Chapter 1661 Replacement!

Soldiers, merchants, studies?
Now that Tang Zhong thought about it carefully, this was really the case.

The predators are like a military department, and all the predators are like soldiers, they can absorb talents from the major cosmic countries!

The virtual universe company is a business that spreads all over the universe.

There is also the Universal Star University, which is learning, and all people can enter it to learn talents and become generals in the universe!

"The three forces do not need the management of any cosmic forces, but are independent!" Situ Kong said.

"Then if that's the case, they won't be in any danger, so what are you going to do with the Sansi Tea Party?" Tang Zhong didn't understand.

"Do you think that the three strengths don't need to protect themselves? In fact, as long as the three divisions tea party is for communication, they will be divided into first, second and third. Of course, you also understand that being the first will definitely be happy, and being the last, Designated to be depressed, so the people who participated in the Sansi tea party are all absolute geniuses, either they are talented in cultivation, or they are talented in other places, such as flying a spaceship... You are very talented in your cultivation, so you can go!" Situ Kong Said.

Tang Zhong understood this.

"Then I'm going!"

"Okay, then I'll report your name!" Situ Kong said: "The quota is very tight. Each person can only apply for one name. Usually, the master will apply for the most proud disciple!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he immediately knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "Master, please accept my apprentice's respect!"

It is said that the master asked the disciple to go, how could Tang Zhong fail to understand the meaning of the other party's words.

He knelt directly on the ground.

Moreover, Situ Kong is very strong, if he worships him as his teacher, he will not have to worry about anything in the future!
On the other hand, Situ Kong was stunned, staring at Tang Zhong, and it took him a long time to realize: "You are quite clever, you actually take advantage of me, a bad old man!"

"Master, just accept me as an apprentice. I know that I have been able to go smoothly for such a long time because of the master. I know how to repay my kindness, and I hope to repay the master in the future!" Tang Zhong said.

"Get up!" Situ Kong said.

"If you don't accept me as an apprentice, I won't get up!" Tang Zhong said.

"You kid, you're still acting like a rascal!" Situ Kong laughed: "I promise you now!"

"Master!" Tang Zhong got up immediately and looked at Situ Kong.

"Okay!" Situ Kong laughed, and he also smiled happily, obviously admiring Tang Zhong as a disciple.

"Master, you asked me to attend the Sansi tea party, I... I'm afraid I can't do it!" Tang Zhong rubbed his hands together.


Situ Kong laughed loudly: "Then I can't make you feel ashamed?"

"Yes, yes!" Tang Zhong blushed when he heard the other party's words. The reason why he said that was because he wanted to ask for something from the other party!

But he didn't expect that everything he thought was seen through by the other party, and he was a little shy immediately, but he was used to being shameless, he just wanted things.

"Give this to you!" Situ Kong pointed out, and a beam of light directly entered Tang Zhong's mind.

That's a text!
"This is?" Tang Zhong was dumbfounded after seeing the text.

"Thunder and fire startle the dragon!" Situ Kong said: "My unique skill in the way of thunder and fire!"

Tang Zhong looked at the martial arts, his eyes brightened.

This thing is a good thing.

Thunder Fire Dao is mainly about speed, but this Thunder Fire Shocking Dragon is very strange, not only fast, but also very powerful attack!
With thunder and fire as a guide, the dragon and the sky will change!

"Thank you, master!" Tang Zhong couldn't stop his excitement.

If this thing is cultivated successfully, it will be like stepping on a dragon, and its speed will be accelerated, and the strength of its normal attack will be ten times stronger than usual. This is a qualitative improvement for his cultivation base.

"I've given you everything, let's go!" Situ Kong said.

"Master Xie, I will come to see you another day!" Tang Zhong said.

Take the things, then turn around and leave, board the spaceship and leave.

And just as Tang Zhong left, someone came in from outside. It was the same person from before, looking at Situ Kong anxiously. He heard about the matter of accepting apprentices just now: "Master Situ, are you rashly accepting apprentices like this? This is appropriate. ?"

"It's suitable, what's not suitable!" Situ Kong laughed.

"You haven't accepted an apprentice for hundreds of years..."

"Happy today, take one!"

"But look at the character of that Tang Zhong?"

"Character... You can't see it, you can only know it later, but at least I think this young man is good now!"

That man was silent, this was something decided by Situ beating someone, he didn't want to intervene, but he was very envious of Tang Zhong, who actually got Master Situ's approval!
"By the way, go and report a name to San Si's tea party!" Situ Kong said.

"My lord? What are you talking about, you want to recommend that Tang Zhong to the Sansi Tea Party?" The man was shocked.

"Yes!" Situ Kong said.

"Ah!" The man nodded and went to do it.

When Tang Zhong went back, he directly practiced thunder and fire to startle the dragon.

This is probably the root of Lei Huo Dao. He has decided on the tea party of the third division.

And he had to shine on it, so that the high-level predators could notice him.

On the other side, Situ Kong's subordinates have already reported Tang Zhong's name to the Sansi tea party!
The third party tea party is an event completed by the Marauder Ministry of Foreign Affairs!
The people who choose to participate in the tea party can't be too strong, they can only be chosen among the silver predators!

Coupled with Situ Kong's influence, Tang Zhong's name soon appeared on it, representing the looters to attend the Sansi tea party. The crowd had already been set, but one of them was removed and Tang Zhong was added.

And this moment.

In the camp of fighters!

But there is one person with an extremely ugly face!
This person is eight feet tall, and he is extremely angry at the moment.

Beside her, there was a woman crying, "Brother Ming, why should my name be removed?"

The woman is quite pretty, but she is still a little bit far from the beauty of the country.

The man called Brother Ming, he is the boss of the Fighter Battalion, his name is Cheng Ming, and his face is ugly at this moment: "Obviously the list of the three ministers' tea party has been confirmed, my master Zhao Wuji asked you to join me, I suspect that someone replaced you, I have already sent someone to investigate, and there should be results soon!"

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.

Going to the Sansi tea party is an opportunity to show your face, and no one wants to miss it!

It took a long time before there was news, and it came from within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Your girlfriend's name was replaced by a man named Tang Zhong!"

When Cheng Ming heard this, his expression turned ugly.

Cheng Ming is very familiar with the name Tang Zhong. He is the one who insulted his master Zhao Wuji. He has been looking for time to trouble Tang Zhong, and even sent his servants to provoke him, but there has been no result. He didn't want to do it himself, but now, he had to do it. He wanted to destroy Tang Zhong.

"Damn, what, dare to occupy my girlfriend's list, wait, kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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