an amnesty, they turned around and left the place without saying a word!

Tang Zhong looked at the temple, and his eyes suddenly widened. The power of the domain burst out directly, and was released towards the front immediately.

A thunderbolt struck the temple, crackling, crackling, the building cracked open, and then collapsed.

Now that the temple is gone, he, Tang Zhong, has become the lord of the galaxy!
The efficiency of the minister's work was very fast, and the news of the destruction of the Kroll family spread quickly, causing panic among the people in the galaxy.

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

The Kroll family has ruled the Milky Way for a long time. Who could have wiped out the other party so easily?
But when they learned that there was only one person who wiped out the Kroll family, they didn't have any thought of rebelling. If one person wiped out a family, could that person be a simple person?

Certainly not!
The major families in the galaxy originally wanted to compete for the position of lord, but when they heard about this, they directly chose to surrender.

Resistance, only death!
Tang Zhong's name spread quickly!

All the way to the Galaxy God Guard.

Among the Galaxy Divine Guards, Tuwei all supported Tang Zhong, while other guards, some did not speak out, while some directly opposed it, but on that night, those who opposed it died suddenly!
On the second day, among the Galaxy God Guards, all surrendered to Tang Zhong.

As for the commercial organizations in the Galaxy God Guard, they belong to major chambers of commerce and are spread across the major universes, and they don't care about managing the change of dynasty in the Milky Way.

As long as you master all the military power, you are equal to mastering the entire galaxy.

And Tang Zhong did it.

The ministers who went up to the Milky Way, and the ordinary people who went down to the Milky Way, are now all surrendered to Tang Zhong.

After finishing everything, Tang Zhong laughed.

Then ordered to go to earth!
He wants to build his base camp on the Milky Way, so he needs to bring out the earthlings.

Because the earth was enslaved, and the people in the Milky Way destroyed the earth at will, now the earth is overwhelmed and completely abolished. It can only simply provide survival, but it is impossible to improve its own strength!

The Milky Way, on the other hand, is pretty good.

When the spaceship reaches Earth.

The people on earth panicked, looking at the huge spaceships in the sky, they were all scared at first, because when they were enslaved, those spaceships from the Milky Way came here, but now, seeing this scene, thinking of the past, panicked stand up.

But this time the spacecraft that came did not attack them, but rescued them.

The strong people of the earth are looking at the spaceship, thinking it is an enemy attack, they are very scared, Tang Zhong said that he has gone to the Milky Way, no one can stop him, they thought Tang Zhong died in battle, but now they see the spaceship of the Milky Way. They're so friendly, they know it's a success.

It's unbelievable that everyone on Earth is strong.

"That guy actually conquered the galaxy?"

" did he do it!" Li Linglong was dumbfounded.

Xia Yuqing was also beside her, and she didn't speak, but murmured. She never thought that Tang Zhong would be so powerful, which also meant that Xia Yuqing would become farther and farther away from Tang Zhong in the future.


Xia Yuqing clenched her fists, she must not let this happen, she must work hard!
The spaceship from the Milky Way came and was very friendly, and they directly released an aerial image.

A large light and shadow Tang Zhong appeared, which was a previously recorded scene.

"Compatriots on Earth, I am here to take you to the Milky Way on these spaceships. All of you, come up, and we will emigrate to the Milky Way in the future!"

Everyone was very excited when they saw the earth!
Then get ready to board the ship.

Tang Xinglou laughed loudly. It was only a day since Tang Zhong came back, and the breath on his face looked much better.

"Xiao Zhong... really amazing!"

"Let's go, Uncle Tang!" Xia Yuqing supported him.

The people who used to be Longzu also followed behind, all elated!

The people on Earth go up first, and after all the ordinary people board the spaceship, there are still many people below. They are all slaves bought by Tang Zhong before, and of course there are slaves brought to work from other places in the Milky Way. They fought against the galaxy together, but now they dare not board the ship because they are slaves!
"Come up, too!" Earthlings said to the slaves.

"But we are slaves?" said the slave leader.

"You have fought with us and are our family!"

Those slaves were very moved, they didn't know what to say at the moment, and then boarded the spaceship tremblingly.

There are no people left on Earth.

Because of the slaves, more than half of the earth has been abandoned. If it wants to recover, it will have to wait for a long time before it can become the planet of life before!

So it's not a good time to live.

The earthlings were not released until the spaceship reached the Milky Way.

On the other side of the Milky Way, Tang Zhong has already arranged people.

Arrange them first, and then choose what to do in the galaxy later.

After just a few days, all is well in the Milky Way.

Except for the collapse of the Kroll family, it was as if nothing had happened.

Tang Zhong has now directly become the lord of the galaxy.

Started to manage internal affairs, now he wants to solve all these things.

Directly changed the government of the Milky Way.

At the same time, the people on Earth were separated!
Do what you want to do.

Earthlings have a very high status in the Milky Way.

After five days.

In the Milky Way, where the temple was destroyed before, Tang Zhong's sculpture continued to be erected.

Tang Zhong is very satisfied. He is the lord of the Milky Way, but he doesn't care about some things. Similarly, he has contacted the Xing Galaxy because he is also the leader of the Xing Galaxy. The two galaxies have formed an alliance since then, but he Although he is a lord, he doesn't care about specific matters.

Because, he still has a lot of things to do.


Among the Tang family.

In this galaxy, there is a new mansion!

Tang Zhong has a habit, every time he goes home, he will have dinner with his parents, the parents are very happy!
This time, the meal was just finished.

Xia Yuqing came to find her.

(End of this chapter)

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