Chapter 1660 The Third Secretary's Tea Party!

Ye Xinxin was stunned: "Okay, it's okay, we don't want men in Fengxuan Pavilion, but we definitely want women, let me see how strong she is?"

Then Ye Xinxin looked at Xia Yuqing, completely dumbfounded, then looked at Tang Zhong and said: "A warrior, you let him join our Fengxuan Pavilion?"

"Yes? Don't you accept it?" Tang Zhong looked at Ye Xinxin and said.

"Take it, this... I can't take it!" Ye Xinxin was dumbfounded.

Tang Zhong said: "Sister Ye, just do me this favor!"

"I..." Ye Xinxin felt a little regretful, why did he come here!

Of course she doesn't care, but if the pavilion master finds out that she has accepted a warrior!
That would be a disaster!
"Okay!" Ye Xinxin could only agree!

"Thank you, Sister Ye!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at Xia Yuqing and said, "Yuqing, you can follow them from now on, follow me, I'm afraid you will get hurt!"

What Tang Zhong said was absolutely true. Xia Yuqing followed him now, what would happen if he didn't protect her, and it was impossible for him to protect the other party all the time, so there was no problem teaching Fengxuan Pavilion.

Xia Yuqing nodded. She didn't know how cruel the competition was until she came to this predator. Anyone here is absolutely strong, and even stronger than anyone in the Milky Way.

So she was afraid that she would become Tang Zhong's burden!

"Hmm!" Xia Yuqing said.

"Go!" Tang Zhong said.

Xia Yuqing walked to Ye Xinxin's side.

Ye Xinxin took a look at Xia Yuqing. Just now, he felt that this girl was pretty good-looking. Now that he looked at it from such a close distance, he realized that this girl's appearance was simply astonishing!
"I'm Ye Xinxin!" Ye Xinxin stretched out his hand.

"Xia Yuqing!"

"Let's go, follow me to Fengxuan Pavilion from now on!" Ye Xinxin said, "It's just that I can't let you become our Fengxuan Pavilion's disciple!"

"You don't need to be a disciple, any status is fine!" Xia Yuqing said hastily.

"Yeah!" Ye Xinxin nodded, and left with Xia Yuqing.

Originally, I came here to have a look, but I didn't expect to take a person back, and now I don't know how to explain so many words after I go back!
Tang Zhong watched Xia Yuqing being taken away, and grinned. He was most worried about Xia Yuqing, but Xia Yuqing should be safe now.

Then he looked at these earthlings who were brought along at the same time.

These people, Tang Zhong will not let them leave, these people, he will build, create his own first force among the predators.

Because, even if he went to the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom now, what's the use?
Is he going to face the Heaven Destroyer Universe Kingdom by himself?
That was impossible, he had to find a backer, and the predator was the best backer.

As long as you get the approval of the predators, it is not difficult to fight against the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom!
"From now on, I will control you? Do you know?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

These earthlings are carefully selected.

It was the best on earth back then.

These people can break through to warriors in places like the earth where the cosmic energy is exhausted, and they will soon become planetary ranks. It can be seen what talent is, and they may become stronger when they come to this predator.

Tang Zhong believed that he would never be wrong!
"I will guide you in practice every day. You just need to listen. If someone asks you, just say you are my servant!" Tang Zhong said.


"Let's all get ready!" Tang Zhong said: "By the way, your names will disappear from now on. The three of you are called Tang Yi, Tang Er, and Tang San!"

The three nodded!

For these three people, Tang Zhong planned to make them very strong.

And if he wants to improve the fastest, he has to train him himself, but he doesn't have time at all, so it's completely appropriate to teach another person.

Then Tang Zhong took out Xieyan and released Tang Ao.

Tang Ao, the blood spirit puppet that Tang Zhong once refined, has his own spiritual consciousness, and Tang Zhong gave him the name.

As soon as Tang Ao appeared, he said, "Master!"

"In the future, you will train the three of them!" Tang Zhong pointed to Tang Yi and the other three and said to Tang Ao.

Tang Ao glanced at the three of them, and immediately said coldly: "Yes!"

"Go, start today!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at Tang Yisan and said: "His name is Tang Ao, and he will be your instructor from now on. No matter what happens in the future, you must listen to your instructor!"

"Yes!" Although Tang Yi and the others saw Tang Ao's fear, this man was too cold, like a devil, but this was Tang Zhong's order, they would not resist, but nodded.

Hand it over to Tang Ao, Tang Zhong is absolutely at ease, now he has other things to do.

I have been away for so long, and I haven't seen Situ Kong for a long time, so I thought about going to visit him!
Tang Zhong made a spaceship when he went there this time. He knew the way and arrived at the small island very quickly.

When Situkong saw Tang Zhong, he laughed: "Why do you come to me, a bad old man, when you have time!"

"I went back to my hometown this time, and now I have something to give you!" Tang Zhong said.

Then a lot of tea leaves were brought out!

They are all brought from the earth.

After Situ Kong glanced at it, his pupils suddenly brightened up: "These tea leaves are so fresh? Your hometown is really a treasure land!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Then he made tea himself and gave Situ Kong a drink!
The old and the young talked for a lot of days.

"By the way, it's the Sansi tea party soon, are you going?" Situ Kong said.

Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment: "What is the Sansi Tea Party?"

"You don't know? Then let me tell you, it's a tea party held between Virtual Universe Company, Predator, and Universe Star University. To be precise, it's a sorority party!" Situ Kong said.

"What's the point of that?" Tang Zhong didn't understand.

What's so good about going to a sorority?

"It means a lot? I see that you go to the Hall of Fame every day. I think you want to become stronger. As for what you want to become stronger, I don't ask, but I can remind you that if you can get a Good ranking, you will have a higher voice among the predators!" Situ Kong said.

Tang Zhong heard this, he needs to become stronger now, and he just needs the right to speak: "I will participate!"

"Very good, then I will report your name!" Situ Kong said.

"Do you still need to report your name?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

"That's natural. Do you think you can attend the Sansi Tea Party casually?" Situ blankly gave Tang Zhong a look.

"In this universe, there are three organizations that are not under the control of other universe countries, namely the Predator, the Virtual Universe Company, and the Star Universe University, which correspond to soldiers, merchants, and studies!"

(End of this chapter)

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