Chapter 1667 Heavenly Stele!
Only Tang Zhong and Lie Qiuxue realized that their behavior was a bit embarrassing!
Lie Qiuxue got up, let's talk about this scene first!

When Lie Qiuxue left, Tang Zhong saw the person who came, and this person was Qin Yu, who had done missions with Tang Zhong and others before!
Qin Yu was in the University of Universe and Starry Sky, when he heard that Tang Zhong was here this time, he rushed here without saying a word!
" Tang, I didn't bother you!" Qin Yu said.

"No!" Tang Zhong was also a little embarrassed, he changed the subject: "By the way, why are you here?"

"I heard that you are coming, so I came here immediately, by the way, Ye Xinxin, is Miss Ye here?" Qin Yu said.

"No!" Tang Zhong said.

"It is said that the people who came to the Sansi Tea Party are very powerful. I said Brother Tang, you must be the so-called strong!" Qin Yu said after examining Tang Zhong.

"I... it's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't say much!
"Since you are here, as a guest, I have to treat you to dinner!" Qin Yu said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong immediately agreed.

He didn't mean that he agreed because Qin Yu invited him to dinner, but he followed Qin Yu and was able to wander around the University of Universe and Starry Sky.

You must know that the Universe Star University used to be the place where Wei Wei was, and there were traces and breath of Wei Wei here, so he wanted to find Wei Wei!
Seeing that Tang Zhong agreed, Qin Yu took Tang Zhong to the restaurant.

There are also many restaurants in the Universe Star University!
Randomly found a restaurant, Qin Yu seemed to be a regular customer of this restaurant, the boss saw that Qin Yu had brought someone here and specially offered half the price!
The gift is still the best spirit beast meat!

After the two of them ate and drank enough.

Tang Zhong proposed to go to the Universe and Star University for a stroll!
Theoretically, it is impossible for Tang Zhong to go shopping alone, but it is different with Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn't think much about it, and when he heard that Tang was going shopping, he immediately said, "Brother Tang, you want to see our university, go, I'll take you to see it!"

"Alright, Universal University is the supreme university in the universe. If I come here once, if I don't pay a visit, it will be in vain!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let's go!"

The huge house number of Universal University hangs in the air!
Although it is said to be a university in the universe, it is exactly the same as the universities on the earth, and this universe starry sky university looks very old, it is obviously out of date!
The six characters of Universe Star University are vivid!

Qin Yu introduced: "Brother Tang, what do you think of the names of our university?"

"Very good, this word is strong and powerful, it must be the master's handwriting!" Tang Zhong said.

"This is indeed the master's handwriting, but it's that master, so I don't know!" Qin Yu said.

"Oh, that's how it is!" Tang nodded his head.

"Come in with me!" Qin Yu said.

On this word, there is a golden light blooming slowly, Tang Zhong is also curious when he looks at it!

But he didn't care, and followed Qin Yu to move on!

There are also security guards at the door, but they are the kind of robot security guards. After Qin Yu walked over, he took out his university nameplate. The robot's eyes radiated red light, and after it radiated once, it let Qin Yu pass by!
Because Tang Zhong followed Qin Yu, the electronic security guard also let him go.

As soon as he entered the campus, Tang Zhong was shocked immediately. In the front was a huge stone tablet. There were many symbols engraved on the stone tablet. Those symbols were so mysterious that Tang Zhong couldn't understand them!
"This is Tianshi... It's the treasure of my universe starry sky university, isn't it good!" Qin Yu said: "I heard that there are many secrets in this thing, just in those strange symbols, but few people can understand it, Not even our headmaster, there were many people who wanted to learn about this stele, but no one understood it, so we don’t need to waste time here, let’s go!”

And Tang Zhong stared at the stele carefully. The characters on the stele were so strange. Although he didn't know them, he felt that these characters were very familiar!
"No, since this stele is a treasure, why is it still here?" Tang Zhong was very surprised.

"Haha, don't you understand what I mean? The treasure I'm talking about is an antonym. This is a very strange stone tablet. The symbols on it are not understood by anyone. It's just like the book of heaven, so it's called Tianshi!" Qin Yu said.

"How long has this stele been here?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"It's been a long time. I heard that when the Universe Star University was founded, this stele was here. I heard that the school planned to transfer this stele a long time ago, but they couldn't pry the stele at all. There is nothing to do with the stele, and no one cares about it later, so just throw it here!" Qin Yu said: "Okay, don't waste time, I'll take you to see other places!"

Tang Zhong nodded, Qin Yu continued to guide, and Tang Zhong followed behind, but he did not forget to look back at the stone tablet. The symbols on it were very strange, but what happened to that kind feeling?
Suddenly, a howling sound came from Tang Zhong's ear, as if something had been suppressed, not only the roar of wild beasts, but also the sound of rattling iron chains!

He narrowed his eyes immediately, and turned around abruptly. The voice just now was nearby, but when he turned around, he found that there was nothing, only the quiet Tianshi, and the students from the University of Universe and Starry Sky who were going back and forth.

what happened?What the hell happened just now?
Qin Yu walked a few steps, turned around and found that Tang Zhong hadn't followed, he was a little strange: "What's wrong with you, Tang Zhong?"

"Did you hear the voice just now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"What voice are you talking about?" Qin Yu laughed.

"The beast, the iron chain...the roaring sound!" Tang Zhong said.

"Haha, you... You must be hallucinating. There are such voices over there. This is the Universe Star University. There will be such voices there. Let's go, don't waste time!" Qin Yu said.

Tang Zhong was very surprised, the voice was so clear just now, how could it not?

Strange, is it really an auditory hallucination?

He took another look at the Heavenly Stele in distress, and followed behind Qin Yu. He was very surprised, what happened just now?

Just as Tang Zhong walked for a while, the runes on the stone tablet flickered with golden light, as if it was some kind of formation, but soon, the golden light disappeared in an instant.

And at this time, in the deepest part of the universe starry sky university!

It was in a secret room.

An old man with snow-white hair had an incomparably powerful aura, and countless beams of light slowly burst out. His body carried an aura of history, a very ancient one. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to notice some abnormal movement. , opened his eyes, and from the pupils, a golden light shone out, illuminating the front.

"What's going on? Under the stele of heaven, why did the suppressed thing have such a big reaction?"

(End of this chapter)

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