Chapter 1669 Strange dream!
He is Wei Wei's sustenance, absolutely cannot let Wei Wei hope!
Now that Tang Zhong knew the news, he didn't want to continue shopping anymore. There was no meaning at all here!

It is to bid farewell to Qin Yu and leave here.

Qin Yu didn't say much, thinking that Tang Zhong was tired, so he let him go without saying much.

When Tang Zhong returned to his room, he found that the door had already been repaired. It should be that the people from the Universe Star University repaired it for him after seeing that the door was broken!
Who knew that just after he came back, someone knocked on the door again.

After he opened the door, Lie Qiuxue was at the door!
"You..." Tang Zhong didn't close the door: "Double cultivation is impossible!"

"Eh!" Lie Qiuxue was indeed just about to talk about dual cultivation, and when she heard this, she said, "Then can you tell me what you're cultivating?"

"I'm practicing Thunder Fire Dao, well, there's nothing more to say!" Tang Zhong said.

If Tang Zhong knew that he had caused so much trouble for saving someone last time, Tang Zhong would never save someone again, it would be really annoying.

With a bang, Tang Zhong directly closed the door.

Outside, Lie Qiuxue was trembling with anger, how could this guy let her, a beauty, be outside?
In Fengxuan Pavilion, she, Lie Qiuxue, was the pavilion owner, but for some reason, when she was in front of this man, Lie Qiuxue felt that she was not at all attractive, which made her very frustrated.

"Hmph, kid, sooner or later you won't be able to escape my palm!"

After Lie Qiuxue finished speaking, she went back to her room and closed the door.

Night falls, it's time to rest!
Tang Zhong fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't know how long it had been. Many strange images appeared in his mind.

Those pictures keep changing over and over again!

Finally, consciousness seems to have entered an abyss.

In this abyss, it was extremely dark, and there was fog everywhere, not only that, but also a stench!

Tang Zhong walked towards the abyss bit by bit!

Suddenly, rumbling, a roar appeared, Tang Zhong was very familiar with it, he had heard it there before, it seemed to be the one next to the Heavenly Stone Monument, and now it was clear to his ears!
The surrounding abyss stones shattered and fell down from the sky!

Tang Zhong's eyes widened!

He wants to see what's down there!
But there was a clatter below, and the sound of chains kept ringing!
That roaring sound was very close to him!

Tang Zhong approached, wanting to see what it was, but at that moment, the stench kept approaching him, approaching him without limit!

That moment!
I saw a scarlet eye, the first to appear!
Tang Zhong didn't see clearly what the scarlet-eyed body looked like, but he saw a bone claw lingering with a black aura penetrating towards him!

That was going to tear him apart!

He was chilled to the bone!
He couldn't see clearly what the owner of the bone claw was like, and severe pain came from his body, and blood gushed out!

"Die, Jie Jie, die!"

Tang Zhong woke up suddenly. He looked down at his hand. The hand was still there, and there was nothing wrong with his body. The scene just now was just a dream!

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, it hurt so much, although it was a dream, but for some reason, it always felt so realistic, as if it had happened in real life!
what is going on?Why is there such a strange dream?
He really can't understand!

Someone shouted outside, that voice, it was Lei Wu's voice, apparently to let them gather these predators!
Tang Zhong didn't think much, just went out quickly!
Sure enough, many people gathered outside the door!
Tang Zhong joined the crowd, his face was very ugly, what happened?What happened to that dream?He thought back to yesterday, next to the heavenly stele, if nothing unexpected happened, it must have something to do with that stele!

Yesterday was when I was passing by that stele, and I heard that strange sound, I will go to the stone stele to have a look when I have time!

Lie Qiuxue next to her didn't know when she approached and said, "What's wrong with your face? So unsightly? Could it be because you rejected me?"

Tang Chong gave her a blank look and didn't speak again.

Lie Qiuxue was very angry, did this guy not even reply to her?It was very uncomfortable!
And at this moment, Naleu's voice was loud, as if he was signaling not to speak, and everyone also stopped talking.

"The third division tea party is held today by the University of the Universe and Starry Sky. We met with the high-level executives of the other party yesterday, and today is the opening ceremony. Come with me, don't talk too much, and mess up my predator's position!" Lei Wu said.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison!

Reu is on the road ahead!
Tang Zhong and the others followed closely behind.

Lie Qiuxue wanted to talk to Tang Zhong several times, but the other party ignored him, and there was nothing he could do!
A group of people entered the Universe Star University!

Tang Zhong already came yesterday.

He was already curious about the stele that day, so he had to pay more attention this time!
Today, there are no guards at the gate of Universal Star University, so you can enter at will.

Tang Zhong walked in the middle of the team and glanced at the sky stele in the distance. It still looked ordinary as usual, and he still couldn't understand the symbols on it. When he walked here yesterday, he heard a roar in his ears.

He deliberately stopped for a while today, but this time he didn't hear the roar.

strangeness?Why is there no sound?
Was yesterday really an auditory hallucination?But if it was an auditory hallucination, how could the dream last night be explained?

Seeing Tang Zhong stop, Lie Qiuxue said, "What's the matter Tang Zhong, did you find something when you stopped?"

"No!" Tang Zhong said.

"Could it be because I saw that pretty chick?" Lie Qiuxue laughed.

Surrounded by a lot of students from the University of the Universe and Starry Sky, many of them are beauties!

"Then who can look as good as you?" Tang Zhong said not to be outdone.

"Really? If you think I'm good-looking, then double cultivate with me!"



A group of people walked slowly with Lei Wu, eyes were staring at them everywhere.

This Sansi tea party is indeed a grand event, and it can be seen that the Universe Star University has made enough plans for it!
Balloons everywhere, and a welcome e-banner!

Besides that, there are planes painting in the sky welcome!

It can be seen how welcome they are to those who come to the tea party!

Tang Zhong smiled, but suddenly, he smelled a very bad breath.

Turn around suddenly!

That breath is in the crowd.

But soon, that aura disappeared. The reason why he reacted so much was because this aura was the same as the monster he met last time, but when he turned around, the aura disappeared!
He was stunned for something, it was really strange recently, he always had auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations and so on, it must be because he was too excited.

Then move on.

But what he didn't know was that in the crowd, there was a person staring at them!

(End of this chapter)

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