Chapter 1659 Late Night Talk!

After Tang Zhong dealt with the spaceship, he immediately returned to the Milky Way. There were still three years left, and he couldn't waste any more.

He must complete his deployment faster!
Parents taught others to take care of her, this time it must not be Xia Yuqing, he wants to take Xia Yuqing away!

He is leaving the Milky Way, and as for the Star Wind Domain, he will definitely recognize the new Lord of the Galaxy!

On the same day, he directly selected a few talented earthlings, took the spaceship, and prepared to go back to the predators!

He must build his own power!

The predator allowed him to go home to visit relatives, but it couldn't be for a long time, half a month had already passed.

Now that he has gone back, he has visited his relatives.

on the ship.

He explained to the selected earthlings where they were going in the future.

"The place you are going to in the future is called the Predator. It is a cruel place, and the people who can enter are all domain masters!" Tang Zhong explained.

Those people didn't know what level the domain master was. After listening to Tang Zhong's explanation, their eyes became scorching hot. They never thought that there was such a strong person in the vast universe. They used to think that star-level It is already very strong.

After the final explanation, Tang Zhong asked them to rest.

And I sat alone by the window of the spaceship, looking out!

Xia Yuqing didn't know when she came to his side: "Let me guess, what are you thinking now? I guess you must have heard bad news, otherwise you wouldn't be so downcast!"

Tang Zhong tilted his head slightly: "Yes!"

He wasn't surprised, he and Xia Yuqing had lived together since childhood, and the other party knew everything he thought.

"It's about Wei Wei!" Xia Yuqing continued to ask.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Where is she?" Xia Yuqing continued to ask.

"She...was snatched away by someone else, a very strong person, the ruler of the universe kingdom, I am no match for that person, and after three years, that ruler will force Wei Wei to marry, I still have three years!" Tang Zhong said.

"So you're downcast?" Xia Yuqing said.

"I didn't!" Tang Zhong said.

"But I think you have!" Xia Yuqing said: "Weiwei chose you, she loves you, and you love her too, so you shouldn't hang your head down and stand up like a man, you know?"

"I..." Tang Zhong was really scared, it could be said that he was scared.

There are still three years... the time is too fast!
"What are you?" Xia Yuqing slapped her directly.


It hit Tang Zhong in the face: "Tang Zhong... cheer up, you are the super soldier king of the earth... you are the savior of the earth, do you know that? In the eyes of the people on earth, you are omnipotent, so you can't Saying that I am weak, moreover, in my eyes, you are also omnipotent, you are omnipotent... I think in Wei Wei’s eyes, you are also omnipotent!"

Tang Zhong was beaten so stupidly that he didn't speak for a long time.

"Besides, what are you afraid of? You still have me? Don't worry, if I'm here, I'll help you and get Wei Wei back!" Xia Yuqing smiled brightly, like the sun.

At that moment, Tang Zhong's heart was suddenly illuminated. He was indeed afraid, and it was an unprecedented fear. However, at that second just now, the fear seemed to have not faded away.

Yes, he should be invincible.

It's only been three years, Wei Wei hasn't given up yet, why should he be afraid?
Your women insist on it, you are afraid, what is the matter?
"I... I will!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists and said.

"This is the Tang Zhong I know, yes, yes, I admire you very much, and it's not in vain that I trained you since childhood!" Xia Yuqing said with a smile.

He hugged Tang Zhong's neck.

Tang Zhong's neck turned red with a brush.

"What? Just touch it, and you'll turn red. You... why are you still the same as before!" Xia Yuqing said with a smile, but even though it was a smile, the corners of her mouth were still full of bitterness!

"I..." Tang Zhong didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, I think I'm not going to tease you. In the future, I will follow you and rely on you to take care of me. I dare not provoke you. If one day, you get angry and throw me away, I will be finished. Nuo Da Universe, no one will take me in!" Xia Yuqing said.

"I won't!" Tang Zhong said anxiously.

"Really?" Xia Yuqing looked excited.

"Of course!" Tang nodded.

Xia Yuqing obviously realized that she was too abnormal, so she hurriedly said, "Okay, I don't care about you, let's have a good rest!"

After finishing speaking, she left. When facing Tang Zhong, she still behaved normally, but when her back was turned to Tang Zhong, the expression on her face was very exciting. Of course, she might I can't forget it in my life.

Tang Zhong looked at Xia Yuqing, thinking of what they said just now, his heart was full of fighting spirit!

Three years... and three more years!
Tang Zhong, you won't let the one you love down, right?

At night, the spaceship flies automatically, and after a few days, reaches the Marauder.

He brought Xia Yuqing and the others back.

There are five people in total!
In the beginning, the looters did not allow Tang Zhong and the others to bring people in.

But when Tang Zhong revealed his identity as a predator.

The opponent let go.

Silver predators already have enough benefits in the predator organization, for example, they can bring people into the predators and take care of their own daily life!
He directly took Xia Yuqing and the others back to his home. They had never seen such a savage thing before.

The home can be so smart.

"Is this your current home?" Xia Yuqing asked in shock.

"Yes, from now on, you will live here with me!" Tang Zhong said.

Thinking about tomorrow, he will look for a relationship. No matter what, these people will gain a foothold among the predators. They can't be a predator, but they can be a servant.

In a strong place, the rate of growth also becomes faster.

But who knows.

A woman came to visit.

When Ye Xinxin heard that Tang Zhong was back, he hurried over to put it up, and as soon as he entered the door, he yelled Tang Zhong's name.

Immediately saw Xia Yuqing.

Immediately, Ye Xinxin's heart trembled, it was so beautiful!

Tang Zhong looked at Ye Xinxin and said, "Senior Sister Ye, why are you here?"

"I... I heard that you're back, so I'll take a look!" Ye Xinxin murmured, "Then... that person is your girlfriend?"

she?Tang Zhong was taken aback: "She...she is me...I..."

Tang Zhong found that he didn't know how to introduce Xia Yuqing.

She didn't know where to put Xia Yuqing.

But when he saw Ye Xinxin, he laughed: "Senior Sister Ye, please do me a favor!"

Ye Xinxin was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"I want her to go to your Fengxuan Pavilion? How about it?" Tang Zhong said.

This is the only place where Xia Yuqing can be arranged.

He, Tang Zhong, was being targeted everywhere among the predators, but in Fengxuan Pavilion, with Ye Xinxin present, Xia Yuqing would definitely be very safe.

(End of this chapter)

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