Chapter 1658 Three years left!

These people actually know the existence of the earth.

If there is no accident, it must be Wei Wei who said it. What is Wei Wei telling these people about the earth?

Tang Zhong remained calm and said, "This place is not far from the earth!"

Then he turned on the monitoring device to monitor what the other party said in the spaceship?
The small spaceship has the same function as the Douluo.

"Lock the source of the pronunciation!" Tang Zhong ordered.

Then a wave invisible to the naked eye was released from the spaceship, covering the spaceship that destroyed the universe that day.

Douluo is not a class higher than those spaceships, even if those spaceships are being monitored, they don't know it.

And now Tang Zhong heard everything said in the other party's spaceship.

"Haha, it's really the earth, that's great, quickly find the parents of the mistress, and bring them back to host the wedding for the mistress!"

"King Mie will definitely reward us greatly, cool!"

These words were all heard by Tang Zhong, and he instantly understood why these people came here?Wei Wei must be dragging them away from marrying the King Mie, saying that they will only get married after finding the earth.

In the vast universe, the earth is simply a drop in the ocean, and it is too difficult to find.

This also dragged Tang Zhong for a long time!

Wei worked hard!
Tang Zhong can even feel that Wei Wei has been waiting for him!

Now you know what these people are here for?Then absolutely can't stay.

As long as Wei Wei's biological mother is not found, the wedding can still be delayed for a while!
At this time, the people from the universe that destroyed the universe stared at Tang Zhong and said: "Since you know where the earth is? Then take us there now!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said: "If you guys are looking for the earth, you don't need to drive a spaceship as big as yours. Just be my spaceship. When I send you there, you can give us some money!"

"What are you? You want money from us. If you don't give it to us, we'll kill you!" The general who destroyed the universe that day saw that the meritorious service was close at hand, and cursed directly.

"Okay, okay, come quickly, I'll send you there right away!" Tang Zhong said.

He did this on purpose.

Let these people come over first. If he wants to do something, he can destroy the other party's spaceship, but the other party's spaceship may still be useful, so it is best not to destroy it!
He believed that those people would definitely come over.

I saw a dozen people on the other party's spaceship come out together, and not even a single person stayed on their spaceship to guard it!

This is exactly what Tang Zhong thought.

A few people came to Tang Zhong's spaceship and cursed: "Let us in quickly, and then take us there, or I will let you die!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said hastily.

Lock a few people into the spaceship.

After everyone entered the spaceship, the corners of Tang Zhong's mouth raised slightly.

Seeing Tang Zhong's performance, the general didn't fly the spaceship, and roared directly: "Boy, what are you waiting for, quickly fly the spaceship for me, or I'll kill you!"

"Oh!" Tang Zhong replied, turning his back to the general at first, then turned around suddenly, the magic sword was already in his hand, and directly chopped the opponent in half!

Before the general could react, he fell to the ground, bleeding all over the ground.

The others were all waiting for meritorious deeds, but they never expected such a scene to happen. They all became terrified and looked at Tang Zhong: "You killed our general, you are courting death!"

Tang Zhong didn't even look at them, but ordered: "Douluo, activate the order to kill!"

"Yes, Master!"

Douluo answered his words.

In an instant, laser thunder appeared on the spaceship, pouring directly from the tops of those people.

This is the function of Douluo, which can activate killing.

The scene is bloody!

With screams again and again, they fell to the ground one after another, completely losing their vitality

Tang Zhong ignored them and left his spaceship.

"Clear the battlefield, Douluo!"

Tang Zhong got out of the spaceship, and the Douluo turned on the automatic cleaning to completely clean the corpses and blood.

And Tang Zhong went directly to the spaceship of Tiande Universe Kingdom.

Huge spaceships float in the air.

As soon as he entered, he immediately looked for the communication!

He couldn't find out about the affairs of the Heavenly Mie Universe Country in other places, but he could be sure that this place would definitely be able to find out about the affairs of the Heavenly Mie Universe Country.

He went to the accusation room.

I quickly cast my eyes on the big screen, only to realize that these spaceships are collectively controlled.

Then wait for others to issue orders.

You have to be careful, and the commander-in-chief must not let the people in the spaceship find out that the people in the spaceship are dead!
He entered the big screen and entered the virtual network of the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom.

When I entered, I saw the homepage, a bright red character, which attracted Tang Zhong's attention!

There are still three years until the National Day of the Universe!
Three years!

National Day?

Tang focused on opening the content, wanting to see what's inside!
After seeing the words inside, the whole person was dumbfounded.

On National Day, it was the day of King Mie's wedding!
Mie Wang is going to marry Wei Wei on the National Day of Tian Mie Universe Three years later!

Three years...,

Tang Zhong's fists were clenched together, there are still three years, it is really too short, I have no time, what should I do, what should I do?
I don't know why Tang Zhong, who has always been calm, is completely flustered now. He took a breath to make himself look more stable. He must not panic. He still has three years, no matter whether he succeeds or not, this is the only chance.

He also knows now that Wei Wei has never given up on him and is still waiting for him, otherwise she wouldn't have been delaying him.

Therefore, he can't panic even more, no matter what happens in three years, he will pass!
Three years...too short!

But these three years, he had to live longer than 30 years!
At this moment, a questioning voice suddenly came from above the spaceship: "Formation 021545, how did you find it today? After listening to your report yesterday, we will find the hometown of the mistress!"

This must be the leader of these people talking, and these people must not be allowed to discover the earth.

"It was reported yesterday that there was an error!" Tang Zhong said.

The leader didn't seem to notice the problem: "Trash, if there is another false news, you are dead, well, keep looking!"

The source of information hangs up directly.

Tang Zhong let out a long sigh of relief.

The spaceship couldn't stay longer, and now he knew what he was after.

Then the spaceship has to be disposed of.

The extremely fast flight state was directly turned on, and it was in an unmanned state, and the spacecraft was adjusted in one direction and flew away from the earth!
If it is destroyed directly, it will be bad. The headquarters will definitely find out the area where the spaceship is located, and the problem will be even more troublesome then!
I saw that the spaceship that destroyed the universe country was moving away very quickly that day.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists, feeling full of pressure in his heart, let alone wasting time, three years, must be grasped firmly, otherwise, everything is over, Wei Wei, you believe me, this time, it will definitely be the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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