Chapter 1666 Bullied!
Tang Zhong doesn't know that he has been targeted.

Instead, they are on the spaceship, going to the University of the Universe and Starry Sky.

Along the way, Lie Qiuxue was by Tang Zhong's side all the time, she was really curious about Tang Zhong, what did Tang Zhong do that day, which allowed her to understand the kung fu and improve her strength!

"Hey, where are you from?" Lie Qiuxue asked.

Tang Zhong didn't want to pay attention to Lie Qiuxue at all, but acted as if nothing happened!
Don't care about Lie Qiuxue at all!

And this made Lie Qiuxue even more curious, who is she?The owner of the Fengxuan Pavilion is also a prominent figure among the younger generation of predators. She would not talk to a person in this way, but now Tang Zhong is fine, with such an attitude.

To be honest, Tang Zhong ignored Lie Qiuxue, which made Lie Qiuxue feel uncomfortable!
"Hey, let me ask you something!"

She really wanted to ask Tang Zhong what happened in the cave that day, but in the end she kept her mouth shut. With so many people around, if they heard about it, it would be bad for her reputation!
I can't find any information about Tang Zhong!

Lie Qiuxue stopped asking, gave Tang Zhong a hard look, and stopped talking!
It's very quiet in the spaceship!

Because I know that the upcoming tea party of the three divisions, the Predator, the Universe Star University, and the grand gathering of the three forces of the virtual universe company.

The spaceship travels through time and space.

When they arrived at the space station, they were released directly. The symbol of the predator cannot be stopped by any cosmic country!
finally reached!
Universe Star University!

They didn't go to the main entrance of the Universe Star University, but docked at the harbor!

There, the Universe Star University has sent to pick them up.

After the spaceship came to a steady stop, all the people came down from it.

Lei Wu was the first to come down to negotiate with the people from Universe Star University.

Tang Zhong and the others came down and gathered together.

Although the people on the spaceship are all high-ranking among the predators, but here, they represent the predators, and none of them is a proud person!

That's what Predator training is all about!

After Tang Zhong got down, he looked around carefully, and there were spaceships everywhere.

I have to say, it's huge here!
At the same time, I also saw that in another large spaceship, some people came down after taking a rest. Judging by the appearance of those people, they didn't look like they belonged to Universe Star University, they should belong to Virtual Universe Company!

After a while, Lei Wu came over after negotiating, and said, "Everyone come with me!"


Everyone immediately followed behind without saying a word!
Lei Wu explained to them on the road that the place they are going to now is the rest area prepared for them by the University of Universe and Starry Sky. He also told them not to do anything after arriving at the rest area and just start resting. Someone hand out room cards to you!
Everyone nodded and didn't ask too many questions, just followed behind.

After a while it will arrive.

But they found that the resting place given to them by Universal Star University is not inside the college, but on the outskirts!
And it's the kind of one-bedroom!
There are already people waiting there, handing out room cards, one in each hand, and then looking for accommodation according to the room cards!

Tang Zhong's room card is 39!

He soon arrived at Residence No. 39, which was a single room next to No. 38.

This kind of houses are adjacent, 38 and 39 are next to each other!
Tang Zhong was just about to go in.

"Tang Zhong, what a coincidence!" Lie Qiuxue came out from the side.

"Ah?" Tang Zhong was dumbfounded, how could he be with this person, this is really not ordinary bad luck!
"Are you happy with my neighbor?" Lie Qiuxue asked.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, just walked in, and closed the door with a bang.

Lie Qiuxue was left outside trembling with anger, and he couldn't vent his anger: "This guy, if others want to be with me, Lie Qiuxue, they don't have a chance. If you have a chance, don't you know how to cherish it!"

After Tang Zhong closed the door, he went straight to sleep.

The Sansi Tea Party should just be a discussion, so maintaining a good mental outlook is the most important thing.

I don't know how long it took, someone knocked on the door outside!
Tang Zhong opened the door in a daze, only to see Lie Qiuxue grinning at him outside.

Lie Qiuxue couldn't bear it anymore, and when she returned to her room, she really couldn't sleep. She wanted to discuss something with Tang Zhong all night, but this guy knew that there was such a young and beautiful girl living next door, and he could still hold his breath. This made Lie Qiuxue very uncomfortable, so she decided to take the initiative!

Tang Zhong directly closed the door.

This woman is so annoying!

Lie Qiuxue was outside the door and became furious. No one had dared to treat him like this before. In a fit of anger, he pushed towards Tang Zhong's door.

Bang, the door was directly stepped on.

Then Lie Qiuxue walked in: "I just want to come in!"

Tang Zhong was dumbfounded, this woman is really annoying, now it's all right, the door is open, so why come in?
"Boy, what exactly are you cultivating?" Lie Qiuxue asked with a smile.

There is no sense of guilt for damaging Tang Zhong's door just now.

"I won't tell you!" Tang Zhong said.

Lie Qiuxue shamelessly continued: "Tell me, I can double cultivate with you!"

Tang Zhong almost spewed water from his mouth: "Get lost!"

Lie Qiuxue didn't feel embarrassed at all: "Come on, let's double cultivate with me!"

She was really curious about what Tang Zhong did that night to make his strength soar. She wanted to figure it out, because she had been in the Nine Heavens for many years, if she didn't improve, she would really collapse!

After speaking, come forward!

Tang Zhong would not follow.

"I'm telling you, if you don't obey, I'll call someone!" Lie Qiuxue said.

"Despicable and shameless!" Tang Chong gritted his teeth angrily.

This woman is very annoying!

"Hey, you wait!" Lie Qiuxue immediately went up to save Tang Zhong, tore the other's clothes, and then shouted: "Someone is bullying!"

Her hands kept pulling on Tang Zhong's clothes.

"Let go!" Tang Zhong said.

"I won't let go!"

"If you don't let go, just wait!"

"Oh, I'm afraid of you, I'm a girl!" Lie Qiuxue shouted.

It doesn't matter to her, if she can double cultivate with Tang Zhong, this man may be a treasure, if she can improve her realm, she can do anything!
Tang Zhong felt that he couldn't break free, and was about to make a move.

Just at this time.


From the outside, a person with a happy face came, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was in a mess.

Hearing the voice, Lie Qiuxue and Tang Zhong separated quickly. Someone must be here!
Lie Qiuxue was just forcing Tang Zhong, but she didn't want to be found out.

At this time, at the door, a young man, wearing the uniform of the University of Universe and Starry Sky, said with a very embarrassed look: "That...does that bother you two? If it does, I'll come back later!"

(End of this chapter)

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