Chapter 1657 Someone from the Universe!

Xia Yuqing came over, and when she saw Tang Zhong, she couldn't help being moved by it!
"We meet again!" Tang Zhong looked at Xia Yuqing and said.

"Yes, it's been many years!" Xia Yuqing laughed.

Xia Yuqing, the once domineering queen, has now turned into a little woman!

"Thank you again, I... I suddenly found that I can't even say thank you!" Tang Zhong said.

For so many years, Xia Yuqing has been taking care of her parents, but he has never appeared!

To be honest, I am very grateful to Xia Yuqing!

There is such a woman who is silently by my side.

He and Wei Wei are destiny!

But with Yuqing, he discovered that they are in love with each other for a long time!
Now he can't give a woman a future, how can he give another woman a future?

"Then don't thank me, and I don't need your thanks!" Xia Yuqing laughed.

"Come with me!" Tang Zhong said suddenly.

"Ah?" Xia Yuqing was taken aback, looked at Tang Zhong, and couldn't believe it. The next second, she grinned: "Okay!"

For many years, she has not been as happy as she is now!

I really didn't expect that Tang Zhong took the initiative to ask to go with him!
"The earth is too weak, the people on earth are too weak, and the Milky Way is too weak. There are many places in this universe that are stronger than the Milky Way!" Tang Zhong said.

Xia Yuqing was completely shocked when she heard this.

Is it bigger than the Milky Way?

She thought the Milky Way was huge!

"Really?" Xia Yuqing said.

"Yes, the universe is huge, and we humans on Earth are too small. It may be said that the short-term peace is not peace. It may soon be broken, so the only way is to become stronger!" Tang Zhong said.

"I want to become stronger!" Xia Yuqing said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

This time, he wants to take people out of here and go directly to the predators.

Not only did he go alone, but he took Xia Yuqing and a large group of people from Earth.

This time, he wants to let the entire universe know that people on Earth exist!
"When are you leaving?" Xia Yuqing asked.

"The stability here is over, let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

"I know!" Xia Yuqing said, "I'm ready anytime!"

Xia Yuqing no longer has any relatives, she only has herself now, if there is anyone, only Tang Zhong.

Xia Yuqing smiled, and suddenly she remembered Wei Wei: "Where did Wei Wei go?"

"Wei Wei..." Tang Zhong muttered the name: "She's not far away!"

"Oh!" Xia Yuqing said softly.

And at this moment, at the door of the Tang family.

A few people came, all acquaintances from Earth!
"Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, something happened!" Li Linglong rushed in.

"What's the matter?" Tang Zhong looked back at Li Linglong.

"The soldiers of the Galaxy Guardian discovered a spaceship approaching the Milky Way..." Li Linglong said.

"What kind of spaceship?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I don't know, but the energy shows that the spacecraft is very advanced. They will not do anything else when they come to the Milky Way?" Li Linglong asked.

Tang Zhong frowned: "Is it a spaceship from Star Wind?"

"It's not like that!" Li Linglong said.

"Then just wait!" Tang Zhong said.

If it's not a spaceship from the Star Wind Region, then who is it?
But it is very possible, because the Kroll family of the galaxy has been wiped out. If you want to change to a new galaxy lord, you must go to the Starwind Domain to go to the level. If you don't register, you won't be recognized!
Three days later, the ship was close to the Milky Way.

At this moment, on that spaceship, there are more than a dozen people, all with black skin and some black lines on their faces.

One of the men in armor, like the leader of the spaceship, looked out of the spaceship.

Someone next to him said: "General, we have arrived in the Milky Way..."

"I see, continue to search for the order given to us by King Mie, and find the hometown of the mistress!" The man who became the general said.

"Yes!" said the person next to him.

They are spaceships from the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom, and this time they came out to complete their mission and come to find a place called Earth.

Mie Wang got married, and their mistress came from a place on the earth. The mistress said that she must go to the planet of the earth, find her parents, and attend her wedding. She also said that on their planet, the family must Participate, otherwise it is an incomplete wedding!
Therefore, King Mie ordered to search for this planet called Earth.

Their spaceship is one of them. For many years, they have been investigating in the universe, and they have reached this place in the Milky Way.

It seems that the place called Earth is not far from the Milky Way.

And beyond the galaxy.

Tang Zhong, Li Linglong and others stayed in the command room, watching the spaceship coming from the distant starry sky.

At first it was just a signal, but when he saw the appearance of the spaceship clearly, Tang Zhong couldn't control himself.

He recognized it, that spaceship was the spaceship of the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom, he had seen the same spaceship during the Genius Battle in the Star Wind Field!

They are people from the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom, what are they doing here?
He turned back to the command room and said: "You stay here, no matter what happens, don't come out!"

The others nodded in agreement, and they also knew that even if they went out now, they would not be of much help to Tang Zhong, and it might be a disservice, so it is better not to come over.

And Tang Zhong passed by in a small spaceship. This small spaceship was separated from the Douluo and had the same functions as the Douluo.

He needs to figure out what these people are here for!

The spacecraft that had been destroyed by the universe was still flying, but there was no one around: "What kind of barbarian land is this, why doesn't it even have a space station?"

"Okay, I've been complained about. If we can find the hometown of the mistress, we will have made great achievements!" Another person said.

"Haha, King Mie will give you a great reward when the time comes, I feel very comfortable just thinking about it!"

I don't know who shouted at this time: "Be careful, someone is approaching!"

The people in the command room saw a red dot appearing on the front radar, which was used to detect the surrounding enemies. The red dot was obviously someone approaching.

"Why are you afraid of someone approaching? What is there in such a barren land? Anyone who comes out will be killed by us!"

"That is, someone just came to ask where the earth is?"

At this moment, Tang Zhong approached the spaceship and stopped. He wanted to know what these people were here for.

Directly communicate with the spaceship ahead with the help of the spaceship.

He shouted in the spaceship: "Who is coming?"

The people from Tiande Universe Kingdom immediately asked, "Tell me, where is the earth?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong thought that these people came here for the sake of the earth, and they must be worthy of the plot, but he was a little shocked, these people actually knew the existence of the earth, it must be Wei Wei who said it!
(End of this chapter)

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